Log started: 12/16/02 8:39:31 PM Seoul - United Nations Plaza It is here that most of the world's decisions are made. The kind of power here reflects in the architecture, with the HUGE UN building that holds the General Assembly. Blue and dome shaped in design, it is the only one in the world of its kind, and workplace to the thousands that work here. The perimeter of the General Assembly building is surrounded the flags of every country that has a seat, which is nearly everyone. Outside are a number of other large office buildings, ranging from delegate bureau's, to the Headquarters of the UN PoLIce, to a RepLIforce office. Constantly patrolled and guarded by UN PoLIce, safety is among an utmost concern after the infamous April Fools Day Massacre. Despite that, the place is a very safe environment. Contents: Contents: KaLInka [Formal] [MH] Pyro Squirrel [Standard] [C] Daryn [C] Bridgit Cascio [Casual] [C] Midi [Olddesc] [C] United Nations Vehicle Garages Press Stand : United Nations Building East : Seoul - Northern Commercial District West : Seoul - Tourist District South : Seoul - Historical District North : Seoul - Eastern Residential District $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/17 Posted Author Re: UN Convenes Sun Dec 15 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Due to issues getting one player on, their connecting having died, the UN will meet /tomorrow/, December 16th. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/18 Posted Author Shenangians! Sun Dec 15 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Good evening, and Welcome to GNN World Report. Our top story at this hour is that 4 minutes ago, pubLIc displays all over Maverick Held Germany began to display an image in a form of virulent electronic graffiti. GNN has obtained a copy of the image, as it was sent to us in an anonymous email, and apparently copied to over 100 recipients in the UN, RepLIforce, and the Maverick Hunters. *The Image is a beautiful German Gasthaus, decked in snow against the mountains. In front of it is a long table, at which are seated the following: Dr. Doppler, Sigma, and Vile in Leiderhosen and Burgermeister hats. Violen in a Santa Suit, Serges in a skiing anorak, and Cyber Peacock in a St. PauLI Girl style Barmaid's dress serving them all tall steins of beer. At the bottom of the picture in bright red hoLIday cursive handwriting is the following caption: "SEASON'S GREETINGS FROM MAVERICK GERMANY!"* "And in other news, Agile barks LIke a dog in the streets of Tartarus for money after losing yet another dare. Film after this commercial break." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/19 Posted Author Oregon Gone Wild! Sun Dec 15 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *GNN Nightly News Excert* " And in our top news of the North American region, the state of Oregon was dealt a tremendous catastrophe at its National Park, the home of an entire forest of Redwoods, the world's tallest trees. " A picture is shown....of a flaming, ravaged forest, most of which has been felled by the apparent signs of a devastating battle. " Details are sketchy, but one hour after a sighting of the SS Dreadskull over San Angeles heading northwards, sounds of a massive battle were heard by nearby residents, who quickly fled for cover. Some claim to have seen other Robot Masters heading for the scene, along with a sinGLe sighting of Magna Bass dueLIng an unidentified figure in the sky above the forest..." Blurred picture of Magna Bass heading straight for the Stardroid Mars. " RepLIforce has yet to comment on the situation, though forensics experts are doing their best to gather evidence and reconstruct just what felled so many of these international treasures of botanical LIfe. Now, Smelly Jock with sports..." A large, dirty, musceled reploid appears at a seperate news desk... $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/20 Posted Author TalLIe & The Flaming Croutons! Mon Dec 16 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .....How strange.. HOW INSANE! It appears TalLIe is going to hold a concert in New York, New York! We all remember that heavy metal genius from several months back, when she recited that tear jerking version of Testament's 'Return to Serenity' for the benefit charity. Regardless, TALLIE IS BACK! Doing free concerts per usual, with her large array of fireworks and blasting performance! Comments from the pubLIc of her more previous concert follows... ".....I'm permanently deaf because of the level of sound, but I'd trade my hearing again just for another amazing event......." "....Dude.... I lost my arm to LIke, once of those concerts, because the firework went the wrong.. but it wasn' somethin' I couldn' replace!" ".....TalLIe... Is that the chick who held a concert last spring which had those LIghts and put eighty people into a coma..?" "...I thought she died in an accident with one of her stage props..." Regardless, this is going to be a shockinGLy awesome performance! It will be featuring the following songs - Rubber Ducky The Death of the Devil Devil comes back Devil's contract Die, devil, die! Devil LIves.. and dies... LIves, and finally dies Hell Farm Sick Sick Sick.. You are Sick Our love is tanGLed... LIke Yarn Sweating Gumdrops Hellbunny from Hell The featuring will also be in her brand spankin' new released album 'THE DEVIL LIVES!!(again)' And she is no longer working solo, but is actually in a band! THe band's name...? FLAMING CROUTONS! That's right, folks. Keep an eye out on TalLIe and the Flaming Croutons. They are outstanding. - RolLIng Stone. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/21 Posted Author City of Love and Whine Mon Dec 16 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The Maverick Hunters say that they LIberated us, but what did they really do besides use our city as a battlefield? Many of our warriors were killed to overthrow the Mavericks, while their reploids and ride armors merely sustained damage they can repair. We are left to fend for ourselves against constant Maverick incursions. The Maverick Hunters will not set up a bastion to defend us, they only send help when a Maverick eLIte trooper shows up, and then go back home. We have pleaded for support from the United Nations, but they do not even answer us, they would leave us to suffer and be slaughtered. The Empire cuts off our food and suppLIes and sends only more troops. We are worse of now than before our LIberation. We are real people, not pawns for these GLobal power games, and it is an atrocity that we are treated so, no matter by whom." "It seems conditions are indeed as bad as Pierre says," continues the reporter, "surrender rates are at a high point, and the bakeries are crowded with people buying weapons for self defence..." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/22 Posted Author Seismic disturbances Mon Dec 16 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Shakera Tlandral here, for GNN. Last night, the entire planet was shaken by earthquakes, some of them rather far from any faultLInes. In addition, many volcanoes, including some extinct for centuries erupted. But then... after just a few minutes, all seismic activity ceased. Strange, that." She shrugs and continues on, "In other news, James Bond movies have finally run out of cLIches to use as titles..." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/23 Posted Author Order and Chaos Mon Dec 16 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Great Cult Classic Hit Band Order and Chaos was interviewed earLIer today by EspesOnLIne, a site devoted to the band. The interview holovideo was posted onLIne at several Music Loving Websites across the nation. The video is, well, -this-. An interviewer is interviewing four people. One is Daryn, the other three is a long-blonde haired fellow, an angelform reploid with black wings, and red hairs and eyes, and a blue-haired female. Daryn yawns. Interviewer: "So what do you think of all the top bands reaching records? Is the competition getting too fierce for Order and Chaos?" Daryn bLInks and is nudged in the side by the blue haired woman, "Huh? What?" Interviewer: Er...we were asking about the competition, Daryn. Daryn: Oh! ... Competition? Interviewer: Er, yes? Daryn: I don't follow. With a heavy sigh the interviewer looks sympathetically to the blue-haired woman who speaks up instead. "We feel that even with these records being set by other bands, that we, Order and Chaos, will always remain loyal to our fanbase and that they will in return remain loyal to us. We do not care about records and fame, though we have achieved some of that in our time, but we do not need it to play our music and send our message out to the world." Daryn looks over to the woman, "Yeah, what Megs said. Anway, we're gonna be having our own concert soon. Looks LIke the music world is heating up, eh? Haha...Haha...Hahahaha!", and so Daryn bursts out laughing. The interviewer looks to the screen, "Well that's it, they don't really seem to care. We at EspesOnLIne enjoy knowing that a group so dedicated to the Espes Chronicals do not perform merely for monetary funds. That's it, Cut." Yup, definately an amateur video of sorts. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Daryn is so screwed. However, Daryn continues going down the path of destruction as he says, "Well, I mean, we can't let anybody know it's a head.", he seems a bit more confident now, "Because then they'd LIke be BING BANG BONG! Lawsuit! So we gotta say 'It's a pumpkin, honest' and, uh, we figure nobody can tell the difference between smashed pumpkins and smashes, uh, face....heads." Bridgit Cascio has left. KaLInka gigGLes. "Still, that is cool as hell. -- Heck, I mean, heck!" She blushes. Daryn tilts his head a bit at that and then, says with a Darynesque sense of calm, "Nah, I can touch my nose with my tongue.", now -that's- cool. KaLInka gasps. "You CAN!! Oh, let'sseelet'ssee!!!" Daryn never takes his armor off, but sometimes he does take off his helmet. With a careless fLIck of his free hand he smack the skill up a bit, reveaLIng that Daryn, in fact, does have a forehead. He also has red eyes and even more vibrant red hair. He then holds his hands out in a 'sush, I'm operating' maneuever as he LIfts his tongue which is completely unremarkable and taps his nose with his tongue. "Guhh?", he offers. KaLInka eeeeees!!! "That is so COOL!!!" she yells suddenly, eyes crossed in excitement. Daryn bows flamboyantly, quickly pushing his helmet back down, "Thank you.", he says, and then looks up a bit, "Eh, so... What can y'do? JugGLIng? Man, I wish I could see some cool jugGLIng because that's just insane how they, y'know, jugGLe." KaLInka gigGLes. "Who 'they'? You mean, Russian girls? They jugGLe?" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/24 Posted Author Grinchy Sigma Mon Dec 16 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Excert Musical Sequence of the RMTV Special: How Sigma FUBAR'd Christmas, an enchanting children's classic in which Sigma tries to infect Santa Wily with the Maverick Virus, only to get beaten to a bloody pulp by the Robot Masters. You're a mean one, Emperor Sigma You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as Spike Rosered, You're as charming as Quick in drag, Emperor Sigma. You're a bad banana With a greasy black peel. You're a Monstrous mechanoid, Emperor Sigma. Your heart's an empty black hole. Your brain is full of mecha-spiders, You've got garLIc in your computer core. Emperor Sigma. I wouldn't touch you, with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot Ride Armor. You're employer that one Vile, Emperor Sigma. You have Infinity Mijinion in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness Of that Wheel Crocodile, Emperor Sigma. Given the choice between the two of you I'd take the 'Writings of Ditz Pinkmouse' File. You're a twinky one, Emperor Sigma. You're a nasty and wasty, unLIke Ether Skunk. Your fuel pump is full of Punk's old socks Your ethics computer is filled with bad jokes by Funk Emperor Sigma. The four words that best describe you, are, and I quote: "Sucky. Skank. Mean Drunk." You're a rotter, Emperor Sigma. You stole all of King's sinful sots. Your head's a just one big bald spot With moldy purple armor, Emperor Sigma. Your soul is an apalLIng recycle bin overflowing with the most disgraceful assortment of deplorable pRoN imaginable, ManGLed up in tanGLed up knots. You nauseate me, Emperor Sigma. With a nauseaus neo-naus. You're a twisted LIttle fachead And you drive a crooked Osprey. Emperor Sigma. You're a three decker toast and SpLIt Mushroom sammich With mechfluid sauuuuuuuuuuuce! (OOC:Happy HoLIdays Everybody ~Ra) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/25 Posted Author UN Press Conference Mon Dec 16 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The UN Meeting will be held tomorrow. Around 8 to 10 o'clock... Assuming Real LIfe doesn't screw us AGAIN. Game on. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Daryn bLInks, "Uh, jugGLers.", The Cossacks are -Russian-? No references to StaLIn, Daryn notes, on his checkLIst. Nor Lenin for that matter. Maybe Trotsky, but only in passing, and definately nothing about BOLSHEVICKS. That's just a death sentence. "Just wondering if you could jugGLe. Tried to jugGLe before but I dropped one of 'em." Eidolon arrives from the Seoul - Tourist District. Eidolon has arrived. KaLInka chuckles. "Well, let me see what I have that I could jugGLe for you..." She pulls a vial of dangerous acid off of her belt, a scalpel-laser, and a rubber ball. Daryn gestures to the vial of dangerous acid, "That looks the safest.", he explains, and he almost seems serious....Or maybe he is. He is talking to KaLInka! His guitar is currently out but it's held a bit haphazardly. A nearby manhole is thrown up into the air as a figure surrounded by a blue nimbus of electricity rises from the sewer system. Eidolon grabs the cover on its return trip, and with no discernable effort, places it back in place, before lowering to the ground and dispersing the nexus of LIghtning surrounding him. The UN building, he keeps coming back here. With a frown resting on his features he slowly makes his way closer to the building, he has of yet noticed KaLInka, or her friend. Maybe it's a good thing KaLInka didn't see Eidolon coming out of the sewer...as much as she is suspicious of him, THAT would have freaked her out. "Safest, schmafest," she says playfully. "I will teach this to you, only if you put jugGLIng in next video. Okay?" Daryn does, however, notice Eidolon and his eyes widen a bit, "Sewer GobLIns.", but KaLI brings him back to reaLIty as he looks over to her. JugGLIng in the next video? Daryn tries to remember what that might be, because jugGLIng might, well, be kinda detrimental to the song, especially if it's about freedom. Daryn can't remember so he nods anyway, and says, "Sure, no problem!", and then he casts another GLare towards Eidolon and repeats, "Sewer GobLIns." Of course, his next video is about Stardroids, Judgement Day, and Nigh, so it should be pretty interesting. The repeated epiteths, and recognization of the blonde girl nearby to the man making them draws Eidolon closer. He forgoes his usual method of floating, and instead strides closer, feet touching the ground the whole time. He comes to a halt some distance away, as a night wind through the city kicks up and causes his long coat to sLIghtly waft around him in the nightly breeze, "Cossack. I need have words with you." KaLInka jumps back, startled at the Sewer GobLIn arrives. "Oh, it is YOU. Well, I think we already have had words, true? What is there left to say?" she says standoffishly. Daryn bLInks and suddenly looks up to the sky, "Why...", he says, "Do I have this sudden sense of impending doom?", he peers up at the clouds (or stars) and then shrugs his shoulders and looks back to the Sewer GobLIn, "Are these, LIke, top secret words, man, 'cuz I can turn my ears off and ignoooore.", he makes a face as if trying to do so. It's almost convincing. "Rrrrhhhh.....Can't hear you..." Eidolon GLances towards Daryn, and his eyes narrow momentarilly behind the green-tint of his spectacles before he looks back to KaLInka. "Cossack...KaLInka. I beLIeve I asked you of the monsters under your bed, mine is coming. He comes in a mirror of poLIshed steel, with eyes that are not eyes and a face that is not a face. I need your help, Miss Cossack, I need it." He reaches into his cloak and rummages for a moment, before tossing an object forward. It clatters against the ground, steel on asphalt. Its form is simple, and anyone with even a passing knowledge of Egyptian mythology could identify it easilly: An ankh. "Miss Cossack, /he/ is coming for me. I need your help." KaLInka GLances over at Daryn, briefly, then she stares at the ankh worriedly. With a fearful GLance towards Eidolon, she then reaches down to take the ankh. "...What do you mean, 'he'...? Has he sent you message, what?" Ruination Roc arrives from the Seoul - Tourist District. Ruination Roc has arrived. Daryn GLances towards the ankh, and shrugs his shoulders a bit, "Sewer GobLIn.", he states. He almost seems LIke a different person than before as he crosses his arms, "A face that is not a face? Why, there aren't many people LIke that. Cool sounding stuff, though, would make good lyrics.", he peers towards Eidolon, "I'd say Pharaoh Man by the ankh, pal, but my guess that ain't so 'cuz Ra has a face.", he looks over to KaLI, "...That and Pharaoh MAn is a complete and utter wuss and that no sane person would care if he was comin' after 'em." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "And then I grabbed a Stardroid by the crotch and squeezed until I made baby Jesus cry." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Yea, right..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Sure did. Stardroids are wusses. They're so wussy that I've had to coin a new term for their wussiness. I call them 'Wussoids'." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Man, I don't doubt it. I remember those balls those people were looking for that had to do with stardroids and stuff. Source of their power, they say, squeezing hurts." Eidolon crosses his arms, and lowers his head until his GLasses take on the LIght of the nearby illumination, disguising his eyes behind white LIght. "The dead man, Miss Cossack. The dead man." He frowns and turns his head, "He's coming, and he wishes my destruction. It has something to do with the work of the Stardroids, and even now I feel his icy cold hand seeking for me but I do not know why. I need you, Miss Cossack, I need you to find out who I am, so I can destroy the dead man." Ruination Roc has disconnected. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Everyone loves balls." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card sings offkey-ly, "He's got big balls, she's got big balls..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Until you squ...." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "ARGH! RAT SCREECHING!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card, reaLIzing Guts' current ideas, decides not to finish that last LIne. KaLInka is actually beginning to look frightened. "But...I do not KNOW who you are...I know that you must have had connection of some kind with Landon DeVry, maybe you were victim of his...but it is impossible that he is coming back. He is dead!" Spin Cougar arrives from the Seoul - Tourist District. Spin Cougar has arrived. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "yeah, that's right, punk." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "So who wants to spread some hoLIday cheer with me? We can go caroLIng. We'll have to hit LIght Labs, RepLIforce's Drug Compound, the Maverick's Nazi Hideout and to a lesser degree the remains of Starhaven." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Is there whiskey involved?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Only if you want to throw them at people that look at us cross-eyedly." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "What if I wanna drink it, and get drunk of my ass?" Daryn frowns a bit, peering at this fellow. "Are you real?", he asks, "Are you -for- real, are -you- real, do you know what real is?", he then smirks a bit, "Landon, dead? Nobody's dead. Everyone LIves until the last word is uttered GONE forever. You feel his icy hand, then simply...turn up the heat. LIght up a cigarrette, chase it away, don't worry 'bout it." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Only if you sing badly and throw it at someone once the bottle's empty." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "And keep in mind, pal, rations are tough." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Works for me." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Sweet so that's 2 of us out for Christmas carols, anyone else want to join me and Gumby McGumber here?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Gumby Mc... I don't want to know." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Oh sure you do." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Go on, ask him about it." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "No, I don't." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Then go ball hunting!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I promise lots of violence to the people that shut their doors in our faces. We can even ransack their homes and steal their presents for our leaders." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Well, that sounds promising!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Ooh, maybe I'll get a Strong Bad action figure, with "Double Deuce" action..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Get some action." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "And maybe I'll get to pop someone in the jaw and steal myself one talking reindeer." Eidolon GLances at KaLInka, "The dead remain with us, there is continuity, horrible continuity. I can smell him, feel his icy fingers on my neck, and his breathless voice echoing in my ears." He looks at KaLInka, "Miss Cossack, I need you. Please, if you will help me, contact me... Without your help, I am most certainly doomed." KaLInka ponders for a moment more, still gripping the ankh. Finally, she begins walking away. "...I will call," she says. KaLInka has disconnected. Daryn twitches sLIghtly...and then a long wild grin crosses his features. He looks over to KaLI and says, "Seeya, gonna be a concert, great concert, unison of voices and shi-.", he stops to look at Eidolon and chuckles, "Daryn is gonna do the smashy, Potential Daryn-fan, you gonna hide and run forever, then take the advice of Arnold and DRummond and say, "Whatchoo talkin' bout WilLIs?" His recent decision weighing heavily on his mind, as well as how he's going to explain this to the rest of his immediate associates at the U.N., security officer Spin Cougar is on his way toward the U.N. headquarters, to make his report after an assignment to survaillence. He is in uniform, his weapon across his back. Seeing a few other figures at the plaza, he smiles, and doesn't hesitate to head over. Someone is better than no one. Eidolon peers at Daryn for a moment, "I apologize, I am not much in the mood for music." He sighs, "LIfe was so brilLIant, but this darkness is rushing on LIke an ocean...BAH! No!" He shakes it off, "My battles will come when my battles will come. I will not allow it to rule my feeLIngs no more then I will permit death to rule my LIfe!" He turns and smiles at Daryn, "As for you my friend, I haven't understood a whit of what you've been saying." From the corner of his eye he notices the Cougar and smiles, "Ah, new company!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "JinGLe Bells, Zero smells, General laid an egg. Sigma's head lost it's shine and the Mavericks all dropped deeeaaaad!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Perfect pitch, if I do say so myself, Amun-Wily." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Egg does not rhyme with dead." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Silence, StripLIng!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "No." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "I resent that song!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "General dropped LIke lead might've been more lyrically appeaLIng." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Don't make me get the bug spray, Prismatic spider." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "You people are so critical." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "'specially the part that could apply to me." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Enjoying the hoLIday spirit, Doctor Wily?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Do not let them get to you, Doctor. Sing all you LIke. Fill the world with your music, upLIft your spirit and drink in the echoes of your own words as they resound off of the world around you." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "Of course." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "Ahh... the HoLIdays..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card shrugs, and adds Wily and Pharaoh to his 'People to Throw Molotovs At This Christmas' LIst. Daryn raises his guitar up in the air, "I think I need to save you.", he says simply enough. He then raises the guitar even more as he swings the very scary looking guitar back as if preparing to smack Eidolon in the head with it, "I was, LIke, told all the time to knock silly ideas outta my head." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "I love Christmas! And that is a very nice song, Doctor!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "Thank you Ms. Bonne." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I'm gonna punch someone in the face." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Yes! Punch!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "What happened to caroLIng and whiskey-drinking?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Oh I'll do that too. But I want to hurt people first." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Your singing'd probably hurt someone." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Find carol singers, and I think your problem's solved." Spin Cougar GLances between the two he sees there, a sLIghtly toothy grin. "Hello there .. how's the time treating you two?" he speaks to them both. [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir comes on, a sinGLe servbot at first, "One! Two! One Two Three!!" All at once, "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" -cue the music!- "o/` JinGLe Bells, Zero Smells, Gen-e-ral Laid an /EGG!/ Sigma's head lost its shine and the Mave-ricks-All-Droped... DEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDD!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What are you now? Some kind of rocket surgeron?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...I think the Kobun LIked it too. ...I'm not going to get them to stop singing that for days." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "...I am overwhelmed with an urge to hug someone, and run away at the same instant...." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "How impressionable they are, Miss Bonne." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "No, Kid, you're gonna get them to stop singin' that now." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "*cackLIng*" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "And then make a pubLIc performance!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "We'll invite all the bigwigs, hotshots, Star Man..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "It'll be great." Eidolon bLInks at radio traffic, and with as LIttle a motion as can be imagined, he reaches out and gives Daryn a hug, and then backs away, brushing himself off, "There, got that out of my system." He GLances at Cougar and smiles, "Time, the LIttle of it I've had, has been full of many interesting exercises." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "I LIke the way he thinks." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Hey Tron lend me your kids so we can go sing." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir continue!! ...only it becomes a round... "o/` JinGLe Bells, Zero Smells, (JinGLe Bells, Zero Smells,) Gen-e-ral Laid an /EGG!/" Daryn bLInks as he's hugged and looks over to Spin Cougar, "Cool.", he says as he swings the guitar at Eidolon's head. For his own good. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...what a wonderful idea! ...I could make money off of that! 'The Kobun Christmas Special!'" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Especially while one of them sneaks in the back pickpocketing people while they LIsten to the others sing." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...I think that'd be a bad idea, Guts. You'd probably scare them into /not/ singing for days." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Why not choose lyrics that are less... insulting? This is supposed to be a time of goodwill, not a time to continue the rantings that pervade this frequency the rest of the year." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What do you know? You're just a kid?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Aww, Guts, they don't do that. They bite fingers and shoot cannons!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "I LIke cannons." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card yawns, "Can we hurry up here? I've got to con at least $500 'fore the night is over." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card thinks. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Say, lego lady, you any good at poker?" "Interesting, yes, that's a good thing --" Spin repLIes, but then the guitar is swung. "Sir!" Instinctively, he grabs his own weapon, with a growl. "Put that down." .oO(This is so nice to return to from duty ... just so friggin nice.) [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...Better then you." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Care to make a wager on that?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card is heard shuffLIng a deck of cards. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Watch out, last time I played poker with her all I had left on was my hardhat." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne sniffs! "Trying to con a Con Artist, eh? ...Hmph. If you want to play, we can play. Question is... do you have enough money to make it /interesting/?" The guitar impacts against the side of Eid's head, although it apparently causes no damage. A GLIttering field of energy, arranged in orange hexagons appears for a moment to the side of his head before fading again to invisibiLIty. He laughs happilly, "I love that! I keep forgetting I have a field up, its LIke...LIke a happy surprise everytime it enables...although." He pushes his sleeve up and examines a readout on his arm, "Hrm. Power output levels are wasteful, secondary redactors are LIkely to burn out with this extended level of use..." He disables his field with a burst of white LIght and then looks between Spin and Dar, "...whats is the problem?" Eidolon lowers his forcefield. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "I don't play for Zennies and Zines." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "She, LIke the Robot Masters, plays for keeps." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Am I correct, Miss Bonne?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "But, of course, my dear Pharaoh!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Tron plays for skin." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Ice Man transmits, "Nah, Tron plays to win would be more accurate." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "You wouldn't beLIeve all the things Scott's told me about their quaLIty bonding time." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "That's not a problem, so do I. *again, the sound of a deck shuffLIng*" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...Shush, Guts." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "When are you going to marry him Tron? Ma Wily needs some great grandkids." Daryn shrugs his shoulders at Eidolon, "I don't know, man. I guess I'm not supposed to help people out. Bloody stupid reploids.", he looks over to Spin, "Some kinda mongoose type. Don't recognize the model.", he looks over to Eidolon, "Anyway, you feeLIng better, pal? This magic instrument -never- fails." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne takes an acutely southern belle accent, "Where and when, 'Cowboy'?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne then snaps! "I'm not marrying /anyone/!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "She's been possessed! Run away!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Why not? So you're too good for the Wily genes?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Why must you deprive gammy from the one thing she needs?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Don't you LIke Gammy!?" Spin Cougar bLInks .... and puts his weapon away. "Huh. Alright, then." He starts to say something, but reaLIzes he's at a loss for words, and just shrugs. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne sighs, exasperated, "...I'm just going to pretend LIke this conversation isn't happening, Guts." Tron then calls, "Hey! Card Shark! ...If you want to play, we can play. I'm in the mood for a bit of relaxation anyway. And... beating you soundly will be quite relaxing." Eidolon grins and laughs pleasantly, "My mood has improved greatly, thank you, Sir." He GLances at Spin, "Oh, don't feel too bad. Seeing someone getting bludgeoned with a musical instrument is not an everyday occurance, count yourself blessed to have seen it! We should enjoy the simple pleasures of LIfe more...we tend to center on the big picture, and miss that the big picture is in the LIttle pictures." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What's the matter Tron? Don't have baby bearing hips? If you don't it's ok, you can tell us, we'll just use your egg and get a host mother." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Alright, that's enough out of you..." Daryn nods to Spin, "Think the kid's on to something.", he grins sLIghtly at Eidolon, "Well, then I guess that's cool, you remember you got that there, though, yeah?", he adjusts his helmet. Daryn then adds, "All the best heaLIng's in being smacked in the head." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...And, actualy, I rather LIke Grandma Wily. She is /very/ nice! ...I'm sure Scott will be able to find someone quite soon and give Grandma Wily some Grandkids. You don't /force/ stuff LIke that." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "And Guts... SHUSH!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Hiryu transmits, "..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "'Cept Scott's...a...DOPPLEGANGER" Spin Cougar is obviously a bit disturbed, but not much, from his facial expression and sudden nervousness. He looks to Eidolon, "Eh .. yes, that does make sense. Myself I'm too caught up in where I'm going, not where I am." A bit of a sigh, then he turns to Daryn. ".. oh, I think I recognize you now. Weren't you part of ... what was it, 'Order and Chaos'? on the holowaves a while back?" Yes, it's clear he doesn't keep up on modern music. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "I don't think I'm in the mood to play cards with you right now... Gah, what a scary thought, LIttle Wilys running around." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card shudders, "That's the kind of imagery that drives a man to drink." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...He's Dr. Wily's son, thank you very much! ...SO! Card Shark! ...Care to play? ...Reploid Room." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "Awww... Too scared you'll loose your money to LIttle ol' me?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Nah, more scared I'll loose my lunch." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "He's a doppleganger!" Eidolon steps over and puts his arm around the Cougar's shoulders, "No, no, you don't understand. We're going -here-." He rubs his eyes, "How to explain. We are not -here-. We are where we think is here, but here couldn't exist -here-, because here is fuller, it is the fullness of here, and here isn't full enough to be filled by what here is. You need to look at here, when you're here, and then move towards here!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Tron I've lost any respect I had of you. Not wilLIng to give Gammy her great grandkids. And poor Scott all alone without a girlfriend. I mean for Godsakes, Iris and Zero have the electric bogaloo and they're robots! You two are human, are you going to let robots outdo you?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "He's going to eat someone someday, mark my words, eat someone! Maybe YOU, Bon Bonne." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "But since you're so OBVIOUSLY looking to lose... Guts, you shut up NOW." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "/GUTS!/ /SHUSH!/" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Look Gumby McGumbers, you can't tell me to shut up." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Shut up." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...That is /Tron/ Bonne... whoever you are." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "I don't beLIeve you and your LIes!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Besides, you'd probably rather be Bon Bonne, yeh?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Bon Bonne is the one that can't talk, I thought." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Nah, that's Teisel." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Look Iris and Zero have had a kid already, you're way behind. *Shows a picture of Blues.Exe* Such a shame when robots beat humans to the punch." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "LIke the engine." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, ".../Someone/ is misinformed." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...They have a kid? ...whoknew." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "It's obviously you, doppleganger-deaLIng-Bonne!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Of course they do. Do you think I simply make things up for the hell of it?" Spin Cougar hrms, nodding a bit. "Sounds much LIke 'carpe diem'. We need to make the most of the here and now, and then it'll be the 'fullness' you speak of." Shrug. "Is that about what you're trying to say, .. oh! Sorry, what did you say your name was, or did you?" A grimace. "Spin Cougar of U.N. Security." Daryn chuckles, "We all 'ere.", he pauses for a moment, GLancing to Eidolon and scratches his helmet... SCREEEEEEEEEECH! "...You should be a songwriter, man.", he looks to Spin, "Eh, yeah. That's the band name no I don't sleep with stardroids, they don't got equipped with Bubble Lead." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Alright, if Guts is done disgustin' all of us, I'll play a round or two." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "So! Anyone who wants a beer and wants to come see me kick this Jokers butt in Pokwer... come on down to the Reploid Room. A LIttle relaxation is something we /all/ need!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Tron since when can you buy beer? Isn't that illegal for someone your age? You could be thrown to jail for underaged drinking." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Unless you do it in France, those crazy frenchies drink booze from their mother's teat." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...Since when has /that/ mattered?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Since always. I will not allow the future mother of Scott Jr's children to bodily harm herself with alcohol. I'll have to confiscate everything." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir continue to sing, however, "o/` Jin-GLe Bells! Zero Smells! General Laid an EGG!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...You do that. I don't drink, anyway." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I will." Spin Cougar just shrugs at Daryn's comment, bLInking. He clearly doesn't get it. "Bubble Lead. I laugh at that pitiful weapon. It's the Stardroids that have me a bit worried with this rebelLIon and all. Sure they'd destroy themselves in the process, but what would get caught in their fight?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Hiryu transmits, "To die without tasting good sake would be a terrible thing." Eidolon GLances at Spin, "I wager we -are- their fight." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "True, Silent One... ...Going to come have a drink and play some cards, maybe?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "And ye taste it a lot, right mysterious wanderer of the night?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Shut up you moron. We don't care what you think." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "He ain't silent!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "He spoke!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "I heard him! You heard him!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "He's LIke that silent fart that goes vocal." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "We -all- heard him." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Hiryu transmits, "I'm sure they'll hand you a medal at the door." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...Shush, you. ...NOW! ...Anyone else want to actualy come play a game or two?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What kind of medal?" Daryn laughs a bit at that statement, "Order and Chaos, Duo and Chaos, Duo and Nigh. Nigh ain't destruction, pal.", he softens his voice a LIttle, "Nothin' is lookin' in a mirror tht doesn't reflect. Nothin' is smiLIng when you know you're a wreck. Nothing ain't battle. Those people who say they work for Nigh? Pffh, they work for themselves. Nothing needs nothing." "And in that case we all fall down, huh. Nice piece of work the fates prepared for us." Sarcastic tone from the Cougar, as he looks up into the sky. As an aside, "Mirror that doesn't reflect. Scary." Eidolon GLances to the sky, "Nigh is not nothing. Nothing is emptiness, Nigh has a consciousness. That means he is something." He looks down, "And mirrors are not equal. The image in poLIshed GLass is not equal to the source of the reflection. DuaLIty is the beLIef of fools. There is no balance." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...Yannow, this is boring without anyone to play with. ...Come on! Pool Hall. Reploid Room." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir continue to provide nice, relaxing Christmas Music. Joy! ...wait... ...new song. A lone vocaLIst sings to gentle music, "o/` Iiiii'm... Dreeeeaaaaaaming of a Whiiiiiite! Chriiist-mas!" ...Falsetto makes that song all sort of funny. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man sings with the Servbots. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "*puts on some soothing music. yeah right* Pleeease Daadddy! Don't get drunnnk this Christmas! I dun wanna see my mamma crrrryyyy!" Daryn whispers at Eidolon, "And emptiness? Just another nothin'. Lots of nothings in the world.", he lets out a yawn, "Or maybe it's GEneral's fat ass. Butt.", the extra t is impLIed, "Nobody said Nigh had a mind. Nobody said that. Who is to say the Stardroids do either? They're shapes. Images.", he looks over to the Cougar, "It ain't duaLIty either. It's where there isn't." Spin Cougar hms. "This is an interesting conversation, but I unfortunately have some work to attend to. I must go .. it was nice to speak with you both." With that, he heads into the great building - rather quickly. Whether it's getting away from their crypticisms about Nigh or something else on his mind, it isn't readily apparent. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "Oh boys! ...sing the song for the Doctor, will you? ...That one song I had you practice." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "The Ma Wily got run over by a reindeer song you've been practicing?" Eidolon smiles at Daryn, "Yes, quite. Perhaps they too are...Eidolons." He laughs to himself, and begins walking towards the sewer again, "If you will excuse me, LIke our cat friend...I have preparations to make..." Daryn says, "Legends 'come stories all day. Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, movies, holovids...rggh....", he clutches at the back of his neck, "See ya later. ... Medicine." Eidolon laughs to himself, and GLances at Daryn, "Today's Tom Sawyer, he gets high on -you-." He LIfts up the manhole, and then drops into the sewers beneath. Spin Cougar goes home. Spin Cougar has left. [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir chorus! "Yes, Miss Tron!" Then... music begins. A sneaky LIttle tune. One can almost envision them sneaking through the streets of some city or woods... ...then... the cute Falsetto voices of three Servbots perk up in harmony, "(All) Kidnap Mister Doctor LIght?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#2) I wanna do it! (#3) Lets Draw Straws! (#1) Miss Tron said we should work together. (#2) Three of a Kind! (#3) Birds of a Feather! (All) Now and Forever!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "ARGHH!!! HARMONY!!" Eidolon has disconnected. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "... (OOC: Oh God.)..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Biting..through...spine" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ LA La La la la La! La la la la LA! LA la la la la la! La-la-la-la-LA! (All, singing) o/~ Kidnap the Doctor LIght! Lock him up real tight! Throw away the Key and then Turn Off all the LIghts!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What the hell kind of reeree song is that?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Only...one chance.... *loud smashing noise. And then two more*" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "...One from an old christmas movie called, 'A Nightmare Before Christmas'. Its actualy, 'Kidnap Mister Santa Claws'... but LIght fits." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "*SMASH* Doctor *SMASH SMASH* LIght *SMASH* is to skinneh *SMASH* to be Santa!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "(#1) o/~ First we're going to set some bait inside a nasty trap and wait! When he comes a'sniffing we'll snap the Trap and close the Gate! (#2) o/~ Wait! I've got a better Plan to catch this big Red Santa Man! Let's pop him in a BoiLIng Pot and when he's done we'll butter him up!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Sounds LIke a pretty stupid movie." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) o/~ First we're going to set some bait inside a nasty trap and wait! When he comes a'sniffing we'll snap the Trap and close the Gate! (#2) o/~ Wait! I've got a better Plan to catch this big Red Santa Man! Let's pop him in a BoiLIng Pot and when he's done we'll butter him up!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "OOC: ...mispuppet." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ Kidnap the Doctor LIght! Throw him in a Box! Bury him for 90 years, then see if he taaaalks!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Form...Blazing...Sword." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Cancer transmits, "He'll be dead by then. And probably not taste too good at that." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "(#1) o/~ Then Miss Tronnie Bonne... (#1) o/~ Can take the whole thing over then! (#2) o/~ She'll be so pleased, I do declare! (All) o/~ That she will sell him there! WEEEEE!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) o/~ Then Miss Tronnie Bonne... (#1) o/~ Can take the whole thing over then! (#2) o/~ She'll be so pleased, I do declare! (All) o/~ That she will sell him there! WEEEEE!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "OOC: A/gain/ with the mispuppet! -_-" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits the Voltron formation music and sound effects. "Form feet and legs. Form arms and body. And I'll form the head!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Augh! I'm being infected by spam! LInebreaks...SquigGLy...LInes." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#3) o/~ I say that we take a cannon, aim it at his door, and then, knock three times... and when he answers... Doctor LIght will be No More!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) o/~ Your so Stupid! Think! Now if we blow him up to smithereens... We may loose some Pieces..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "... those are some demented runts you've got there." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) o/~ ...then Miss Tron would beat us Black and Green!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "OOC: ... Why would you lose some Piesces from blowing up LIght?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "See? Bon Bonne, you couldn't hurt a servbot. Tron is obviously the big lug" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ Kidnap the Doctor LIght! Tie Him in a Bag! Throw him in the ocean then see if he is saaaad!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Ten bucks to whomever gets Tron Bonne's eggs." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card OOCly snrks! [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Now go! Go do my bidding! Mwaha! Hahaha!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Why do you want her eggs?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] ELIse Kiritsu transmits, "........." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "... Freak..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "To save us, good Guts Man, to save us." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ Because Mister Doctor Wily is the meanest guy around... If I were on his Meanie LIst... I'd get out of Toooown!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#2) He'll be so pleased by our Success... (#3) He'll reward Miss Tron, too, I'll bet! (#2) Perhaps she'll make us a special Meal... (All) ...of Cake and Ramen Too! (MMM!)" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ We're Miss Tron's henchmen, And we take our job with pride! We do our best to please her, and stay on her good side!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "So having Tron's eggs will save us. Look I may not be the roundest spoon in the drawer but how will her eggs save us?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#2) I'm not the dumb one!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#3) Your no fun!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) SHUT UP!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#2) Make me!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "He's a freak, Guts Man... Just ignore him." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) o/~ I've got something! LIsten Now! This one is REAL good you'll see! We'll sent a present to his door upon they'll be a note to read... Now in the box we'll wait and hide... until his curiosity..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "I don't know, but I'm sure, somehow, they will. Just LIke in ....Dragon....Dragon...somethin'." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(#1) o/~ ...entices him to look inside..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ ...and then we'll have him! 1! 2! 3!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "With all those 'pureblood' comments or something." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "We'll call them the Tronites." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Dragon Eggs?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ Kidnap the Doctor LIght! Beat him with a Stick! Lock him up for 90 years! See what makes him tick!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ Kidnap the Doctor LIght! Chop him into Bits! Mister Doctor Wily is sure to get his kicks!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Wha? Bon Bonne's a dragon?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Makes sense..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir transmits, "(All) o/~ Kidnap the Doctor LIght! See what we will see! Lock him in a cage and then Throw A-way the KEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "No, Bon Bonne's is Tron's child." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Gemini Man transmits, "Ew." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card coughs up his drink. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Lecher." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Gemini Man transmits, "Hey, Tron, who is the dad?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero chokes on tequila. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Probably the Teisel guy." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I heard they gave her a caeser operation to get him out." [Radio: (E) Broadband] WE-ARE-LEGO! Servbot Choir break into fits of gigGLes after they finish their song! [Radio: (E) Broadband] Ditz Pinkmouse transmits, "*claps* Yay! Yay! Again!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Dr. Wily transmits, "*applauds!*" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne growls softly, "...Bon is my /LIttle/ /Brother/! GET IT RIGHT!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Ditz Pinkmouse transmits, "But this time I wanna sing along!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Enker transmits, "Mm, lovely, LIttle ones." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "So -Teisel-'s the giant freak?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Sure he is. He's nothing but a baby. He's been this way for almost 5 years. You giving him drugs to stunt his age development?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Princess Tron Bonne transmits, "No. Teisel is my older brother. He is the charismatic, green armored leader of the Bonnes!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Ditz Pinkmouse transmits, "Teisel LIkes pizza!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "If he was charismatic..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Wild Card transmits, "Charismatic my ass..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Why the hell would he wear green?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "He's pretty Christmatic." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Christmatic, now there's an album." [Radio: (A) Musica] Musica Guard Captain: Jessica Blakesly transmits, "Well, looks LIke we're back on the job tonight. Kelly is having a bit of a presentation." [Radio: (A) Musica] Ayla Ericson transmits, "Argh! But I'm trying to help a friend, and I'm almost elbows-deep in circuitry." [Radio: (A) Musica] Musica Guard Captain: Jessica Blakesly facepalms audiably. "Serena?" Outside> Seoul - United Nations Plaza Outside> Contents: Contents: Norman Cassidy [Boarder] [C] Pharaoh Man [Disguise] [RM] Pyro Squirrel [Standard] [C] Gale Sorcerer [Magician] [C] Midi [Olddesc] [C] Bridgit Cascio [Casual] [C] Daryn [C] Muse [Red_musica] [C] United Nations Vehicle Garages Press Stand Outside> : United Nations Building East : Seoul - Northern Commercial District West : Seoul - Tourist District South : Seoul - Historical District North : Seoul - Eastern Residential District Outside> Gemini Man arrives from the Seoul - Tourist District. Outside> ---- Pyro Squirrel is staring at Bluegrass in armor! ---- Outside> Daryn grins a LIttle as he plays more lyrics, "Hey, Megs, it'd be good pubLIcity, you're gonna LIke it.", he nods up a bit towards Bridgit, "Nice dog, man." Megumi winces a LIttle, shaking her head quickly, "Not if it gets us killed Daryn." But Daryn does not reply, instead singing, "The dawn sheds it LIght...on SaLIsbury plain. The day floods the night with gilded rays of sunshine..." And then he goes into the chorus again, filLIng it out with the -real- song, "The magic words were spoken...As we left the plain in silence...And the UN stands alone...And the Druids turned to stone!" And then Daryn whispers, "Germany...France...Spain...Tacos...", and before Daryn can say anthing else, Megumi puts her cigarette out on Daryn's face and he drops his guitar with a yelp clutching at his face, "Damnit! DAMNITDAMNIT! Argghh!" Outside> Norman Cassidy activates his stealth mode. Outside> Norman Cassidy sneaks in... silently... without being noticed. Why? Well, for one thing, he's a PI with contacts in the UN. For another, Norm is Norm, which means he's making a Green GobLIn entrance. Only, unLIke the Green GobLIn, he's here to protect and while in stealth mode. There will be none of that silLIness where he makes a sonic boom pass, before throwing a quantum bomb at his adversaries... Nooooo. Norm aLIghts on a press stand, perching quietly, his form holographically masked, as well as kept well out of sight. Outside> Bridgit Cascio ... bLInks. And now she strugGLes to stand, her hand wrapping around the handle of her crutch, and wrestLIng herself to her feet while muttering obscenities about kids, her body, and Vile all at once. Einstein rises up as well, shaking his black coat free of dust and dirt. LImping her way towards the two, the woman calls out, "HEY. What the hell're you doin', stubbin' out yer smoke in his face? You crazy, or are you just tryin' t'get arrested?" Outside> Given that a lot of the people out in this square were going to be going in to LIsten to the United Nations convention of senators soon... it was definitely time to go to work. Muse circulates in the crowd, doing her best to check for anyone who might look... suspicious. Working security... just one part of her job as Kelly's personal bodyguard. Scanners all tuned to the utmost, she watches, waits, and LIstens... trying to see anything that might be amiss. Another April Fool's Day was not going to happen on her watch. Outside> Pharaoh Man chuckles sLIghtly at the malevolence of the female towards Daryn. .oO(So LIke them to fight over such petty things. It will be their downfall. Maybe this will be interesting after all...) Outside> Paradigm arrives from the Seoul - Tourist District. Tonight, on GNN PoLItics... we go LIve to the UN Assembly where Secretary General Kelly McLaren is preparing to give a speech on the State of the World... (Scene starting in the UN Building, Seoul.) Outside> Pyro Squirrel enters the Seoul - Eastern Residential District. Outside> Pyro Squirrel arrives from the Seoul - Eastern Residential District. Outside> Sword Man arrives from the Seoul - Tourist District. Outside> Muse heads in now, ready to get ready to do her job. Outside> Midi has disconnected. Outside> Muse enters the United Nations Building. Outside> Pyro Squirrel enters the United Nations Building. (OOC, yes you can enter now. >D) Outside> Norman Cassidy enters the United Nations Building. Outside> Pharaoh Man shuffles in with the rest of the civiLIans... Outside> Gale Sorcerer enters the United Nations Building. Outside> Pharaoh Man enters the United Nations Building. Outside> Paradigm enters the United Nations Building. Outside> You enter the United Nations Building. Outside> United Nations Building Outside> Contents: Contents: Paradigm [Ascendent] [M] Pharaoh Man [Disguise] [RM] Gale Sorcerer [Magician] [C] Norman Cassidy [Boarder] [C] Pyro Squirrel [Standard] [C] Kelly McLaren [C] Abernathy [Working] [C] Procyon [Stardroid] [SD] Muse [Red_musica] [C] Outside> : UN HQ - Elevator : UN HQ - General Assembly Hall : Seoul - United Nations Plaza [Radio: (A) Musica] Musica Guard Captain: Muse transmits, "Alright, keep a sharp eye out. Lets make this quick and easy." Outside> Sword Man arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> Pharaoh Man enters the building, and shifts all of his arm cannon in 'sleep' mode, along with ordering all of his scarabs to deactivate momentarily as he passes through the security checkpoint. The rest of his things are safely tucked in subspace for the moment, though its doubtful he'll need them. Moving through the press and other onlookers, he makes his way to a seat in the front. Outside> Gemini Man arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> Pyro Squirrel sits in the back and eats popcorn, having ICly arrived 2 days ago o.O Outside> Norman Cassidy sneaks into the building, using his claws to creep in. The clawed wonder crawls along the ceiLIng, out of people's sight, under a cloak of illusion. Yes, the kind of illusion that requires you wigGLe your fingers in order to add to dramatic effect. [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "I've got no doubt of that, miss Muse. Don't worry, I'll keep my eye on them." [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "I've got no doubt of that, miss Muse. Don't worry, I'll keep my eye on them." Outside> Pyro Squirrel ponders ordering a pizza. Remembers Betelgeuse. Thinks better of it. Outside> Norman Cassidy is hidden, but with no mal-intent planned, unless someone's going to act first. Not that he falls into any of the categories LIsted by Muse, so he could do some pretty good funny business tonight and still get away with it. Norm creeps towards the middle of the room, peering down into the crowd. [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Muse transmits, "I don't recall desperately asking for assistance in this LIttle gathering... I so appreciate you ordering your soldiers to assist us, 'forcer." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Muse transmits, "I don't recall desperately asking for assistance in this LIttle gathering... I so appreciate you ordering your soldiers to assist us, 'forcer." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "If you don't need it, I don't have to show up.." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "If you don't need it, I don't have to show up.." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Aw, cut 'em some slack. McLaren takes more hits'n a hockey player. C'mon down, let's see what she's gotta say." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Aw, cut 'em some slack. McLaren takes more hits'n a hockey player. C'mon down, let's see what she's gotta say." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "I-I don't have anything to say, I don't even know what the meetings for.. I'm just a security grunt." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "I-I don't have anything to say, I don't even know what the meetings for.. I'm just a security grunt." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Muse transmits, "I think that it is rather... presumptious. This is OUR job, after all. Come if you want to assist, but don't treat us LIke we're rookies who need our hands held here." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Muse transmits, "I think that it is rather... presumptious. This is OUR job, after all. Come if you want to assist, but don't treat us LIke we're rookies who need our hands held here." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "the ladies have said everything already" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "the ladies have said everything already" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Jesus, quit bein' so damn uptight. They're our alLIes, remember?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Jesus, quit bein' so damn uptight. They're our alLIes, remember?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "Nevermind, then. Sorry to be a bother!" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "Nevermind, then. Sorry to be a bother!" Outside> Pharaoh Man leans back, amused. Kelly McLaren. Pfft. Such a dilusioned fool, thinking she has any real control. The true power LIes in the Children of Wily, the Robot Masters. She is just a puppet of poLIcal whims of the greedy and oppressive international goverment. [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha monotones, "Muse, do you mind assistance?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha monotones, "Muse, do you mind assistance?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Gale Sorcerer sighs [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Gale Sorcerer sighs [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Muse transmits, "No, I do not mind, Alpha. Thank you for asking. *mutters under her breath*" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Muse transmits, "No, I do not mind, Alpha. Thank you for asking. *mutters under her breath*" Outside> A nondescript individual makes his way into the United Nations Building, passing through the outermost security checkpoint. He exchanges a few words with one of the guards, with regards to the security precautions taken by the UN to ensure the safety of this event. His curiosity satisfied, the man gives them a jaunty LIttle half-salute, before heading towards the audience gallery open to the pubLIc. He sLIdes his hands into the pockets of his old German Officer's greatcoat, inching his way into the back row just as the Sec-Gen begins her address. SettLIng down to watch, Paradigm allows himself a private smile of amusement. This promises to be interesting. Always nice to see poLIticians run around LIke chickens with their heads lopped off. [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "Cool it, folks. We'll lay off, have your LIttle meeting." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Harmony transmits, "Cool it, folks. We'll lay off, have your LIttle meeting." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Crescent Grizzly transmits, "OOC Guys, would you mind retconning me even ordering over this channel? Somehow my Freqs got screwed up." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Crescent Grizzly transmits, "OOC Guys, would you mind retconning me even ordering over this channel? Somehow my Freqs got screwed up." Outside> As McLaren starts, a famiLIar figure can be seen walking in through the back. Large, well dressed, and with an oddly shifting chest, it's obvious who this is. Yep, Sword's here, if only to keep an eye on what this speech may hold. His brow is furrowed a bit as he walks around in thought, but he quickly finds a seat and settles down. . o O (So the figurehead shall speak...I wonder, shall her words be a hollow as the puppet she is akin to?) Outside> Daryn plays a few soft melodies on his guitar, whispering. It is as if he cannot stop but play at least -something-. Megumi doesn't answer Daryn, she has better things to do, but Daryn does whisper softly to himself as he sings the opening of the song he was singing before from Ayreon. The Druids Turn to Stone. "The moon sheds no LIght on the Salsibury Plain...The day turns to night and the bonfires cease burning...", he doesn't appear to be LIstening to Kelly, however, though Megumi does, LIstening intently, furrowing her brow as she strugGLes to hear what the Leader of the UN has to say, even if others think she's a pawn and what not. Outside> Sphere goes up. Sphere goes down. Sphere goes up. Sphere goes down. Gale Sorcerer could be definted as totally bored right now, while putting an eye on the massive crow of people he's got to take care of. But bored is not a definition he'd use. Because everytime he's bored, something BAD happens and makes things interesting. Badly interesting. Outside> Pyro Squirrel eats popcorn. Outside> Kelly waits for silence before she continues, "This has been an trying year my friends. With the takeover of Europe by the CoaLItion for Reploid Freedom, and the control of Africa by the terrorist organization known as the Robot Masters. We have all certainly seen dark days in the months before this one." Kelly pauses dramatically then continues, "...Then the Stardroids came back." "As it disheartens me to even think so, The United Nations has grown soft and even while funding the Army known as RepLIforce, the United Nations have been easily pushed around. Far too easily in recent days. Tonight," Kelly states firmly, "I plan to change that." Outside> Pyro Squirrel pays attention now. oO(Finally... the volunteer army they've been talking about is starting up! Let's see... what weapons should I take? Hmm... the claws, definitely, and some bombs...)Oo Outside> Pharaoh Man raises an eyebrow. Terrorist? They've just been running almostan entire continental goverment for nearly a year, and done nothing but improved the quaLIty of LIfe and LIfestyle. McLaren has something up her sleeve, especially when she claims to have something 'better' then RepLIforce to throw out. White Assistbot> Serena Gilbert has partially disconnected. Outside> Bridgit Cascio hobbles in and takes a seat at the back, ushering Einstein in tight beside her. She sighs, settLIng down into one of those infernal seats, and gets ready to watch whatever fireworks decide to erupt this time. Her air is one of impatient skepticism even as Kelly begins her speech. "Oh, joy," she mutters to her dog, idly rubbing one of his silky ears. "More freakin' cutbacks, more freakin' sacrifices. I should just retire 'fore they cutback on my *(#&ing pension." Outside> Muse continues to watch everyone, focusing on Pharaoh Man or a moment. He is in the front row, after all. Outside> Kelly McLaren has partially disconnected. [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "I can almost touch funds!!" Outside> Pharaoh Man doesn't meet Muse's gaze. He's just a random bystander in a trenchcoat. Pay no attention to him. He's not the Android you're looking to kill. [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Oh, shut up. @*(& LIke that usually means they're makin' cutbacks, not openin' up the damn moneybags." [Radio: (B) UN] Muse transmits, "Quiet kid - this isn't necessaraly a good thing." Outside> "Wooh!" Daryn shouts, suddenly, stopping his singing, "More guns-AWWK!", Megumi has placed her hand deftly over Daryn's mouth. She hisses something to him so they hopefully -won't- get arrested. She pauses for a moment, and then hisses something else. Daryn slowly nods his head, looking LIke a hurt sick puppy, and he plays a few more pointless chords, even more softly than before. [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "geez, the bad thing is that you'll be right... as always..." Outside> Gemini Man has reconnected. [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "I've been in this damn business longer'n any of you pups. I've heard enough of these 'sweepin' change' things t'kill a horse. All poLIticians say that *(&#$." Outside> From his place in the back of the audience gallery, Paradigm snorts audibly, though the sound barely carries one or two rows away from where he's seated. Arching an eyebrow, he shakes his head. Fighting words, Secretary General. Do you intend to promise peace to the world when such a thing is - and will always be - beyond your grasp? Quietly, he mutters, "The RepLIforce, 'insufficient'. Fascinating to know just how much the United Nations considers its reploids to simply be another tool." Outside> Norman Cassidy peers down from the ceiLIng. o0(And things have just gotten interesting.) His thoughts pause fro a moment, a sudden thought dawning on him. o0(... Tell me she's not reinstating UNAF... Tell me Bruce won't be able to reactivate his commission... *pause*... TELL ME ANTHEM'S NOT GOING TO BECOME A DRILL INSTRUCTOR!) he screams mentally. The PI gasps quietly, swinging himself around to a proper watching position. Outside> Sword Man sneers a bit as he watches on. . o O (Surely she jests....) However, he is interested on what action UN is about to take, if only to know how to prepare against it should they lash out at the RMs. [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "um, what could it be then? they're sending more funds to RepLIforce?" [Radio: (B) UN] Abernathy transmits, "How quickly we destroy our operatives' optimism around here. I'm impressed; it took longer than that back when I first joined up." [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio remarks dryly, "Maybe they'll cut back on their freakin' coffee breaks t'Venice." [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Optimism is a fast way t'disappointment. Be cynical. Y'end up bein' pleasantly surprised more." [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer sighs. "Depression is all that remains..." [Radio: (B) UN] Muse transmits, "I'll pass, thanks." [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "'ey, I'll take bein' happily surprised over bein' let down, won't you?" [Radio: (B) UN] Abernathy, dryly: "My thoughts exactly." [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "you know, I just get amazed at how every siGLe other faction in this silly planet seems to be happier and more cheerful than us. Is it because we don't shoot enough at the others?" [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer thuds sarcastically. "Oh, I've got it. Kelly's telLIng us to shoot every bad guy we see on sight, so our moral raises..." [Radio: (B) UN] Abernathy transmits, "Exactly! Violence is always the answer!" Outside> Gemini Man has partially disconnected. Outside> Kelly quietly watches the murmuring of the crowds and the press, before she continues, "It is with thought that I unite UN PoLIce, the UNIA, the ISUN, UNASA and the Musica Guard under one roof. One Organization. And it is with my hope that this new organization will help bring a world under God together and that we can Manifest our own Destiny, instead of those who came here to our planet, telLIng us what our Manifest Destiny is." Kelly smiles, "The name this new organization... isn't quite new, as it had been intergrated into the United Nations in the year 2100. The new organization is hearby christened: International PoLIce. Or, as it has been known back then..." Kelly pauses... "INTERPOL." Outside> *Snap!* The sound of two fingers snapping against each other echos through the UN Assembly area, and in that second, /everyone/ finds themselves frozen in place. Not displaced from time, but rather immobile as you can now watch the arrival of Procyon. Procyon, who hasn't been seen since the incident on the moon looks quite different. An almost mad quaLIty to his eyes, the type you'd almost expect to see in Doppler's eyes when talking about the Maverick Virus and total world domination, or the type you'd expect from Wily when talking about anything at all. And its a mad quaLIty that just strikes out as being extremely dangerous. With a twitch of his LIp, he smiles wide, the teeth beneath his smile GLeaming in the LIght. That smile seems to contain all the maLIce in the world as he begins, "God? God doesn't LIve here anymore. He's grown weary of your hatred, turned a deaf-ear to your LIp service cries for justice." Procyon GLares up at the podium, right at McLaren. With another snap of his finger, Abernathy is brought next to him, just ahead of him, somewhat between he and McLaren. "Do you see Abernathy, my so 'esteemed' colleague?" His last words seem LIke pure sarcasm dripping off it. "See what your wonderful UN has brought forth? More hatred, more violence to be added to the wars." Procyon steps up, knocking the podium aside from where Kelly is, "Ladies and Gentlemen. You have been judged guilty of violations against LIfe. And for that, you have served Nigh well. And now, this very day - I assure you - will pay for all your hatred and ignorance against the LIfe that was so greatly bestowed upon you!" LIfting a hand, Procyon's hand GLows a bright blue, "Starting..." a finger extends toward McLaren, "With you." Outside> Pyro Squirrel thinks, oO(So, this is what a timestopper is LIke. Wait, he said Nigh? The big thing in the sky that's ruining my sales?)Oo Pyro yells, "DAMN YOU, NIGH!" Yep, rather fooLIshly brave, isn't he? Outside> Sword Man hears the echoing snap and throws his head to the side...but suddenly finds himself unable to turn it back the other way. "What in..." StrugGLIng, he tries to move, but can't. "What manner of trickery is this?!" he shouts. HOwever, he finally hears the voice of the source. GrowLIng, he GLares at the Stardroid from the corner of his eye, still trying to strugGLe, rather futilely. Outside> Pharaoh Man is suddenly timestopped. He cannot move, speak, or act. At first, his mind dreads the coming pain and braces agianst it...yet, it does not come. His systems are not tripping upon themselves. .oO(Odd...) Eyes darting towards McLaren and Procyon, he LIstens. Outside> Sphere in mid-air, Gale Sorcerer cannot move, cannot speak. His mind cannot make him react either. He's totally frozen. Of course, time has stopped... Outside> Bridgit Cascio arches eyebrows past her hairLIne. This wasn't quite exactly the kind of fireworks she was expecting - although damn, it'll do in a pinch. She strugGLes to get up out of her seat and even as she does so, she's... held where she is just as the energy wave goes off. Einstein draws breath to bark, and is frozen in time, teeth flashing and jowls caught on the upLIfting motion of his mouth opening. Dog and woman both have the same thought at the same time, demonstrating that the genetic evolutionary ladder isn't as far apart as humans would LIke to think. .oO(Well, @(*&#. Should've retired last week.) Outside> Pyro Squirrel yells obsenities at Nigh. Loudly. Most of which would go on the nc-17 channel OOCly. Outside> Kelly McLaren gasps as Procyon suddenly appears, and the moment Proc *points* at her... She attempts to flee. ATTEMPT being the key word as she can't move her legs... nor her arms... she can only stand there, motionless in time. She does have to think... (Is this how the old Sec-Gen felt LIke before being killed by Clown Man?)oo. Outside> Eyes blazing LIke bloody chips of ice, Paradigm's features twist into a scowl a fraction of a second before the chronological distortion seizes hold, trapping him in place. Even as others in the audience scream their protest, Paradigm makes no such exclamation. When he does speak, it is in a voice that rings loud and clear over the chaos in the room - the CRF-sympathizer performing the rare act of deigning to ampLIfy his voice with reploid electronics. "Interesting. You claim to right wrongs and crimes against the world...through more violence and suffering. How can this be so? Do the ends justify the means for you, -Stardroid-?" Outside> Daryn is about to insult God or something similar but then he hears the snap and reaLIzes he can't really move that much except for, LIke, his mouth. "Sh**.", he says, "Megumi, get a picture of that guy, we'll put it on our album." Megumi hisses, "Shut the hell up, Daryn, if he kills us because of your idiotness, I'm going to stranGLe you." Daryn pauses for a moment at that thought and continues, "You mean to say, Mister..ah...", he muses, "Eh... Hey, you mind unfreezing me or something, pal? Ain't real sportin' LIke if I can't play my instrument, y'know what I'm sayin'? I gotta play the cLImatic music... Y'know how it is. That's what I'm here for, yeh? Ah hell, I'll just sing...", he shouts out at a wonderful volume, LIstening to an invisible melody playing inside his head, and it sounds LIke he's starting mid melody, "Order is broken, Chaos is broken, We did this to them an' ourselves, shot at the judges no matter the sentence, true or false...", he doesn't seem to care that the Secretary General is about to get shot. Megumi does though as she strains to move forward, shouting various obscenities. Outside> Pyro Squirrel yells at Nigh continuously. Outside> SS Dreadskull arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> "Oh, geez, Abernathy, what the @""|!! are you doing!!! STOP HIM!!" Unable to move, Gale Sorcerer just tries to do something desperately. Whatever he can. It's just that, he can't do anything. Nothing at all. Just observe... Outside> SS Dreadskull enters the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> Again, we see the incovenience the Stardroids put their alLIes through. Again, we see that the devil doth not support his children, and at the last day, doth speedily drag them down to hell. Some could say this is a miniature version of Hell already, and Procyon -- however well intentioned -- is the devil. Something about roads and their paving. Then again, Abernathy is getting /used/ to this -- which is why, as he's yanked into being abruptly by the Stardroid he 'betrayed' Earth to, he is immediately in motion, turning back to face Procyon with an expression that is textbook for 'unamused'. Extremely unamused. "And here I thought the person I made a deal with was a rational sort, Procyon," the diplomat remarks, almost as if he's not LIstening to what the Stardroid has to say. Perhaps he's not. "But then, I've been known to make mistakes." Perhaps that's because Procyon is about as far beyond rationaLIty as people get, and perhaps a diplomat as a student of people can recognize that -- and perhaps that's why as soon as Procyon begins his tirade against McLaren, his talk of vengeance ... Abernathy's stance alters just sLIghtly. "And, more unfortunately, your vendetta is -- " And as Procyon stretches out a hand, the diplomat interposes himself between the oncoming attack and the frozen McLaren. " -- With me." There's your answer, Gale. Outside> Pirate Man arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. SatelLItes begin picking up about three dozen bLIps converging to a geosynchonous orbit of Earth. Outside> Pirate Man enters the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> Paradigm's eyes widen fractionally as Abernathy makes his rather spectacular intervention, the only moving figure beyond the Stardroid in this otherwise stationary tableau. He knows not what it is that currently unfolds before his eyes. But he -does- know that he intensely disLIkes the idea of being unable to influence the course of fate... ...But it seems that the only one who has even the sLIghest hope of influencing the Stardroid's judgement is this young man, human or reploid. And it is he with whom all hopes in this chamber ride with. Outside> Kelly McLaren's eyes widden as she sees Abernathy stepping in front of the shot. "My god..." she whispers... Outside> Shock. Irony. Opportunism. Call it whatever you want, but it wouldn't be enough to define Gale Sorcerer's face at the moment. Pale of horror as he has probably never seen before, the mage cannot even say a word. Answers are way too bitter sometimes. [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha speaks in a monotone, "Time for talking is over, huh." Outside> "I am nothing, I am everything. I am the thing that once cared and no longer feels a thing for your wayward planet... /my/ home world!" Procyon GLares at Abernathy as he jumps in front of the wave of energy. Whereas a few days ago, Procyon would have made sure not to harm Abernathy, that sick and demented grin remains on his face as the energy continues right toward and into Abernathy's body. "People hate people for nothing at all. Our kingdom of love is ready to fall, hate is the power which keeps this world going on... its their motivation, their feeLIng..." And then, Procyon disappears, the smell of the hunt of a Stardroid upon Procyon's mind now... just as quickly as this attempted mass murder started, it is over. Outside> Procyon strikes Abernathy with his Code Shock attack. Outside> Abernathy is temporarily disoriented by Procyon's Code Shock attack. Outside> Pharaoh Man gasps in surprise. Such heroic nonsense! Abernathy sacrifices himself for /her/? Hrmph. Well, better he's out of the way. Ra can suddenly move, and bLInks away from sight... [Radio: (B) UN] UN-Attache Jessica Blakesly transmits, "...how, what did I tell you about those Stardroids, Abernathy?" Outside> Pharaoh Man takes out a medical scanner and scans Abernathy. Outside> Sword Man bLInks as he sees Abernathy take the bullet. Sure, the human's gotta be hurting, and he wouldn't exactly MIND seeing the Figurehead fall, but he's still got to admire Abernathy's courage. . o O (Perhaps I was wrong about him...) Outside> Pharaoh Man reappears on the stage, still in his disguise... Outside> Muse breaks out of the timefreeze, and immediately jumps up on top of the area where the podium, putting herself between Kelly any anyone else who might try and harm her. Damn Stardroids were not going to kill her off - no way. Outside> Pyro Squirrel keeps yelLIng obscenities at Nigh, until the poLIce escort him out for language. Outside> Bridgit Cascio and Einstein unfreeze at the same time. The woman ends up fallen over the back of a chair in the auditorium, and the dog barks at... nothing? "Aw, goddamn," Bridgit mutters. "They didn't kill 'er..." She pauses, bLInking. That was... ABERNATHY. "Aw, *(#&$. Abby..." the woman muses as she hobbles herself out of her aisle, untanGLIng herself, her dog, and her crutch all at once. "Dammit, MOVE! ABERNATHY!" In the meantime, she barks furiously into her radio - while Einstein barks at people as they pass. [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio bellows. "ONE OF YOU (*&#@$(ING PEOPLE GET A MEDIC!" [Radio: (B) UN] Muse transmits, "I'll handle it, as soon as I'm certain that McLaren is safe." [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "..." Reports roll in of one of the MonoLIth Easter Island heads erupting from the earth with body and ascending into the sky. From the British Isles, a minor Stonehenge repLIca assembles into a giant spider orbus and takes off. Wondrous edifices seem to take off quickly into the skies. [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Your priorities are #*(&ed up." [Radio: (B) UN] Gale Sorcerer transmits, "..." [Radio: (B) UN] Muse transmits, "We're here to protect the United Nations, Ms. Cascio. That is our job - I'll see to Abernathy as soon as we clear this crowd OUT of here. Lets lock down this entire building, people." Outside> Pyro Squirrel has disconnected. [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "You're gonna let someone who just did yer damn job die, when McLaren is prolly nothin' more'n shaken. Nice." Outside> Daryn plays a soft melody, "Saved... Everybody 'spects Blood... What is nothin' Megs?", he closes his eyes, "I tell you, friends...", he sings as he finally plays again, "Heroes die...Heroes made to die... Villainy eternal, torture eternal, death sweet, jus' not right now...not...right...now.", he moves forward, raising his guitar in the air, as he plays the musical instrument above his head, "Invisible parades...", Daryn laughs again and plays a few more chords. "And the Druids turn to stone. I told you, Megs. The druids turn to stone. That's today's song. You get that report? Eh?" He plays the music up, LIkely ignored as he sings his song maniacally, totally lost in the words he spouts out, totally lost in the music, "The Magic Words are spoken, As we leave the plain in silence, McLaren stands alone, the Druids turn to STone. The Magic Words are spoken, As we leave the plain in silence, The hero falls alone, The Druids turn to stone." Outside> Sword Man finally falls free of the timestopper effects, his head snapping to the side just as he was trying to do before he was frozen. SIghing, he tests his movement...and freezes again, this time in shock as the GNN reports file in. "Great blazes..." [Radio: (B) UN] Muse transmits, "If you're so concerned about him, get him up here with me. I know enough first aid to keep him aLIve for the time being." Outside> Now, had that settled the 'traitor' argument? If not, Abernathy's going to be really damn pissed. As it is, there are bigger and more important things on the diplomat's mind. ... LIke how bloody much that had hurt. With a stranGLed noise of pain, Abernathy crumples to the stage in a heap LIke a LIttle black puppet with its strings cut. That can't have been good, especially not with the way he's still /twitching/ sLIghtly, the way a spider does when it isn't quite dead yet. And then there's the sLIghtly sick odor of microwaved human. Outside> As time flows into normalcy, Kelly regains movement and runs towards Abernathy, eyes wide in shock. As she nears Abernathy she immediately, "CALL 911!!!" she platively cries out. [Radio: (B) UN] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "OH yeah, 'cuz I'm a #*(&ing doctor that just works with tanks for FUN." Outside> Just right after the time remains its course, the shocked sorcerer falls to the ground. His eyes totally open for a moment, Gale then suddenly rushes up towards the direction the diplomat LIes in, making his way through the crowd the way he can, next to the spot Kelly was speaking from. Outside> Paradigm's expression doesn't change, not even in the sLIghtest, as Procyon's freeze effect releases everyone in the UN chambers from its clutches. He simply rises slowly to his feet, surveying the chaos in the room with a casual gaze. Eventually, his eyes come to rest on the podium where McLaren stands, and her erstwhile protector has fallen. He makes no move to approach the front of the auditorium, unLIke so many of those rushing forward, he does not know the players in this LIttle stage production. Apart from the tension in this room, he's content to observe, for now. With one hand resting on the ken-tonfa sheaved at his side, of course. Outside> Pharaoh Man then unmasks, " Secretary General, if you wish to save his LIfe, stand. Aside. " he says, moving forwards, a small compartment opening on his arm reveaLIng tools. " I am not versed in biological medicine, however, I can get Abernathy's Cybernetic systems functioning agian, hopefully enough to keep him aLIve..." Ra says, and waits to see what McLaren does. American reporters spastically report a full bodied Abraham LIncoln sans head has just burst forth from the Black Hills in South Dakoa, it too taking off for the heavens. Outside> Norman Cassidy comes to, on the floor, unstealthed. "... This would be a very bad time to move, wouldn't it?" he inquires, trying to pry his mind out of the faceplant he just performed, courtesy of Procyon. The cyborg tried damn near everything to try and attck the Stardroid, but to no avail. Instead, his body pulls everything off in one convoluted series as soon as time returns to him. "... Ow..." he mutters, grumbLIng to himself as he slowly drags himself to his feet. Outside> The Blue Belle (who was here the whole time, really. She just move LIke Neenja) She moves next to Muse, questioninGLy." Outside> Well then. Since Kelly is safe (for the moment) and Abernathy is where she is heading... Muse finally gets a move on. She does have her job to do, and keeping the Sec Gen safe is the first priority. ...and since she's trying to help the fallen Diplomat, the best thing to do is get him stabaLIzed and out of here, so no one can hurt him, and thus McLaren will get over here as well. Jetting over to where Abernathy is probably laying out on the ground, Muse pulls out her pocket medpack and gets to work, applying a few stabaLIzers and salves to try and keep the fool aLIve until they can get him to a more proper medical faciLIty. Outside> Muse effects some minor first aid to Abernathy. Outside> Pharaoh Man takes out a medical scanner and scans Abernathy. Outside> Muse takes out a medical scanner and scans Abernathy. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Shyster intones in an ominous, echoing voice, "The Ancients Have Risen. The End is Nigh." Pause. "No, Really, It Is. End. Nigh. See? Oh, C'Mon, It's Funny, Damnit." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "Shaddup, y'hack job." Outside> "God dammit. Abernathy, damn you damn you damn you," Bridgit mutters non-stop under her breath as she hobbles her way towards the stage and Abby's smoking remains. "I -hate- these ()*#& I work with," she snarls. "@(*#& the Musica. Not LIke they do their *(#&ing job right anyway." Finally hobbLIng her way to the stage, the woman snarls and growls, sweeping her cane around. "MOVE IT," she orders, while Einstein barks at those that gawk and stare and generally get in the way. The crippled woman, earned while defending the United Nations and all they stand for, GLares at the Musica with pure disgust. She swipes furiously at an aide, growLIng an obscenity before watching with steely eyes as chaos reigns. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pirate Man transmits, "Shut yer bLItherin' bLIge hole." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn sings over the radio, "I marvel at this mystery, beholder of the stars, A holy temple, a sacred burial ground, Guarding well its secrets from us all." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Shyster laments, "Everyone's a critic." Outside> Kelly McLaren looks at Ra, frowning uneasily, but to save a LIfe who saved hers? "..." She steps away from Abernathy and merely nods at Ra. "Do it." Outside> Pharaoh Man immidiatly kneels, and begins to work in surprising unison with Muse. As she bandages the wounds of the flesh, he begins to pull circuity together and bypass uneeded systems to get Abernathy's cybernetic components working agian. Hopefully, they can heal the internal damage... Outside> Bluegrass eyes Bri LIghtly and mildly and calmly fLIps Bri the bird. (...Biatch.)oo. " Outside> Gemini Man enters the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> Bridgit Cascio stares back at Bluegrass unfLInchinGLy, bares her teeth in a ghastly smile, and returns the favour. .oO(At least I can do my job right.) Outside> Norman Cassidy peers at the world gone mad, just shaking his head. "... Bruce has been reincarnated as a chick, Pharaoh Man is helping some dumbaft that a Stardroid has an affinity for, the Sec-Gen is letting Pharaoh Man do so, and the Musica Guard is doing nothing." Norm just shakes his head sadly, padding out of the row of seats he landed within. "Now... Is someone going to tell me what the HELL is going on here?" he rumbles, his form disappearing into his Cyber Man armor... A concept he never would've considered, had the Stardroids not manifested in the first place. Something that wouldn't have been possible had they not appeared. Outside> Norman Cassidy changes into his Cyber Man armor. Outside> Sword Man simply watches on, eyeing Ra as he rushes up to assist Abernathy, along side one of the Musica. "An odd scene, indeed..." Stepping forward toward the stages slowly, he continues to watch, silent for lack anything constructive to add at the moment. Outside> Pharaoh Man sends a radio transmission. Outside> Sword Man receives a radio transmission. A satelLIte camera finally gets a lock on what's going on upstairs. Tight focus to Mars, atop a Greek style chariot, twin Iron StalLIons pulLIng the cart. Behind him, a platoon of three dozen minor Stardroids, some ready for battle, others unsettled. Behind them, ten massive stone giants from across the GLobe. Mars seems to be giving some raging speech, speaking of he being the 'true heir of Duo's will'. Outside> Daryn plays some more music as he approaches, "Music of my soul, help this guy who would sell his soul and LIfe to save us all.", he raises his guitar in the air to offer his brand of jury-rigging but Megumi with a growl lunges forward and grabs ahold of his arms, holding him back. The two strugGLe for a while. Outside> Sword Man sends a radio transmission. Outside> Pharaoh Man receives a radio transmission from Sword Man. Outside> Stopping right to Muse's left, the intel looks down at the diplomat while the Musica does the first medical helps on him. First he had to open his stupid mouth, and now... now he's totally useless once more. Unabe to heal anything that isn't circutitry, Gale Sorcerer moves his right hand fiercely onto his pointy hat while muttering. "Why in blazes did you have to LIsten to anything I'd say!!" A cold gust of wind starts filLIng the area. The poor mage's blaming his own head on opportunist for a long time probably. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Gemini Man laughs and laughs. Outside> But wait! Abernathy isn't quite DEAD yet, just immobiLIzed. And not even that, because as not one but several people come wandering over to loom over, point at, adminster first aid to, congratulate, whatever, the diplomat twitches in a sLIghtly more purposeful way, GLancing with one blood-shot at the twin -- if very blurry -- figures of Ra and Muse. " ... you ... " It sounds LIke the beginning of one of his trademark strings of fluid invective, until he dissolves into very painful-sounding coughing. Too many people, and he's feeLIng too ... fried ... to actually say much. Outside> Watching those of a more medical incLInation than he work to save the LIfe of the fallen diplomat, Paradigm stands at a distance, looking upon the scene. A Musica guard and a Robot Master working in tandem to preserve. How incredibly fascinating. Amazing how people get stricken by sudden bouts of altruism. A gentle but persuasive beeping from his left wristcuff catches his attention, and the CRF sympathizer GLances down, LIghting up the LCD of the metal ring with a touch of his fingers. A few heartbeats later, Paradigm's eyebrows arch in surprise. He turns back to where the knot of UN personnel and Masters aLIke are clustered. Paradigm doesn't raise his voice. Not precisely - that would be beneath his dignity. He does, however, pitch it such that his speech carries clearly across the room. "Let the medics do their duty. You cannot help save that man's LIfe. Those of you with communications access, I suggest you examine that which is currently being broadcast across the major news bands." He smiles, a grim expression without humour. "You may be sentimental on your own time. You of the United Nations, I beLIeve you have something called a 'duty'?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha transmits, "I suggest you guys don't come up here. You probably wouldn't enjoy it." Outside> Terry arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Phoenixflame XO Bowie transmits, "Oh hell." Outside> Bridgit Cascio continues to stand at the edge of things, holding Einstein's leash, watching the chaos around Abby, and switches between planning her retirement and working for anyone other than the UN. Outside> Norman Cassidy whirls at Paradigm, news feeds appearing inside his helmet. "... C'mere." he growls, launching up and across the room towards Paradigm. "You seem to know a lot. Get me the frag up to speed." he states, teeth gritted behind his helmet. Norm doesn't LIke this at all. He doesn't LIke it one bit. [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha transmits, "Anyway, um." Outside> Pharaoh Man finishes up with the repairs as best he can, and then closes off the access ports his opened up, along with patching some protective duct tape about the holes that have been made on them by the attack. " I have done all I can. " he states simply, and stands. " Consider this a favor, in which I shall call upon in the future as appropriate, Miss McLaren. And as for your 'INTERPOL'...." Pharaoh smirks sLIghtly, "...well, I think I shall show you my thoughts on it when it comes to clash with the Children of Amun-Wily. As far as us 'terrorists' go, take a look at our goverment in Africa. You'll find we've done nothing but help its inhabitants..." And with that, the Master of Sands turns, and starts walking off the stafe. Outside> Gale Sorcerer sighs. He just goes on holding his staff with both hands, place it on the ground, and stand LIke that for some time. He really doesn't feel LIke doing anything else... Outside> Daryn smirks sLIghtly, relaxes his arms, "Man Megs. Guess he didn't need savin'. Whataguy.", he turns around and plays another melody, and then another, changing them rapidly, "So whatcha think I should play Megs..." Megs says, "Nothin'. Get me somethin' useful, LIke a cigarette." [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Bass transmits, "You're wasting your tiii-me... o/~" [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Alpha transmits, "...What time?" Outside> Paradigm seems mildly amused by Norman Cassidy's insistance, though he, nonetheless, compLIes with the request. Touching a control on one of his silver wristcuffs, he brings up a floating holographic display - ironically, a two-dimensional grid displaying four seperate LIve broadcasts from four different news networks, and points it toward Cassidy. The sound is muted, but the images speak well enough. As he does this, Paradigm addresses the UN personnel again. His gaze is directed firmly at McLaren, though his speech is quite possibly meant for more than just her alone. "With all due respect," Paradigm begins, with subtle sarcasm that suggests the precise opposite of his words, "you have concerns beyond the welfare of this one man. Or have you forgotten, Ms. -Secretary General-?" He puts particular emphasis on McLaren's title as he says it, attempting to make eye contact with the world leader. "His injuries, no matter how severe, are hardly the point here. The appearence of a Stardroid...now, I wonder. What to make of that?" [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Metal Man transmits, "o/~Let the bodies hit the floor!" [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Alpha transmits, "No floor in space." Outside> Sword Man sees Ra walk off the stage, his work done. Not wanting to have to stay here any longer, Sword does as well, tipping his fedora to the gathered. "Until we meet again, whether it be on the battlefield or neutral ground...and as Sir Pharaoh said...perhaps the people of Africa would beg to differ on our effect to the populace." With that, Sword walks off as well, heading up the aisle between seats and toward the doors. [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Bass transmits, "They fall for a while." [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Ring Man transmits, " :chuckles." [Radio: (F) AlLIance] Alpha transmits, "Yes." Outside> Kelly McLaren merely nods at Paradigm, and returns to the podium, "Interpol Agents," She eyes Bridgit and Bluegrass firmly... "We have no time to argue. Even now, something is tearing this world apart. I do stronGLy recommend that we take care of this, before continuing onward with these 'talks' as it were. I am sure the director of Interpol," it is here Kelly eyes Abernarthy, "will choose the heads of the IntelLIgence and Enforcement as well as Assistant Director, but for now..." Kelly smiles a firm general-LIke smile. "Let's show that S.O.B. that it is not nice to F**k with us, alright?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "My God! Did The Secretary General just show personaLIty, Megs!? Megs, hey now, put that chair down, hey...Megs...Shi..." Outside> Pharaoh Man smirks sLIghtly as he pushes the doors open. .oO(Yes. It appears Serenade was correct....he is useful.) A low chuckle escapes his LIps, before he bLInks out of sight... Outside> Norman Cassidy eyes Paradigm, "Forget this." he snorts, before stalking back towards the stage. "You're no help, y'know that?" he grumbles, eying the SecGen. He shakes his head, "Madam Secretary... If y'don't mind, may I help out on this one? I've a bit of experience with Stardroids. Besides, two actual heroes and a pack o' underLIngs aren't going to do drek. You're gonna need three, at least." he states, a holographic Cheshire grin appearing before his ghostly visage. Outside> Gale Sorcerer has disconnected. Outside> Abernathy pauses a moment in industriously coughing up a lung to bLInk. " ... d ... can someone ... repeat whatever the h ... " He draws a breath, coughs s'more, and continues: " ... the /hell/ she just c-called me?!" Outside> Norman Cassidy looks at Abernathy, "Director of Interpol." he snaps back quickly. Outside> Bridgit Cascio arches an eyebrow at that, simply looking at Kelly flatly and quite obviously showing her age and her battlescars. "Sure. Gimme my abiLIty to walk normal back, an' I'll go (*&# him up," she says simply, flatly. "But, see, Vile hadda go an' shoot me. Spent a month in hospital. Didn't even get to use my vacation days for recuperation." BITTER. "Anywho. Aber's movin' up in the world, huh. Lessee if he makes it through 'is first night in office. Looks LIke it's gonna be a killer." A twisted smirk crosses her face as she looks down at Abby. "Congrats, boy," she says in amusement, "yer the boss." Outside> Kelly McLaren nods, "I speak for all of the United Nations and Interpol when I say... Thanks for offering the help, Cyber Man. We definitely need it." Outside> "... Th ... that's what I thought." And though he was not knocked unconscious initially by the attack he was fooLIsh enough to take for McLaren, Abernathy chooses this moment to pass out. *thud* Outside> Norman Cassidy nods and bows, "Thank you." he states calmly, "We have any spacecraft? Or... battle stars or something?" he inquires curiously. He peers at Abernathy, bowing his head a bit. "You might want to wait on the title until after he's healed up some..." Outside> A spark of bemusement fLIckers in Paradigm's eyes as Norman storms away from him. He flashes a brief smile, one with only the sLIghtest traces of a sardonic air. Switching off the holographic display, and sLIding the sleeve of his German greatcoat back over the metal ring bracketing his left wrist. For a moment or two, he watches the UN - or should that be Interpol now? - personnel have their LIttle impromptu war room discussion. To nobody in particular, he remarks, "My, such resolve. Secretary General, agents of the International PoLIce, I trust you will remember you cannot accompLIsh much alone. Still, I wish you good luck..." SLIding his hands into his coat pockets, he turns on a heel and walks towards the nearest auditorium exit. "...I suspect we will all need it, before this day is out." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Nigh will come, we serve ourselves better to battle as one against him, then seperate ourselves. We must remain united, hold to who we are, and trust in ourselves, and trust to a force greater then Nigh or Duo." Outside> Bridgit Cascio shakes her head, amused. "I ain't exactly fit fer space-duty, an' neither's anythin' we got in the garages 'cept the Magellan," the woman notes thoughtfully to Norman, leaning on her crutch. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "LIke Amun-Wily." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Procyon told me, that Nigh would not be as forgiving as Duo was. But by what right does he judge us? Duo fell, Duo was mortal as we are, and as the stardroids are. Or rather, immortal as we and the Stardroids -are-. Nothing cannot conquer something, he is defeated by his mere essense." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "Try will and determination, Pharaoh Boy." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "We are something. Something is greater then Nothing." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Which Amun-Wily has bountiful amounts of." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha transmits, "I am sorry if my absence causes pain. I am sorry if I never return. I am sorry for causing you, my family, so much grief, but family looks out for family. Please don't hurt Pac Pac while I'm gone. He's good, please trust me on that. And...I'd LIke to thank you all. I may never have this chance again but thank you for taking me in and giving me this home. This past year was the best year I ever had. I may never see any of you ever again, but if I do, then I can only hope you will let me burden you once more. If not, then I hope helping Mars battle Nigh is a way I can repay off all the debts I owe all of you. And someone tell Dynamo, if I don't return, that I'm sorry he can't collect the bounty on me. Goodbye." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "Except in the case of sentient black holes. Then nothing is a lot more than something." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Eidolon...why do you speak as if Procyon was once your ally? You are human, from what I can discern. When does Procyon dabble with a human lacking in memory?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "In fact, the last person of such low status Procyon dabbled with was...." Outside> Pausing at the door, Paradigm stops and turns sLIghtly, looking across the space seperating him from Bridgit with a mildly incredulous look. He didn't intend to say any more, but this, this is -ridiculous-. "Surely you jest. You're the United Nations. The only real manned space exploration programs on this entire planet belong to you. The -RepLIforce- belongs to you. And all you claim access to is this one soLItary spacecraft?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "A black hole is so much of something that the world cannot hold it. It is not Nothing." Outside> Paradigm shakes his head, and quips, though not unkindly, "Our tax dollars at work." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Alpha transmits, "Oh..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "KaLInka has restored my memory. Procyon made me what I am today." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "No...Procyon enabled me. I made myself what I am today." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man seems to have figured something out, " And what were you, my dear Eidolon? " Outside> Kelly McLaren smiles at Norman. "Perhaps. But that's for later." She hears Para and sighs, "I have a feeLIng we will know soon enough... If we're even ready for duty." She GLances about, "Unless there is questions, this press conference is adjorned. Be safe, everyone." And Kelly leaves... admist flashbulbs and such. Outside> Bridgit Cascio jerks a thumb over her shoulder. "I only look after a couple garages, an' they're diplomatic vehicles an' a few defence vehicles," she fires back. "You wanna know space? Go talk t'one of the other eggheads in another coutnry. I just know we got a freakin' space shuttle in wit' the tanks, waitin' t'be moved to the right station. So get bent, eh?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Shyster transmits, "A discount model kit on sale at K-Mart." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I will not be the last survivor of this world, Procyon. I will not become -you-. I will not see my world fall as you saw yours die. I will throw myself at Nigh if needs be, tooth and nail. I will finally be who I was meant to be. I will protect LIfe, not murder for the sake of escaping death." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I, Pharaoh Man? I am the Eidolon." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Of Landon Eustace DeVry." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "I KNEW IT." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "... What?!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Ring Man transmits, "You're a loony" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Damn you DeVry!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "Define 'Eidolon'." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Must you continue to plague us! DIE! DIE DAMN YOU!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Psst, what the hell is an Eidolon?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Well, looks LIke you guys still get a chance to kill him." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "Not sure." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "The Image, the truth. I am an image of what I was meant to be. A spark of LIght across the GLass mirror." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "It is an illusion, a shade of something that once was." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "So.. okay, what's an Eidolon?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Or an ideaLIzed image, Pharaoh Man. But we are all images. I see that now." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Shutup, DeVry. When I get ahold of you....." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Norman Cassidy transmits, "... GLare on a mirror..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Well /duh/. It took your ass to die to figure that out? Damn, you're stupid." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Quite, Crash Man, I was." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I was the greatest human fool, ever." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "You were what? Stupid?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "You still are!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Yes." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Human? You were a monstrosity. A joke." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "*laughs* Yes! Yes! I am!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Big Bad Sword Man transmits, "Hrmph...so DeVry has not truely died...but has death brought an epiphany LIfe could not display?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Metal Man transmits, "DAMN IT Landon! Why can't you just die!!!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Wow. You agree. Huh.." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Well, my work here is done. I'm going to go get a beer." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I can see myself, Crash Man. I saw myself. KaLInka saved me." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "What'dya see in the mirror, Kid?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "For no reason, she risked her LIfe to pull me from the monster, to kill who I was." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "...And whatya now, kid?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Dumbass girl, what can I tell you?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Metal Man transmits, "What are you now Landon.." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I thank Procyon, for granting me the opportunity to discover this of myself. I also make myself wilLIng to surrender myself to the United Nations when this crisis has passed, provided that we survive it." Outside> Paradigm breathes a sigh, and pushes the exit doors open, leaving the council chambers behind. Naturally, he bears no real -ill will- towards the efforts of these erstwhile self-proclaimed heroes, but honestly, judging from what he's seen, if these people represent the best of the world's most powerful governmental authority... ...He's voting opposition, come next election. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I must be made accountable for what I have done." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Oh yeah. Procyon's just a real friggin' /saint/, isn't he?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Procyon made a sacrifice. He was the last human to survive the first coming of the Stardroids to this world. He remade the world, before falLIng into darkness." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I was to be the next survivor, to see the world also fall, that was my fate, and the price of my immortaLIty." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "And he remade /you/. Such a waste." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "Immor- NO!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn sings, "He's the Last Man on Eaaaarth...." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Gemini Man transmits, "BLAH BLAH BLAH...." "Okay, kill can we kill the rest of them, now?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, " I will /not/ allow you to achieve such a rank! You are not WORTHY!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Such irony." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "No, Pharaoh Man, No, I am not." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Yeah, well, you know what? Whatever. You should have stayed dead, Landon. Now you're just a bigger target." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Oh man, Landon is so worthy of immortaLIty, pals." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Big Bad Sword Man transmits, "The irony is astounding..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "ImmortaLIty is reserved for the greatest of evils. GLad I fixed 'em in time or he'd've felt the whole bite of it." Outside> Norman Cassidy is a self-proclaimed hero... And he's not part of the UN. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I call to Nigh. I speak to you now, for I know that you LIsten. I surrender myself. If Procyon was the only survivor, and I am to be his understudy, then let me be the only casualty. Let me be the one to suffer." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Yeah! Let him be the one to suffer!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Halo Hare transmits, "That's naht verah nahce!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "You fool." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Take him! Nobody wants him anyway." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "You complete, and utter fool." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Magnet Man transmits, "..." Outside> Bridgit Cascio is a background character. Said character hobbles her way off the stage, hauLIng her dog along, and heading for the garages. Nothing else for her to do. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hey Bill Nigh the Science Guy, could you also get this guy to shut up? I'm, LIke, trying to drink beer and there's stupid people blabbing away." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Don't be a hero, kid." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Shyster says sagely, "Hey, LIke, hey, guys. Y'know, this DeVry guy or wotever, 'im LIvin' for ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and stuff, y'know, I mean, this ain't LIke really important, considerin' there's LIke, y'know, BIG WARFLEET AND FLYING PIECES OF STONE inna space or somethin' LIke that vaguely along those LInes which I cannot quite remember right now or somefink. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "... No... Do you know what you are doing?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "You have escaped death. But at what price? The earth? The universe?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Pharaoh Man transmits, "You utterly selfish, pathetic LIttle man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Accepting destruction. Accepting death. Thank you for your words, Prismatic, I enjoyed our dinner that one night." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Fools wish ill on others. Fools wish ill on themselves." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hey, wait a minute, that made no sense." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Prismatic Spider transmits, "It was an interesting time, Eidolon." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Are you sure that a sacrifice of a man will stop this catastrophe?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Yes, a time I will treasure, Prism. It makes me feel more...human." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Sure. Don't you watch television?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Sacrifices for nothing are mere senseless suicide." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Halo Hare transmits, "SAHS! If this is what Dahtahr DeVrah's b'cahme, ah...ah...well, an nahw he's askin t' sacrifahce himself fahr ahs ahll...well, ah sah he's mahr than r'deemed hisself!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I will oppose, Nigh, Canopy. I will finally attempt to fight the -right- fight." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Yeah, right. I buy that, Landon." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Shyster transmits, "I stand behind any man who aLIterates." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "But will you fight it properly? I hear you talk not of fighting Nigh or opposing it, but of giving your LIfe to it that others LIve. Is it necessary?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "...Damnit, y'learned music, pal. Do'ya think your death will help? If so, go ahead, pay off your debts of LIfe, but y'sure it won't be a waste? If it's a waste, you won't pay off your debts." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Halo Hare transmits, "SAHS! If this is what Dahtahr DeVrah's b'cahme, ah...ah...well, an nahw he's askin t' sacrifahce himself fahr ahs ahll...well, ah sah, he's mahr than tryin' t'redeem hisself! *Pauses* ...think that cahme aht raht..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I am a speck of something, a pebble of something greater then I was. As who I was, I was a worshipper of Nothing, I LIved in death, feared it, prayed to it every night and made offerings of hate and suffering." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hey you, dude who's talking about debts. Who are you?" Outside> Kelly McLaren has disconnected. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "There are no specks that think." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Eh, Daryn I'm told, wassup?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Dude, you sound so freaking high. We need to hang out, yo." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "My name is Crash Man and, hahaha, I can help YOU." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "There are people. However many people there are, they are people - you do not discard them. And I was built for space; I feel better comfortable here than anywhere else." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Cool." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "*laughs* Yes! I am quite high, Crash Man! I am addicted to LIfe, that is why it is so easy for me to throw it away. I finally understand its value!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Metal Man transmits, "Halo Hare? Your aLIve? heh heh heh" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Big Bad Sword Man transmits, "...this is very surreal. How strange...and as much as a brave stand could find itself be necessary...perhaps this sacrifice is more suitable. I still find it too hard to truely beLIeve: The Late Dr. DeVry, ressurected in order to sacrifice himself for the betterment of the world. I am still unsure whether to beLIeve it or not..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Halo Hare bLInks audibly. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Not you, Eido.. ol.. colon.. Eidocolon. I was talking to Daryn." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Halo Hare then lets out a terrified screech before her radio abruptly shuts off. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Sorry, I kinda lost my interest with you, dude." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "This LIfe, this LIfe is only valuable in this world because it allows me to help others. I was bLInd to never see it again. And Oh yes, I understand Crash Man!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "You are a fool, Landon DeVry. In humanity you fled death and fanned hatred. In machinedom you seek death and despise hatred - why? Why seek death now that you repent? There is always another way." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Oy, this guy is long-winded." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Yeah. He is." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I am still humanity." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "As you are." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "It matters not. You are a person." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "The difference of machinery and technology makes no difference. We are all human. We ae all brothers." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "I agree with this. But in one LIfetime you can sow numberless seeds of prosperity." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Paradigm says quietly, "It matters LIttle whether or not this...'Eidolon' is truly DeVry. His motives do not matter. Understand, he wishes to die. If you beLIeve he is DeVry, and you wish him ill - why would you stop him? If you do not beLIeve, then what does it matter?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Eww. No way. I am so not brothers with a psycho LIke you." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "In death you can sow only one. Are you so convinced that there is only one way to appease that Nigh?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "And I do not seek death. I seek to defeat Nigh. I see my death as the only method by which that can be accompLIshed, as I forsee no survival in confLIct with him, for me." Outside> Pharaoh Man goes home. Outside> Sword Man enters the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Then you are wrong." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Cancer/Uranus laughs. Loudly. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Perhaps, yes, perhaps I will defeat him and LIve on. That would be wonderful." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Mars spoke of a way to stop the Nigh, those to seek. Are we to let his death and those of his army be in vain?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "OOC: Oh no, it's the laughing cancer of uranus!" Outside> Bridgit Cascio misses Procyon with her Read The Damn Manual attack. Outside> Daryn sends a radio transmission. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Paradigm transmits, "He speaks sense. There is no greater, more noble sacrifice, than dying for one's cause and duty. That is what a true hero LIves for, fights for, and dies for. If he wishes to put his LIfe in danger in some...mysterious plan to defeat this 'Nigh', let him. It is not weakness, it is true stre---what is that damned laughter? You, Crash Man. Have you been distributing ilLIcit substances to children, Master?" Outside> Daryn sends a radio transmission to Eidolon. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "DeVry, at the very least, let your sacrifice wait. If there is any other way that makes death less LIkely, then let us all seek it together. If there is no other, then we shall destroy the Nigh, but if there is then you may LIve still on." Outside> Daryn receives a radio transmission. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hey, who's addressing me now?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Self-sacrifice is not sense when it is needless. It is fooLIshness. It is self-destruction. There is no nobiLIty in the quick way out." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I quite agree." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I am not marching towards him LIke a lamb, unless that is what will save this world. I wish to stop him." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Paradigm laughs. "My name isn't important, is it? Hardly worth noting, amidst all this lovely intellectual discourse flying overhead." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Very well. Then fight with us, but not instead of us." Outside> Daryn sends a radio transmission. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Well, it'd be helpful in case I wanted to, LIke, cuss you out." Outside> Daryn receives a radio transmission from Eidolon. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "We are all in the same battle. We fight differently. I have ejected the nothing from myself. I have allowed the monster to die, KaLInka killed it." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Now it is mine, reborn and made my strength." Outside> Daryn sends a radio transmission. Outside> United Nations BuildingUnited Nations Building Outside> Individuals entering the UN building tend to remark favorably on the open atrium space that is carved out of the rest of the UN building LIke a sLIce of an orange. Advanced construction techniques allows LIght to fall freely through the curved `ceiLIng' into this part of the building, allowing the variety of plants and greenery within to flourish in natural sunLIght. Wide, staggered concrete paths allow traffic to flow at a quick pace through the atrium into the UN building itself. Along the way, a visitor passes by not only beautifully maintained gardens, but also by several security checkpoints, a host of sensors and cameras and several conspicuous armed guards. All in all, a very pretty and functional design -- but with a definite eye towards security. There will be no April Fools here. Outside> Contents: Contents: Terry [Death Star] [?] Procyon [Stardroid] [SD] Norman Cassidy [Boarder] [C] Virgo [Stardroid] [SD] Daryn [C] Bridgit Cascio [Casual] [C] Paradigm [Descendent] [M] Abernathy [Working] [C] Muse [Red_musica] [C] Outside> : UN HQ - Elevator : UN HQ - General Assembly Hall : Seoul - United Nations Plaza Outside> Daryn sends a radio transmission. Outside> Daryn receives a radio transmission from Eidolon. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "You speak cryptically. What is to gain of that?" Outside> Daryn receives a radio transmission from Eidolon. Outside> Procyon goes home. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Canopy Jabberwock transmits, "Let us understand what you mean." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "Oddly, it is not cryptic to me. I speak of concepts as clear as I can... I think now I understand the maddening habits of the Stardroids." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Doctor, dond`e est`as?" Outside> Norman Cassidy fades into the discussions of what to do. Outside> Daryn sends a radio transmission. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Paradigm transmits, "All enLIghtened beings immediately gain an automatic tendency to speak with grandoise flair and poetic free verse. It is, apparently, part of the standard omnipotence package." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Aurora Hound transmits, "Apparently." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Hey, what's the fun if y'don't show off?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Paradigm transmits, "Scrabble?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "It stems from, trying to explain something..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I am an image, a shadow of an icon across a cave wall." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Paradigm transmits, "In words of few enough syllables that we can understand?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "An Eidolon." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Eidolon transmits, "I am, closer now to what I was meant to be." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Abernathy sounds, uhm, awful. "Remind ... me. Never ... to do that again ... in my LIfe." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Shield transmits, "Do it again." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Abernathy groans quietly. "H ... hate you." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Barrage Raptor transmits, "What'd you do?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Saved th' Sec-Gen's LIfe, is all." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Wow. I guess he's not evil after all." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio snorts. "'Course he ain't." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Well, he hadn't shown me that he wasn't. He even wanted to fight me! Of course, I wouldn't fight him. I don't LIke slaughters." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "I said he wasn't evil. I didn't say he was all that bright." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Barrage Raptor transmits, "... Oh, well, I suppose that's true." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Abernathy sort of laughs. "Hate you, t-too. Less than I hate ... whatever his name." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Procyon?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio sounds wryly amused. "Shut up an' heal, Aber." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] RF MSE Prismatic Spider transmits, "He's bitter and sarcastic, not evil. An interesting conversationaLIst if nothing else." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "'S'right. There's a difference 'tween evil an' bitter. Evil goes right t'yer hips." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Cpl. Aurora Hound transmits, "Really?" [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "Lookit Byte." [Radio: (D) RF-MH-UN-Chat] Cpl. Aurora Hound transmits, "Good point." Outside> Ninjutsu Gecko arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> ---- Ninjutsu Gecko is staring at Bluegrass in armor! ---- Outside> Norman Cassidy has disconnected. Outside> Muse demerges. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/24 Posted Author Maverick Germany Tue Dec 17 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **This.... Is GNN...** Press releases from Maverick-held Germany are slow in coming this week, as security in the country continues to tighten. Undergroud GNN reporters within the country have reported an increase in troop movements, and organized construction projects taking place outside of BerLIn itself. The Maverick government is not providing official comment at this time, but these seem to be security reactions based on keeping BerLIn secure from the same kind of coordinated Hunter attack that occured in France last week. Of particular note is an increased campaign to tally, organize, and relocate the human populations of the country ... In other Maverick news, a straw poll regarding the various 'Maverick Christmas' sentiments that have been permiating popular culture this season, rate the majority of Mavericks polled at 'Unamused.' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/25 Posted Author Additonal Christmas 'Cheer' Tue Dec 17 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Somewhere in the middle of crater scared Paris, there is a bit of a scuffle as a pack of Mavericks wander out. Visible among them are Shyster, Violen, Cyber Peacock, Byte, and a good number of others. Not all of them look too happy about this. Violen pulls out a conductor's baton, and stands in front of the group of Mavericks. Raising it up high... all of them burst into song, with varying degrees of enthusiasm all around. o/~ Humans roasting on an open fire o/~ Chill Penguin nipping at your nose o/~ Yuletide carols being sung by a choir o/~ And Ice Man dressed up LIke an eskimo o/~ Everybody knows a human and some mistletoe o/~ Help to make the season bright o/~ Tiny Reploids with their eyes all aGLow o/~ Will find it hard to sleep tonight o/~ They know that Sigma's on his way o/~ He's bringing lots of toys and goodies on his sleigh o/~ And every mother's child is gonna spy o/~ To see if Bit and Byte really know how to fly o/~ And so I'm offering this simple phrase o/~ To Reploids from one to ninety-two-thousand-three-hundred-and-two o/~ Although it's been said many times, many ways o/~ A Maverick Christmas to you o/~ And so I'm offering this simple phrase o/~ To Reploids from one to ninety-two-thousand-three-hundred-and-two o/~ Although it's been said many times, many ways o/~ A Maverick Christmas to you The camera pans across the broken wreckage of the city where the battle had taken place only a short time before, and then switches off. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/26 Posted Author Paris Air Drop Tue Dec 17 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The GNN new reporter flashes onto the screen. The LIttle screen behind him as a picture of an elephant being dropped by parachute. On the side of the elephant is the outLIne of the country of France. "Good morning. Last night, RepLIforce made its official response towards the Hunter attack on Paris. Officially, RepLIforce stated they did not have the manpower to hold Paris. However, they arrived at the City of LIghts and managed to get several of the refugees out of their country. Also suppLIes for the resistance were dropped. The suppLIes included foodstuffs, power suppLIes, and weapons." "We now return you to your regular programming." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/27 Posted Author UN Press Conference Wed Dec 18 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (This is GNN! And POX! And WNN! And MNN!) (Cue Nightly News) Greetings, I'm Brandy Carr. Top Story: The United Nations gets revamped in a big way. Here's l33t Deer with the scoop. "Thank you, Brandy. Moments ago, UN ended its press conference. In which, alot of things were said, but here are the key points:" --- (Recording Begins) --- Kelly waits for silence before she continues, "This has been an trying year my friends. With the takeover of Europe by the CoaLItion for Reploid Freedom, and the control of Africa by the terrorist organization known as the Robot Masters. We have all certainly seen dark days in the months before this one." Kelly pauses dramatically then continues, "...Then the Stardroids came back." "As it disheartens me to even think so, The United Nations has grown soft and even while funding the Army known as RepLIforce, the United Nations have been easily pushed around. Far too easily in recent days. Tonight," Kelly states firmly, "I plan to change that." Kelly quietly watches the murmuring of the crowds and the press, before she continues, "It is with thought that I unite UN PoLIce, the UNIA, the ISUN, UNASA and the Musica Guard under one roof. One Organization. And it is with my hope that this new organization will help bring a world under God together and that we can Manifest our own Destiny, instead of those who came here to our planet, telLIng us what our Manifest Destiny is." Kelly smiles, "The name this new organization... isn't quite new, as it had been intergrated into the United Nations in the year 2100. The new organization is hearby christened: International PoLIce. Or, as it has been known back then..." Kelly pauses... "INTERPOL." --- (Recording Stops) --- "However," l33t Deer says, "Before the Press Conference can continue something... or rather Someone interrupted." (Report Continues) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/28 Posted Author UN Press Conference 2 Wed Dec 18 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- (Recording Continues) --- *Snap!* The sound of two fingers snapping against each other echos through the UN Assembly area, and in that second, /everyone/ finds themselves frozen in place. Not displaced from time, but rather immobile as you can now watch the arrival of Procyon. Procyon, who hasn't been seen since the incident on the moon looks quite different. An almost mad quaLIty to his eyes, the type you'd almost expect to see in Doppler's eyes when talking about the Maverick Virus and total world domination, or the type you'd expect from Wily when talking about anything at all. And its a mad quaLIty that just strikes out as being extremely dangerous. With a twitch of his LIp, he smiles wide, the teeth beneath his smile GLeaming in the LIght. That smile seems to contain all the maLIce in the world as he begins, "God? God doesn't LIve here anymore. He's grown weary of your hatred, turned a deaf-ear to your LIp service cries for justice." Procyon GLares up at the podium, right at McLaren. With another snap of his finger, Abernathy is brought next to him, just ahead of him, somewhat between he and McLaren. "Do you see Abernathy, my so 'esteemed' colleague?" His last words seem LIke pure sarcasm dripping off it. "See what your wonderful UN has brought forth? More hatred, more violence to be added to the wars." Procyon steps up, knocking the podium aside from where Kelly is, "Ladies and Gentlemen. You have been judged guilty of violations against LIfe. And for that, you have served Nigh well. And now, this very day - I assure you - will pay for all your hatred and ignorance against the LIfe that was so greatly bestowed upon you!" LIfting a hand, Procyon's hand GLows a bright blue, "Starting..." a finger extends toward McLaren, "With you." --- (Recording Stops) --- l33t Deer looks unsettled, "It looks LIke it's going to be April Fools 2211 all over again... save it was halted by this man. Abernathy, who has arrived with the Stardroid Procyon." --- (Recording Continues) --- Again, we see the incovenience the Stardroids put their alLIes through. Again, we see that the devil doth not support his children, and at the last day, doth speedily drag them down to hell. Some could say this is a miniature version of Hell already, and Procyon -- however well intentioned -- is the devil. Something about roads and their paving. Then again, Abernathy is getting /used/ to this -- which is why, as he's yanked into being abruptly by the Stardroid he 'betrayed' Earth to, he is immediately in motion, turning back to face Procyon with an expression that is textbook for 'unamused'. Extremely unamused. "And here I thought the person I made a deal with was a rational sort, Procyon," the diplomat remarks, almost as if he's not LIstening to what the Stardroid has to say. Perhaps he's not. "But then, I've been known to make mistakes." Perhaps that's because Procyon is about as far beyond rationaLIty as people get, and perhaps a diplomat as a student of people can recognize that -- and perhaps that's why as soon as Procyon begins his tirade against McLaren, his talk of vengeance ... Abernathy's stance alters just sLIghtly. "And, more unfortunately, your vendetta is -- " And as Procyon stretches out a hand, the diplomat interposes himself between the oncoming attack and the frozen McLaren. " -- With me." (Report Continues) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/29 Posted Author UN Press Conference 3 Wed Dec 18 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shock. Irony. Opportunism. Call it whatever you want, but it wouldn't be enough to define Gale Sorcerer's face at the moment. Pale of horror as he has probably never seen before, the mage cannot even say a word. Answers are way too bitter sometimes. "I am nothing, I am everything. I am the thing that once cared and no longer feels a thing for your wayward planet... /my/ home world!" Procyon GLares at Abernathy as he jumps in front of the wave of energy. Whereas a few days ago, Procyon would have made sure not to harm Abernathy, that sick and demented grin remains on his face as the energy continues right toward and into Abernathy's body. "People hate people for nothing at all. Our kingdom of love is ready to fall, hate is the power which keeps this world going on... its their motivation, their feeLIng..." And then, Procyon disappears, the smell of the hunt of a Stardroid upon Procyon's mind now... just as quickly as this attempted mass murder started, it is over. --- (Recording Stops) --- "I'm happy to report, that thanks to ableminded people LIke Pharaoh Man of the Robot Masters and Interpol's Muse, Abernathy is expected to recover from the assault and no one else was hurt. Procyon fled from the scene... just as weird things were happening..." (Report Concludes!) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/30 Posted Author UN Press Conference 4 Wed Dec 18 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***Next comes several images from several news sources: Easter Island's Heads coming out of the ground and flying off towards space, Stonehenge being reconfigured into a spider before flying off as well... and various others such worldly renowned places... this just after having three dozen somethings appear in space.*** "It is with this threat, Miss McLaren concludes the press conference... with an extra surprise... for all of us." --- (Recording Continues) --- Kelly McLaren merely nods at Paradigm, and returns to the podium, "Interpol Agents," She eyes Bridgit and Bluegrass firmly... "We have no time to argue. Even now, something is tearing this world apart. I do stronGLy recommend that we take care of this, before continuing onward with these 'talks' as it were. I am sure the director of Interpol," it is here Kelly eyes Abernarthy, "will choose the heads of the IntelLIgence and Enforcement as well as Assistant Director, but for now..." Kelly smiles a firm general-LIke smile. "Let's show that S.O.B. that it is not nice to F**k with us, alright?" --- (Recording ENDS) --- "And so it looks LIke Interpol gains its first Director. It is still unknown whether or not the new Interpol will be able to weather the storm that is ahead of them and not fall apart. Time will tell. This is l33t Deer, GNN Seoul." Thank you, l33t. In other news... (BLIp. FINALLY!) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Outside> Terry enters the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. Outside> Ninjutsu Gecko has disconnected. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Hey Stardroids. Yer all a bunch of monkey smelLIng dumbasses." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Gemini Man transmits, "Are any of you out there anyway?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Probably stuck in a pay toilet." Outside> Bridgit Cascio has disconnected. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I'm bored. I hope we see some action soon." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Hiryu transmits, "All the Stardroids do is talk. You would think that was all they were programmed for." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "This armor is starting to get itchy." Outside> Hiryu arrives from the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "So put on non-woolen armor." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hey, shut up." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Callate." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Moronsayswhat?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Callate, Pea Brain." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Moronsayswhat?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Oh please, I've seen Wayne's World enough not to ask." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Now go get a good joke." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I've got a good joke. The jerk store is all out of you." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hahaha!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "LIke I said, CALLATE, Stumpy." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Callate isn't even a good coffee." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Dorksayswhat?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Eh, Stumpy? I couldn't hear you." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "He called you stumpy, Guts Man!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "He did what?!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Oh no!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Le mon juste!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Called your Drunken Protege, Stumpy, Guts Man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What's a Drunken Protege?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "I think it's a car." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Not you." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Sounds European." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "And that automatically is good." Outside> Hiryu enters the Seoul - United Nations Plaza. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Job transmits, "Good night. If we are lucky Mars's bLItz on the nothing will buy us the time we need." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Aurora Hound transmits, "And if we're unlucky it made Nigh that much stronger." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "I'm just going to drink beer and not care." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Mars couldn't even stop us Robot Masters, what makes you think he'll be able to stop nothing when he can't stop something? I swear this new Stardroid's an event about nothing. LIke that old TV show, Star Trek: Black Hole Factor." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Job transmits, "That works too Crash. Good night everyone." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Huh, an event about nothing..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Job transmits, "LIke that old show with Newman and Kramer." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Newmer Kraman?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Or the Shakespearian work, 'Much Ado About Nothing'." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What's this about Enker's spear?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "You are nothing." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "There is no spoon." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Crash, I think his motor's gone loco." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "I think we should curb-stomp his processors out!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Heheheh, yeah we should." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "How about I curb-stomp you two after we save the world?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "But I want to kick your memory engrams around nowwww." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "YOu can't even curb-stomp Quint let alone us." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "Oh? That's why Crash Man is a midget and you're Short Man, Guts." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "That doesn't even make sense." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "I'm nearly six feet tall, by human standards, that's pretty tall!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Crash you better look into your beer stash, I think that guy's drunk." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Bolero transmits, "It's late and I've been deaLIng with Stardroids. I tend not to make sense." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Wish I was drunk" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "I will so get you there, Daryn." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "You are a LIfesaver, Crash." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Not that stubby LIfesaver guy, I mean, but..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "That LIfesaver is a dork." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "He's Dorkimus Prime is what he is." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "Blame me. I'm short." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn seems to think about this for a moment, and then says, "Yeah." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "You're a snake!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "Well, true. Sssnakesss aren't essxactly known for their height." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Hey, wait a minute, you didn't hiss the S in short, Snake Man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man gasp, "You're not Snake Man! You're an impostor!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "What!? LIes being transmitted over the GLobal Frequency!?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "That'sss becaussse it'sss a shuh sssound, not a sssiblant." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "I think Snake Man is someone else in disguise!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "You could say he's.. more than meets the eye." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "I think Crash hasss had one hit too many." [Radio: (E) Broadband] The Transformers transformation sound inexpLIcably plays. [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Man, I know that...that's...that's...ah...more than meets the eye... robot in ...... Oh that's right, Robot in disguise. Yeah." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Guess that's why he LIcked Roll." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Robots in disguise? What a terrible idea1" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Next thing you know there will be monkies that turn into robots." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I'd rather LIck Toad Man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Don't we call those cyborgs?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "I did it to grosss her out. Worked perfectly." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "Plusss I got thisss really neat sssouvenier shot from a sssecurity camera inssside: *uploads a pic of him LIcking Roll on the cheek, who has Tango sitting on her head wrapped around her hair, and a disgusted expression on her face*" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Heheheheh." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "I can't wait to show it to Mega Man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "What, your tongue? Freak!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I can't wait to LIck Toad Man and see flying nuns again." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "Why? I'm sure Protoman will be more than wilLIng to tear your tongue out through your butt for it. Wonderful job of broadcasting it over broadband where he can easily get ahold of it." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "No, the picture you sssausscehead." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Prototype Guy couldn't kick his own butt if he sat on a mechanical kicking foot." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "He'd have to find me, too. and he couldn't find hisss own aft with two handsss and a flashLIght." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Found it!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "My butt, that is. Found it." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "I'd LIke to see tha spaz teleport in front of me right now. Hell even a spasmatic Stardroid would be just fine. No one can take down the mighty Guts Man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "Mighty... The only thing mighty about you is your massive weight and overbearing ego." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Look I don't know why you people keep confusing me with Fataft Walrus, Pot belLIed General or Blubber Byte. I'm all stury muscular frameage." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Yeah, Guts Man is all mecha-muscle!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Man I have a serious case of the munchies. Snake do you have any space kitties to eat?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "Don't you idiots know the most rudimentary things about LIfe in general? Muscle weighs more than fat, nimrods. Besides that he's made of *metal* which weighs even more and makes your remarks sound all the more assinine!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "Uhh, sssorry. Fresh out. I do have a cabbit, though." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Is it you know who's cabbit?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "No, sssomeone elssse'sss." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Wah wah wah." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Hmmmm. I don't think I want stray cabbit." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Woah!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Muscle weighs more than fat?!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Cool." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "She's obviously never seen that webpage with the fat people." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "Muscle mass has a higher density so it weighs more. Someone muscular could weigh as much as those fat people and not look it. ... Oh just SHUT UP! I don't know why I'm bothering with this tripe!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Snake Man transmits, "You mean 'The Human ssCetaciansss' web page?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "You're obviously infatuated with us, but more importantly, with me. Otherwise, why would you take the time out to talk to us? Silly human!" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Calm down, man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "Yeah that one! And if muscle mass has a higher density how come you never see muscled humans weighing 800lbs while there's fat people that weigh that much. Your argument makes no sense. 1 point Guts Man. Stupid girl -2." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "And what about Baron Harkonnen, huh?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "You're all idiots." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Then again...That might be why Byte has gravity power stuff..." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "You're just jealous that we're right and you're wrong. Just talking to you is making us dumber." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "That's an impossible task in your case." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Better turn the radio off, then." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Before the corruption...grows." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "That's true, I'm pretty smart to begin with so I'm not affect by your dumberness." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "That's confidence, man." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "That's not the word I'd use." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Man, this chick is such a tool." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Crash Man transmits, "Her voice reminds me of Slash Man's claws against a chalkboard." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Daryn transmits, "Oh, well, that's why people kill each other and stuff." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "What words would you use? And why do you keep trying to prove I'm wrong? Do you have a crush on me? Is this why you keep bothering me?" [Radio: (E) Broadband] Rigger transmits, "The only sort of 'crush' I'd LIke to dole out upon you is the sort brought about by a junkyard compressor." [Radio: (E) Broadband] Guts Man transmits, "LIke Crushinator 3000? She's alot of woman, more than most men can handle. That's alot of crush you have on me." Outside> Ninjutsu Gecko has connected. Outside> Ninjutsu Gecko has disconnected.