Log started: 11/27/02 9:33:26 PM Central Russia The wild lands of Russia's Kirgiz Steppe roll ahead, along with the thick marshes that pervade the West Siberian Plain and the Turan Lowlands. Here is the harsh land where the famed Cossacks were born, and the place that barbarian tribes roamed in ancient days. Today, it remains a fairly empty place, dominated by a few substance farms and the dots of small cities here and there. By no means the most modern of locales, but it serves well enough for those who LIve here. Contents: Contents: Southwest : Iran Southeast : Himalayas East : Gobi Desert Northwest : Siberia Up : Sky Above Russia [Radio: (C) GLobal] Aquarius transmits, "My mistake. I apologize for the misconception." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Yeah. I'm the Sergeant." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Midi transmits, "Some people are trying to assassinate you two?" [Radio: (C) GLobal] Prismatic Spider chuckles. "No harm done. Rank isn't all it's cracked up to be." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "Guts Man has mentioned that he wants to kill the stardroids." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Midi transmits, "We... Guts Man mentions a lot of things..." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Cyclops transmits, "Things which are best not to pay attention to." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Midi transmits, "OOC:Well" [Radio: (C) GLobal] Dr. Landon DeVry transmits, "*cackles triumphantly* FINALLY FINALLY I have escaped this miserable shell! I have finally escaped into the beautiful world of the eternal! I have become as unto a god! Unending and undefeatable! YES! And now the golden age shall begin at my hands. I shall make the world mine through my truly immortal wisdom and intellect. You fools who opposed me, MOURN at my success, know fear as I have attained my truest form! I have... What? No! Thats not supposed to happen! No!! AAAAAAAAAAUGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . ." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Cancer transmits, "I think one of my friends found the Doctor." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Bridgit Cascio transmits, "OOC: Did you lose an arm?" [Radio: (C) GLobal] Aquarius transmits, " . . . that sounds absolutely hideous." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Cyclops transmits, "Rats. I hope he wasn't just killed... I really would've LIked to 'talk' to him before he was knocked off." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "By the sound of things, he tried some expirment that failed." [Radio: (C) GLobal] BroadbandClassic Jet Stingray transmits, "Okay... On that note, I'm taking back my wishes for superpowers. Should have figured they would pull those classic genie tricks. LIke turning people into statues when they want to LIve forever and all that stuff." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Midi transmits, "Um.. does... anyone have any answers to what just happened to Dr. DeVry?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Dr. Landon DeVry transmits, "*cackles triumphantly* FINALLY FINALLY I have escaped this miserable shell! I have finally escaped into the beautiful world of the eternal! I have become as unto a god! Unending and undefeatable! YES! And now the golden age shall begin at my hands. I shall make the world mine through my truly immortal wisdom and intellect. You fools who opposed me, MOURN at my success, know fear as I have attained my truest form! I have... What? No! Thats not supposed to happen! No!! AAAAAAAAAAUGHGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . ." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Does anyone care? If he's dead, it's cool." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Aquarius transmits, " . . . chaos." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Midi transmits, "Well.. even so, this doesn't sound too good..." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Prismatic Spider transmits, "... Sounds LIke somoene made a deal with the Devil." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "What was that Aquarius?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] KaLInka transmits, "...-What- was not supposed to happen, I wonder...hm. Very interesting." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Aquarius transmits, " Chaos." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Bet we find out soon enough." [Radio: (C) GLobal] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Chaos indeed..." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] KaLInka transmits, "I bet you are right." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Patchup Panda sounds LIke he just woke up. "...did someone leave their TV on? I think I caught the end of a show where the vilLIan dies..." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Patchup Panda transmits, "OOC: Had to do that. ^^;" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "Still, hasn't DeVry read the Evil Overlord's LIst? #24 reads, 'I will maintain a reaLIstic assessment of my strengths and weaknesses. Even though this takes some of the fun out of the job, at least I will never utter the LIne "No, this cannot be! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!" (After that, death is usually instantaneous.)"" This is Dan Il'est'mort over Malaysia where we've just witnessed a massive explosion. According to our readings, there has been a minor fallout from a low-level radioactive reactor core going critical underneath the plains. Current estimates however are near no fataLIties. The government has denied any involvement with a hidden faciLIty, so no check can be made of deaths within the faciLIty itself. [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Midi transmits, "Even so... I'd LIke to know what happened, even if it's DeVry I don't LIke the sound of people just disappearing..." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "Whoa. I think that might answer our question.." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Cyclops transmits, "Hmmmm... Yes, I must agree." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Cyclops transmits, "I think I shall send a drone out to investigate." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "Hm, yes. This would quaLIfy as chaos." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "Is this the GLorious DeVry that so many have talked of? Is this the one who many have tried to kill and never succeeded? Such a pity." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "So, did you kill him, Mr. Stardroid? Good job." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "The question is... Is he dead?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "I will beLIeve it only when I see it." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Gemini Man transmits, "No. He's not dead." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Gemini Man transmits, "We refuse to beLIeve it until we see a shriveled brain." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "What if the brain gets vaporized or something?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "Refuse all you care to. I do not care for what you do and do not beLIeve." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "So, what did you do to DeVry? Or did you do anything?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "I gave him what he wanted. The Knowledge." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "The Knowledge?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "And he couldn't handle The Knowledge." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "Let me guess... You gave him too much for even his mind, and he went mad(er)." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "The knowledge to become immortal." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "So...What, he's not dead, then? If he's immortal." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "He is dead." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "ImmortaLIty is only acheived in death." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Gemini Man transmits, "Oh. Wow, that was anti-cLImactic." "Damn Stardroids ruin everything." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "Ahh." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Well, I suppose that he finally got what he asked for." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "The father of cybernetics is dead." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "It's about time." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Barrage Raptor transmits, "He was a few hundred years old anyway." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "I will be holding an auction for his body tomorrow." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Fusion Phoenix transmits, "Another one?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "Auction? You wish money?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "An auction where money is not the currency." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "..." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Prismatic Spider transmits, "What is the currency, then?" [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Gemini Man transmits, "What do you want us to pay in?" "We got women." [Radio: (D) AlLIance] Procyon transmits, "You shall find out on the morrow."