Log started: 11/5/02 8:01:29 PM $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/8 Posted Author Statement of Solidarity Tue Nov 05 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seoul, Korea (gNN)--An advertisement placed in several local newspapers last night, including The United Sentinel, The Seoul Times, and Seoul Today, quickly caught the attention of many of its citizens, making the live news within hours of its report. The short ad is believed to have been placed by an agent operating for the Resistance in Maverick-held France, though the personal information of the man who placed it were later found out to be aliases. The short message read simply, 'We who are oppressed in France under the cruel regime of our woeful taskmasters extend to all organizations a wish for solidarity. The dreadful Stardroids, should they indeed be behind these recent events, certainly mean us nothing pleasant.' There was no other information included with the message. Employees working at their respective newspapers agreed that the man who placed these ads was tall and thin, and wore a large wide-brimmed white hat, though they could not agree on his other features or clothing. Police are not expected to initiate a search. $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/9 Posted Author Starhaven: Latest reports! Tue Nov 05 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missy Smiles, whose everpresent cheer has been proven to reduce violence amongst 'at-risk' youth, addresses the camera as part of the evening news spiel. "Since Starhaven appeared this past Saturday, astronomical organizations around the globe, from UNASA to amateur rural observatories, have been tracking its every movement and detail 24/7, in a concentrated effort to plumb the mysteries of this alien vessel as quickly as possible. Of key interest is the gravitic field that surrounds it, that has thus far made scrap out of any satellites, natural or otherwise, that have drawn close." Insert footage of the first camera-satellite, passing near Starhaven and getting crumpled up. Insert another shot of a small shower of space rocks- crunching up into dust as they, too, pass through Starhaven's wake. "Most astronomers agree that the field of intense gravity is an after-effect of the thus-far mysterious event that... blinked Starhaven into Earth's orbit. But what most have also noticed, is that its intensity is fading rapidly. The horizon within which debris is crushed is diminishing at such a rate that, as early as Wednesday night, it could fade completely." The camera pans backwards, revealing the gNN studio from which Missy brightens your day every evening; sitting nearby is a lanky, middle-aged human in a pale pink labcoat, with slicked back hair and a rose in his pocket protector. He is... the love doctor. "Joining us tonight," explains Missy, "is Dr. Hernando Valentino, one of UNASA's chief experts on extraterrestrial phenomena. Welcome to the show, Dr. Valentino, and thank you for coming here tonight." Dr. Valentino gives Missy a sleazy grin. "Thank YOU, Missy." Missy looks as cheerful (and clueless) as ever. "Now, Dr. Valentino, what does the diminishing of Starhaven's protective field mean?" She tries to look concerned. "Well, Missy," croons the doctor. "Quite obviously, it would mean that explorations by those of us on Earth would be able to commence. Without the field there to destroy our transports or astronauts, we at UNASA will be free to board Starhaven and try to see what we can find inside." He looks solemn for a moment. "But it could also mean that if there is anything inside, sealed away by the gravity field, it would be released, as well." Waggling his brow, he leers at Missy. "So before such a fate befalls us, why don't you let Hernando observe your heavenly body? Let us meet our doom in the throes of passion!" The camera cuts back to Missy. She's grinning awkwardly, and blinking, stunned. Whirling back to the camera, she shuffles her papers, while behind her, gNN security goons rush by, quickly followed by the sounds of a struggle. "We'll be back after these quick messages!" 'NOOO! RELEASE HERNANDO! I HAVE SO MUCH LOOVE TO gIIIIiiiiivveee...' $$$$$$$$$ [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "So what is the plan for when the field about Starhaven gives out?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Wily transmits, "We send you all in first and see if you die." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Harmony transmits, "How positive." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Wily transmits, "Maybe not, but realistic. It takes ever so much time to rebuild one of my children." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "Why not send an astro met in?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "good evening, Albert. And I would advise against sending anyone just yet. Even nerpium is unlikely to survive the intense gravity, even at this point." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "I was thinking say once the feild fails send in a drone craft before anyone , human or AI goes in." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Enforcer Malamute transmits, "Aren't you a drone? We'll send you first." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job laughs slightly. "I might look the part but I'm a reploid techinally. [Radio: (D) Alliance] Ballade transmits, "Yes. We should discuss that." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Blue Dragon Director Kain transmits, "I'll kindly direct you to global, Maverick. And I'm in agreement with Ballade here. Discussion is something we need to do." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "Agreed." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "Yes we should talk this matter out. got a place to meet in mind?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Ballade transmits, "Of course, I'm hardly the one to discuss these matters. I do only the will of Wily." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Wily transmits, "Ahh..Sigmund. I was wondering where you were. *chuckles* As for sending someone up there, I have no desire to waste resources in what we all know to be a vain effort." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "The reports I seen says it could dissapate by Wensday." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "In the interest of fairness, I say we meet in neutral territory. The Eurasia, perhaps?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Ballade transmits, "Then we will be prepared to transport on Wednesday, and will observe until then. Floating in space waiting for an observable phenomenon to dissapaite is a waste." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Jared Kintane transmits, "Perhaps we shoud discuss just who's going up there, first of all. I do suggest a mixed exploration team, considering how much of a debacle exploring Atlantis was." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Blue Dragon Director Kain transmits, "I'm willing to agree to this meeting, Dr. Doppler." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "That works for me, I'm already up on the station my self. I'm up for this meeting as well Doppler." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Jared Kintane transmits, "For example. If I see any green-skinned alien women made by one DeVry? I suggest it be shot on sight." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Ballade transmits, "Of course, we also have no guarentee that the derelict exterior is assurance that the station is uninhabited. Exploration may offend the residents." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "They could be in need of aid and could end up owing us for saving them." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Jared Kintane transmits, "Count me in. Beats watching the news...since they took Hernando off the air." [Radio: (D) Alliance] guts Man transmits, "Shut up." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Rigger transmits, "It's so much more fun having general-sized reploids eat DeVry's drones." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Yin Yoma Byte transmits, "...I, in fact, float in the void as of now. I have been observing Starhaven. ...I can detect the diminishing of the gravity feild even now from my distance." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Enforcer Malamute transmits, "Or it could be a trick that they're using to try to lure us in to get revenge on us for beating them in the first place." [Radio: (D) Alliance] guts Man transmits, "And what's the point of yet another alliance channel when that's what global was in the first place!" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Enforcer Malamute transmits, "I'm not sure, guts Man. I personally didn't see the point." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Yin Yoma Byte transmits, "I have no clear idea of the ETA of Complete Feild Collapse." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Starhaven-gazing Morph Moth transmits, "The point is Emperor Sigma would severely punish you if you did not comply with his orders." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "Because global has become a showcase of personal grievances." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Sword Man transmits, "Perhaps once the field is down, we send in remote cameras for preemptive examinations before a team is sent?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Dr. Doppler transmits, "All right. We agree that a meeting is needed, and I have named a possible place. What about the time?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Blue Dragon Director Kain transmits, "That's an idea..." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Rigger exhales a long sigh. "Any Hunters decided to get in on this little meeting yet?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "Not as yet." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "Say in one of the market areas of the station?" [Radio: (D) Alliance] Ballade transmits, "You do realize we are not attending simply because an ex-drone - of ours - with a new brain think's it is a good idea, of course." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Blue Dragon Director Kain transmits, "...oddly enough, I don't know where that would be." [Radio: (D) Alliance] Job transmits, "Commercial district, on Eurasia's main deck should work for a meeting location."