Log started: 3/24/03 10:12:12 PM $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/36 Posted Author OOC:April Fools Mon Mar 24 Dr. Wily ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ April Fool's day is coming up. Us being the Robot Masters I see two possibiLItes. One, we mount a sick and twisted attack, gaining a measure of vengence for our lost Haven. Or two, we pull of a massive prank on the world, possibly making them think we're all dead and then a few days or even a week later, we all pop back up and wreak havoc, getting revenge for our base and a whole lot of other things the goodies have done. Then, theres a third possibiLIty which is that you guys respond to this post by putting up your own ideas. Lets get some discussion going, I want the RMs to show the whole MUSH a thing or two on April 1st. ___ __ | |Dr. / / | |/ \/ / |__/\ / \/ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/37 Posted Author OOC: Re: April Fools Mon Mar 24 Magic Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I LIke the prank idea or the twisted revenge attack. If we did the prank, lets not do the 'we're dead' idea since we can't do inter-faction RP, and nobody will ever beLIeve it ICly, thus our prank will fail miserably :-) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/38 Posted Author RE: April 1st Mon Mar 24 Frost Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I say we make a huge army of parade balloons, each looking LIke Robot Masters...march them towards a destination. Then attack from the other side while they expect us to jump out of hte balloons or something. That, or we march them to one destination, and then just go to the bar. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/39 Posted Author Notification Mon Mar 24 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Because of the rampant idiocy that brought about this so-called `Met RebelLIon', on top of existing damages to the Skull Haven infrastructure and the WOESOME INADEQUECY of the Quint BLImp, we were beaten on Saturday. We made them pay, though ... two of their four ride armors, heavy casualties on their side, and extensive damage to their `Fortress'. Hah." "After pausing for a refreshing dip in the Indian Ocean after I finished laying waste to the opposition, I fought my way back into Skull Fortress, got a shuttle and got out of there so the Doctor and those Robot Masters who were lucky enough to evade the aftermath or /smart enough to run/ could be transported physically to our Lunar faciLIty. Anyone who still needs a ride should make that known so we can organize a mass pickup and load the remainder of you up." "We're taking back the Fortress. The Hive will either capitulate to our demands or be destroyed. And then, Robot Masters, we are going to /finish/ what the RepLIforce started." "Sydney burns. Start studying the layout of the city and the intelLIgence we have on the major RepLIforce base there. We will strike as soon as we have the strength to do so." "Out." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/40 Posted Author OOC: April's Fools Mon Mar 24 Clown Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't do the 'Look the RMs are dead' thing... nor the 'Oh look, Wily's Dead' thing. Why? In five words: The Boy Who Cried Wolf. o.o Maybe the following could happen... An coaLItion who are so pro-Wily (known as the CCWR - The CoaLItion for the Continuation of Wily's Rule) sets up a statue in honor of Wily... of course, the coaLItion doesn't really exist, persay... but is a couple of squads of RMs working together to pull this off. At any rate, Wily touched by this generous donation... prepares to make a speech for the people of Africa... And as usual the heroes pick up on this and proceeds to act on it. Now this is no ordinary Statue. The RMS who built it built a missile in it. Not any ordinary missile, either. An 'GLue with Feathers' missile. Not exactly harmful... unless the targets LIke to a ego... which this missile will deflate. Greatly. At any rate, Wily (or at least a Doubleganger a la Saddam) goes on with the speech 'blah-blah'... the heroes move in... The Statue... drops trow, bends over and aims the missile... which explodes in mid air over the area which it is targeted for... with GLue splattering down... along with feathers. For the icing on this AFD Cake... methinks the Chibicannon would do nicely. o.o What do you think sirs? M3's Ronald McDonald... only more SICK AND TWISTED! Bite me! It's Fun! ^_^ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ African Rainforest The Africa rainforests are still some of the densest forests on Earth, even in the Twenty-third century. Thick foLIage covers most of the area, and there are still dozens of species that haven't been discovered. The progress of man has become still throughout most of the junGLe, except for a massive abandoned laboratory complex on the western edge. In some areas here scientists worked on electronic enhancements and cyborg technology, and the overeager scientists turned the swath of forest around them into a technological nightmare of cybernetic plants and animals, the beginnings of a true technojunGLe, before the governments of the world stopped them. It stands as a symbol of mankind tampering with things that are best left alone. Contents: Contents: Search Man [Normal] [RM] Cut Man [Armour] [RM] Shadow Man [Armor] [RM] Wily Zoo Training FaciLIties CyberjunGLe Harvesting Plant Sphere Outpost [RM] North : Congo East : Skullamanjaro (Mount Kilamanjaro) South : Savannah Northwest : Ivory Coast Northeast : Lake Constance (Lake Victoria) Up : Sky Above Central Africa RolLIng his eyes, Shadow Man strides over to Cut Man, and pauses just behind his elder brother. He taps the master of ineptitude LIghtly on the right shoulde from behind, other hand left half in his pocket, with a generally sarcastic expression. After a few more minutes of travel, Search Man comes to rest outside an indistinguishible section of foLIage, crouching beneath some tall grass. "Should be around this corner," the left head reports silently. His weapon arm begins to raise sLIghtly, tense in its motions. "Shh!" hisses his right head. "LIsten...." "I CURSE YOUUUUUUUU--WHAT!?" Cut Man is surprised! But would it be wise to surprise a paranoid robot master after what he been thru? Nay, I think not, sir. "KYAYEEEEE!" The Alpha, purely by reflex, twist out of the way, turn around and level a kick troward the assaulter!...Only to stop right in middle of his move, bLInking at who he sees. "Shadow Man!" Finnaly semone he know! Semone that can take him home! Shadow Man bows overtheatrically for Cut Man, one hand over his center with the other out to the side, and then stands to his full height again, looking down at the sLIghtly shorter Alpha. He cocks his head sLIghtly to the side, regarding him with a curious, inquisitive expression, and his eyes sweep for a moment over the fields of wreckage. Search Man extends a leg and brings his gun arm to a 45 degree anGLe. His right head takes one last look around, squinting a bit, ready for action. He starts to raise slowly from his crouching position. The motion is punctuated suddenly by an ungraceful hop as Search Man's left head grumbles sternly, "LIsten! That's Cut Man." He walks out sheepishly from around the bush, his right head doing his best to grin nervously as his cannon arm starts belatedly to relax. "Oh, ah... hi." Cut Man put down his foot and GLance up at the taller Shadow Man. Oooh, look Cut's happy face! The LIl' bugger sure is happy to see semone! "About time semone came to find me! Yeah! About time! Hurray!" Yep, he going to start rambLIng pretty soon. Of course, he still edgy. When the voice of Search Man pops up, the Alpha twist around with a kick the excat same manner he did with Shadow Man(Maby with an spontanously more psycho look in his optics), but stop as fast. "Search Man! You came to find me too, huh!? Huh!?" Search Man starts to raise his hand a bit as he's addressed by Cut Man. His right head looks up at Cut Man's face briefly, then looks away. "Well, ah...." The left head decides to finish the sentence. "No," he says flatly, prompting the right to laugh nervously. "Ha ha... what a joker," he chuckles feebly. Clown and Sideshow is wading through the junGLe-LIke forest, trying to find their way out to get to a town LIke say Casablanca so they can gain access to a Teleporter. Just then... Sideshow frowns, "...That sounded LIke Cutty." "It probably is," Clown responds, "Hey, Cutty Dotty Doo... WHERE ARE YOU?" Shadow Man shrugs. Stepping back from Cut Man, he points generally back northwards, for whatever reason, and then turns the same questioning GLane to Search Man - arbitrarily, the left head - and returns is hands to his pockets. Search Man's right head turns his attention to the area between the feet of Shadow and Cut Man. "Well... are you alright? How long have you been here?" his right head asks in rapid succession. Meanwhile, the left addresses Shadow Man evenly, staring directly back at him in a stark contrast to the mannerisms of the cranium beside him. "Have you been in contact with the others?" Cut Man don't seem to notice the bad joke, maby it's due to that he is overjoyed that he'll finnaly get home! He peers in the direction Shadow Man indicates, and asks: "The way out is that way? Alright! Alright!" And at Clown Man's shouting? He clearly heard it, and reacts. "Uh...Clown Man been searching for me, too?" And back Searchy. "Three freaking days! THREE! I've been lost in thoses darn woods for THREE days! And do I /LOOK/ fine?" Shadow Man nods absent-mindedly at Cut Man before returning to adress Search Man's question. He nods curtly, and points first at himself, then generally at the moon overhead without bothering to be precise about it. That being stated, he heads back north as well, but with a deLIbarate pause after a few steps as he looks back questioninGLy over his shoulder. Search Man's left head nods once, presumably comprehending Shadow Man's form of communication. His right looks past Cut Man and into the distance, ashamed of himself. "Well, ah... it's good you've managed to hold out this long, Cut. I should have found you sooner." "Well, that is most certainly Cutty..." Clown muses as he and Sideshow moves in the area where Shadow, Search... and of course Cut is at. "Greetings, bros. I don't suppose you have some Grey Prupon on you..." Clown states with a fake british-upper-class accent. "Yeah, you COULD have been faster." Cut Man grumbles, his good mood going down a moment, to quickly return. "But at least it's better than nothing!" He give a nod at Shadow Man, also understanding his unspoken language. He thinks, anyway. Peering at the incoming Clown Man, the Alpha just stares. His sissor *cLIpscLIps* shortly. "Oh. Hey. Clown Man." He says befor starting to follow Shadow. Hey, the nujitsu know the way! Search Man starts to follow in after Cut and Shadow. His right head begins to stare at the ground, looking genuinely upset by his failure to find Cut Man any earLIer. The Alpha's understandable anger doesn't seem to be helping. His left head, conversely, looks somewhat reLIeved. Shadow Man passes by the hoverbike, since the others don't have any and probably not all of them would be able to keep up. Turning sLIghtly westwards after that point, he continues on foot towards the nearest edge of so-called civiLIzation where they can all pick up vehicles, not checking again to see if the others are following. Clown Man curls up into a ball... and bounces after the others, with Sidehow prowLIng after the Clown in the trees. Cut Man is keeping up! Don't you worry about that! He sure don't want to be stuck in this place any darn longer, for sure! He give a GLance at the hoverbike, but nothing more. Ahhh! Finnaly going home! Cut Man's paranoia is temporary gone, as he is happy! Maby too happy. Something is bound to happen fast. Search Man falls to the back of the group, walking pretty slowly now. His right head eventually picks up, but pans over the area more slowly than usual. $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/39 Posted Author OOC: Re: Clown Mon Mar 24 Wood Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I LIke the GLue and feathers missile. It pleases us. Myessss. But the Chibi ray, well, seems a bit overdone. Maybe something that's new. Maybe even a simple laser guided by a Zorro Joe that writes a W on the attackers. Maybe the fuku bomb. Maybe something that repaints them to a flesh tone, except for a painted on bikini. It is getting to be summer. --Log. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/40 Posted Author April Fools Prank Tue Mar 25 Centaur Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I LIke Frost and Clown's ideas, but here's another one if you don't want the best, but one of the rest. How about instead of saying that we're all dead (YAWN), we say that all the RMs have somehow broken their WilyCode, and each of them goes his merry way! And stuff... They always fall for it, so lets make'em fall for it BIG TIME! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/41 Posted Author Re: Centaur Tue Mar 25 Elec Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B-b-b-b-but that's my schtick! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/9 Posted Author Maverick Hunter Cleared Tue Mar 25 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Seoul -- The Maverick Hunter Bastion, former RepLIforce captain and one of the heroes of the Fall of RepLIforce Island, was formally acquitted today of all charges against him involving the bombing of a Humans First office building in Torontreal earLIer this month. In a private press release today, a spokesperson for Interpol announced that 'clear evidence had been found' that indicated Bastion's innocence in the building's destruction and the subsequent casaulties. Interpol representatives decLIned to release any further information on the case, citing the need for security in these matters. The member of Interpol GNN could reach for comment did state that Sigma, leader of the CoaLItion for Reploid Freedom, was a prime suspect in the continuing investigation of the disaster. -- AP $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/38 Posted Author Re: Elec Wed Mar 26 Centaur Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You could be the original defector. ):) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/39 Posted Author London Castle Lockdown Wed Mar 26 Sword Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Greetings Brother, COmmanders, M'Lord. I am here shortly to report that the castle in London containing a stockpile of our emergency munitions has been locked down and quarantined for the time being of this 'met crisis'. I had previously had a set of drones stationed there to act as caretakers of the castle, amongst those drones a few mets including my personal met-butler, Alfred. ReaLIzing this, I went to check upon the castle, and fortunately found the situation to be normal, with no evidence of the mets having been effected by the events within the Fortress. However, considering the mets within, and at the behest of Commander Enker, the castle has been quarantined, to prevent such effect from reaching the drones within. I have had the castle's systems send periodic updates in order to keep track of events during the quarantine, in case the effects spread. *Ahem* That is all. For the honor and GLory of Wily! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$