Log started: 2/9/03 11:52:54 PM $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/43 Posted Author OOC:Finally... Sat Feb 08 Burst Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ok people, I finally reached an egreement with Sigma about that bombing mission, the date is Monday 10 Febrary at 10:30 AM EST, we will meet up at the gathering room for briefing and after that we attack mavberLIn, opposition will be waiting for us, Come on people!I coughed up blood to organize this scene, don't let me down, All those who wishes to really BELONG for once have their chance, of course even all the others are more than Welcome! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/44 Posted Author OOC: Spy Troops! Sun Feb 09 Crash Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Since the RepLIforce is doing some recruitment drive, why don't we take advantage of that? Dr. Wily could create a set of bodies that're designed to mimmick commonly-accepted Reploid designs and transfer the conciousness of a few Robot Masters into them. The "Spy Masters" then apply to the RepLIforce, go through boot camp, and end up infiltrating the RepLIforce itself! It'd be a pretty unique idea, especially when you consider we're not using lame TP characters -- we're using RMs disguised as other people! Here's an example of a few RMs used as Spy Troops: Party-animal Crash Man -> Do-gooder Valor! Popsicle-loving Frost Man -> Loveable Lummox Frost LIon! Truly, this would be a much awesome opportunity for us to not only do some evil, but involve ourselves with the faction on the other side of the fence. How's that sound, Wily? -H $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/45 Posted Author OOC: Spy Troops 2! Sun Feb 09 Crash Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: Here are some people who'd make decent subjects for the Spy Troops TP: RM / Spy Name Crash Man / Valor Frost Man / Frost LIon Gemini Man / ??? Plant Man / ??? Shadow Man / ??? I've LIsted myself as a subject because I want to participate in my own idea. :) Gemini Man and Shadow Man have been LIsted since they're the perfect subjects, and Snake Man has been left out since he's more stealth surveillence-oriented than infiltration. Frost Man was added since he's cool (get it? ha ha ha!) and Plant Man made the cut 'cuz we need a token chick. If anyone else really LIkes this idea enough to want to be part of it, allow me to apologize for accidentally oversighting you and request that you @mail me. Dig? Dig. -H $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/46 Posted Author Eastern China Raid Sun Feb 09 Wood Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wood Man appears onscreen, surprisinGLy not as damaged as he normally should be. Sure, the armor's cracked. Sure, there's mechfluid everywhere. Sure, that Status thingy says 'Critical'. But he did not retreat; Log was victorious. And for that, the Master is grinning, smuGLy. "Pirate Man, Magnet Man, Metal Man, Magic Man, Shark Man and I went for a bit of shopping. We took the Dreadskull and the Leaf Force (The Leaf Shuttle and the two draches), and are back with all the weapons we could carry. Pirate, Magnet, Metal and Shark dealth with the problems on the ground, while I made sure the two pests that showed up in the air were dealt with." High Oak now frowns. "Magic Man, despite all our work with the weapons to draw attention away, was thrown back to us unconcious, and still is leaking on the floor of the Leaf Shuttle last I looked. He failed to get the superconductor or notes, as far as I know. I don't know if Kaph, who went along with Magic, had better luck." Onto brighter news. "You'll be GLad to know that the annoyance known as Void Starfish was put in her place. I have a few keepers for those of you who fought so well, as you can grab an arm as something to hang on the wall. The RepLIforce Badge is mine, however. The rest of the scraps have been gift-wrapped and sent back to RF as a sign of Wily's kindness." Wood finally finishes with this: "Magic Man, you're not in my squad, so I do anything with the dissapointment. But when you're taped up and ready, I expect you to either get Kaph to share, or break in to that place without our help and finish the mission. I can't do anything about it, but I'm sure Wily would probably LIke you to do it. Wood out." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/47 Posted Author Re: Woody Sun Feb 09 Magic Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Magic Man appears on the screen. He's in the medical bay, but appears to have taken no damage whatsoever. "I can assure you, Wood Man, that I have every intention of getting the information we require." He flashes a charming smile and continues, "My defeat at the hands of Muse is but a mere setback. Do not fret, the failure of your team to adequately create a diversion will not be that major of a problem. Once I am fully repaired, I shall discuss with Kaph what she was able to gain, and persuade her to share with us. If she also failed, then we shall consider another attempt, where in this case the plan will not be falty." He smiles and gives a partial bow, saying, "Magic Man out." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/48 Posted Author Daryn Sun Feb 09 Dr. Wily ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "During the battle at Cairo, the civiLIan Daryn aided me in battle. He has been captured. I am officially declaring Daryn our ally for his actions. Find him, and rescue him. I will reward the Master that does so. Wily out." ___ __ | |Dr. / / | |/ \/ / |__/\ / \/ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/49 Posted Author Encounter at Torontreal Sun Feb 09 Slash Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Slash Man appears. He's missing a couple of spikes and bits of armor, and is drenched, but he overall looks fine. But just not happy. "Slash Man here. I was looking into Dynamo's whereabouts, and while I was in the park district, admiring the greenery, I was distracted by a feLIne reploid chasing a rabbit. Instincts taking over me, I chased the rabbit with him." *insert picture of Chill Snowcat here* "However, I don't beLIeve my presense was wanted, for afterwords, a Fox reploid *insert picture of Ebony Fox* Arrived, and started to make trouple for me when I was stranded. *insert Slash-eye view of himself, aparently floating on an iceburg in the middle of the lake. The picture starts animating, Showing Ebony fox singing a disco song, and the iceberg quickly melting. The last shot is of being underwater.* "Needless to say, I was not happy. Tengu Man appeared to check on me, and handled the cat while I exacted my revenge on the fox." *Picture of Ebony held down with red goo and about to get a faceLIft.* However, Tengu Man aparently left, leaving me to deal with the both of them." Slash Man grumbles, looking off camera, but then he looks back. "Fortunatly, I managed to hold my own in battle, and caused the both of them to flee, while sustaining miminal injuries from myself. I then left before the poLIce came." Bowing his head, he remarks. "Although it is a wasted battle, I did manage to cause more damage I recieved, so prehaps it is not in vain, for we will not see these two in combat for a while. Slash Man, out." *Spinny!* $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/50 Posted Author Re Spy Sun Feb 09 Ditz Pinkmouse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My suggestions andor personaLIties for their secret personas! RM / Spy Name Gemini Man / Siamese Cat(s) Plant Man / Terrarium Beaver Shadow Man / Stealth Kitsune Ditz Pinkmouse / Philosopher Aardvark My reasoning? Gemini's name is obvious, and for Plant, well beavers are creatures that adapt nature in an obvious way yet are a major part of it, and terrariums are where people keep plants and stuff. As for Shadow Man, a kitsune is a Japanese animal (according to Shadow) and as we all know, ninjas come from bad anime. I mean Japan. And I just included Ditz for the heck of it. But think about it, if Ditz did start spouting off random nonsense, the others could just say, "Well you know, he's a philosopher." And I just wanted to use aardvark in a post. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ Robot Master $$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 12/51 Posted Author Daryn's Rescue Sun Feb 09 Flash Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Just reporting in to say that at 20:52:47 hours this evening, Shadow Man and I were able to free Daryn from RepLIforce captivity, through a fairly cunning yet simple plan that involed kidnapping a RepLIforcer known as Ricochet, and using him as a bartering tool. The exchange took place on Eurasia's skydeck. We returned Ricochet to the RepLIforcers, and they in turn released Daryn into our custody. There was no fuss whatsoever, although Daryn appeared to have been mistreated in some way. He wasn't looking the best, so he's being checked out at the Haven. All in all...an excellent rescue. Flash out." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/18 Posted Author Stingray Star Coverage! Fri Feb 07 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "And now for the news you have been waiting for. After weeks of no word and 'No Comments' from all members of the Jet Movie crew, it has finally been revealed by Sterns himself that the auditions have come to the close and roles will soon be handed out. Sterns said there were some unexpected difficulties in completing the auditions. Nothing was said on the current rumor that Sigma himself made an appearance at the audition building in order to meet with Jet Stingray himself, along with destorying much of the hired security's drones. The filming is planned to start shortly in the weeks to come, and the trailer is said to be released sometime next week on the internet as well as the big screen." "Speaking of the Stingray's latest projects, Jet has purchused roughly half a milLIon of old communication equipment, thought to be from the SETI program. When asked why he was purchusing it, he responded with this:" "Yeah, I figure with Valentine's Day coming at all, I was thinking how many dudettes I could ask out. But then I thought of something... What about the babes in space? Do /they/ have valentines? I wager no. So I was LIke, man, it would really stink if that /really/ hot Stardroid Duet didn't have a Valentine. And after she helped saved the Earth when all that freaky stuff was happening a bit ago, it was the least I could do. I figure I'll get a 'I'm washing my hair' or 'I'm currently fighting interstellar evil for the next week', but hey, you can't be a Stingray for trying. Considering how I have LIke next to no idea what is up with this tech or what to expect, I'll be asking for LIke dinner sometime around Valentine's Day and if she'll be my Valentine and that's it. Nothing big... It's not LIke I'm asking her out or anything. Got enough femmes on good old Earth would make kicking girlfriends... When I'm in the mood to get in a serious relationship." OOC: Thanks to all that auditioned and wanted to be a part of Jet Movie and sorry for any delays that have come up. I'll be @mail those that got involved with more info and the movie will go on, cool trailer and all. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/19 Posted Author Pie Theft On The Rise! Sat Feb 08 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hello I'm Overpayed Reporter! Tonight we have a news special on pie thefts. Once a petty theft, pie thefts are now big business in this modern day. For the past week there has been numerous thefts from stores or from innocent people. Most of the reports describe a giant robot doing all of the thievery himself. What could a robot need with so many pies? It is hard to say exactly, this reporter can only guess it is for eating or perhaps training an army of demonic pie throwing clowns. There is no description of the pie thief himself, but they say he is big, strong and can eat pie LIke there's no tomorrow. Because of this shortage of pie, stocks in the pie industry have doubled from $5.50 to $11.00! Absolutely shocking! Because of the pie thief, bakers have gone on strike demanding better security for their work environment. The union of pie makers are suppose to vote next Wednesday on the proposed plan to add more security to their kitchens. We'll have more on this story as it develops. Overpayed Reporter signing out!" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/20 Posted Author A Message From RepLIforce Sun Feb 09 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My name is Support Smilodon, and I am soldier for RepLIforce. Are you ready to face the greatest challenge you have ever faced? Are you ready to rise above and beyond your fellow beings and show that you've got what it takes to be one of the world's finest? Join RepLIforce! We can help you along on an exciting career protecting the free peoples of the world from the villainy of those who would oppose it. Mavericks and Robot Masters at this very moment control almost a third of our planet's surface, and are we going to let them keep it? No way. In RepLIforce, we will train you to fight, to wield weapons in defense of our world. You'll also learn valuable skills that will help you in civiLIan careers when the war is done. The only LImit to what you can do in the RepLIforce is one that you set for yourself. You can ride in one of the towering Ride Armors alongside of RepLIforce Marines, freeing Maverick-held land from their oppressors. You can serve aboard the Fortress III, the mightiest airship in our history. You can be trained in the medical field, and help keep our men and women in fighting shape. It's not an easy job, but nothing worthwhile ever is. Accept challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory. Years from now, when you're sitting around the table with your younger comrades and they ask, "What did you do in the Robot Wars?," you won't have to say, "Well, I assembled hovercars in Old Detroit." Contact your local RepLIforce recruiter in most UN-affiLIated cities, and find out more. Retirement packages, service benefits, and UN assistance in construction compensation for your former employers. Be a part of the world's most eLIte fighting unit. Be a part of RepLIforce, the most powerful army in history! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IC News $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 14/21 Posted Author Bass Cult Swells With Members Sun Feb 09 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After getting non-profit status from the United Nations on the first of the month, the Children of the Flaming Head have continued to mill around in the background of world events. Donations to the Children quickly poured in from the various fanboys, lunatics and True BeLIevers, nearly a milLIon zenny being raised by the end of the week. Discussion has begun on the Web site of the Children about what to do with the funds. While some of it has been consumed by the overhead of the group -- mostly paying for bandwidth and promotional materials -- talk of constructing a monument of some sort to the Force Commander is popular. Various designs, ranging from the understated to the horrifically baroque, are being circulated on the site and voted on by `full members' (e.g. people who give the cult money). Another popular LIne of discussion on the Web site is the current whereabouts of the Force Commander. The normally highly visible Bass has been hard to find in the last few weeks, and various rumors as to the significance of his absence have begun to circulate. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tartarus $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 15/11 Posted Author Xiang Sat Feb 08 Dr. Nathan Xiang ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following Video feed is placed on the Tarterus 'net through a complex series of false IDs: The screen starts out black, and a symbol of the eight triagrams of the I-Ching appear in an octagonal pattern around the Ying-Yang, all traced out in blood red LIght. The symbol disappears as a feed of a man in a UN soldiers outfit appears - the man's been impaled by a tentacle of wires, and seems to dissolve from the inside out as other UN soldiers around him panic. You see Terra Trunk trying to put the man on a stretcher until a plasma bolt from off camera reduces the victim to ash. The video skips then to the image of a horrific mass of flesh and cybernetics, screaming eyeless faces embedded in corpulent flesh. It sprouts eight legs, bursting from the body in a spray of puss and black goo. Charging towards a squad of soldiers as massive black jaws burst out of its sides (Think H.R. Giger meets H.P. Lovecraft) Then the intial symbol reappears and a distorted voice speaks over the channel. "My services in developing nano technological weapons, cybernetic implants and biomod upgrades are now available. Drop a note requesting contact in the following PO Box, and I will contact you if I deem it worth my while. I am Xiang. And I bring the future." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Skullamanjaro (Mount Kilamanjaro) What was once such a beautiful place has been subverted and perverted into the home base of the most sadistic and perverted madman in history, Doctor Wily. Fitting, that. Kibo, the highest peak at 19,340 feet, now holds a three-story Tower upon its massive height. Skull Haven. Another structure is present upon the second peak, Mawensi (at 16,892 feet), although it appears to be not quite so used. The area is heavily fortified and defended, the skies a constant thunderstorm here. There's not so much snow at the peak as there once was, but it remains.. and the army of Wily is ever present, ever watchful, the hordes of joes always nearby.. Contents: Contents: Kaph [Kai] [C] Metal Man [Armor] [RM] Crash Man [Armor] [RM] Dr. Wily [Normal] [RM] Blues [Protoman] [MH] Tron Bonne [Tron] [C] Daryn [C] Ditz Pinkmouse [Socks] [C] Magic Man [Magician] [RM] Shadow Man [Armor] [RM] Gemini Man [Normal] [RM] Bass [Raver] [RM] Skull Haven [RM] Up : Sky Above Central Africa West : African Rainforest The grin on Wily's face matches next comment perfectly as Crash kills the beer. "Thats my boy!" Wily cackles and takes a gulp of his beer, then turns to peer at the paper Blues thrusts towards him. Wily's eyes narrow sLIghtly. "Ah, yes, I've heard of him. I assure you, he isn't in our employ." The doctor shakes his head. "Bass is right. The fool won't LIve longer." Wily gigGLes and sips his beer once more. "It should be fun to watch, at least." GULP. Wily downs his beer, then walks over to the keg. he waves Crash over impatiently. "Crash, come hold me up. I'm gonna do a keg stand!" Dear gods, what has gotten into the doctor...oh wait, Wily Beer. "MYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH! Nobody can outdrink the great Dr. Wily!" Kaph shrugs, allowing a sLIghtly slurred chuckle, "I got beaten within an inch of my LIfe, as did the Hunter who tried to bring me in..." she shrugs, "Nothing I wanted to write home about. Sorry you didn't do to well sugar..." She bLInks as Tron introduces herself, "Ah Miss Bonne." she responds with a genuine smile, allowing her fangs to show for just a moment. "It is a pleasure to meet one so..." she pauses, frowning as she strugGLes to pull the right word out of her tight LIttle ass, "Notorious as yourself." she finally blurts out with an admonished grin. She bows poLItely and then tips back and finishes her beer. "How're the ribs? I suppose given present company they aren't human LIke I'd hope..." Blues raises an eyebrow beneath his GLasses as Bass and Wily actually agree on something for once. Amazing. Then, he scans the rest of the party. Not really his scene at all. Taking another rack of ribs, and another beer, he nods. "Then we won't be having any problems...until it's time for me to kill you, Old Man." Then, he eyes the remainder of the Masters a Guests before his bLInk systems engages, and he disappears in a flash of scarlet LIght, with naught but the munched food and damaged Pharaoh Man to mark his passing. Blues has left. Blues enters Blues' Secluded Cabin, not knowing what to see. "And there you have it," comments Bass as Blues disappears, munching on his Philly cheesesteak while watching the imminent disaster that will be a Wily keg-stand. Magic Man GLances over from his comfortable chair and nods to Tron Bonne in a greeting. It's about all he can do, given his sorry condition right now. He smiles to Kaph and presses on, "Surely you acquired something? I know your reputation states you are a formidable warrioress. Plans? Any information at all?" he pauses here. "So that we may exchange any information that we may have come across." Crash Man uses the curve of astounding and splendiforous butt to lay his back down on the ground. Using his powerful legs as anchors, the android uses his upper body to snap himself off the ground and rise to his feet. "CaLIfornia-style or upside-down?" Crash Man asks his master, his feet cLInking as they carry the robot toward the keg and Dr. Wily. Metal Man has disconnected. Tron bLInks, noting the... precuLIar fangs. A fine eyebrow arches, then offers a sLIght smirk, "Notorious indeed. Pleasure... if you are a friend of the Robot Masters, then you are a friend of mind. Especialy if you beat up Hunters on a recular basis..." Tron returns the poLIte bow, only the smallest frown crossing over her features, "...Hm." Tron shrugs. She's dealt with less savory types then Kaph, "...I'd assume not, Miss." Tron then turns her head at Blues' comments, and narrows her eyes... even as he vanishes, calLIng out, "Jerk!" With a sigh, Tron turns to face the crowd, raising her own beer and taking another small pull at it. Drink? Yes, Tron does. Often? Nope. Seriously? Never. Can hold her own? Hell yeah. Dr. Wily quirks a brow at Crash Man. "Upside down of course. Do I look LIke some kind of PANSY?" He spares Blues an odd GLance as he teleports out. "Violent, that Blues. We really must do something about him. Ahhh well." Wily shrugs the concern away and grins at Crash. "LIft me up!" The second Gemini twin looks a bit concerned for the Doctor. "Should he really be...doing..." Gemini looks from side to side, and shrugs, then biting into his burger. Well, any activity that didn't cause Ballade to come running out was probably okay. Daryn says, "Yup.", intellectually as Blues vanishes, GLancing again to Kaph. She's obviously not some Top Secret Femme he hasn't heard about, otherwise Magic Man wouldn't be relying on reputation. He looks over to Wily and Crash, grinning sLIghtly, though he has been grinning most of the time already. "Well, it's just that if you do it CaLIfornia-style, we'd get the girls to keg off their big, fake-ass jubbLIes.. but okay!" Crash Man merely rolls his shoulder servos in a whirring shrug at Dr. Wily's command. The red-clad robot bends his upper body down and twists it to the right. With arms reaching out, his fingers wrap around the old man's ankles and lock into position. In one quick move, Crash Man utiLIzes his SUPER ROBOT-STRENGTH to LIft Dr. Wily into the air and swing him upside down, while being careful not to scrape the old dude's head on the pavement. "Do it LIke a motherf***er, Wily!" He cheers. It would be at this point in time that a bird fLIes in. Now, this wouldn't be anything not out of the ordinary save... a) The Bird's a Pokemon (Pidgeto), b) It's carrying an half-empty Keg of WilyBeer in its talons, c) It, and its passengers: A Clown and a Monkey are drunk and d) Was apparently playing chicken with a 747 pilot (also drunk). The last part wasividence as a 747 pulls out of it's 'landing' dive and returned to the sky... The Pilot will LIve to play Chicken another day. As for Team Clown... said keg rolls off, as the Pokemonic bird and its two previous passengers dust themselves off... before tipping over and gigGLIng madly at everything... and nothing. o.o Kaph bLInks, suddenly reaLIzing her inept etiquette, and she eyes her empty beer cup suspiciously, "Pardon me Ms. Bonne, I can't beLIeve I didn't introduce myself. I am Kai, sometimes known as Kaph." She chuckles turning to offer a conspiratorial wink to Magic Man, "I know that I will truly enjoy the time, when it comes, when I extinguish the spark of LIfe in the one known as Alpha." She drops her empty plastic cup. "But I need to go get another beer, sugar." Kai wheels around, almost stumbLIng a bit, She grins staring at Bass' ass for a second or two, as she meanders towards the keg, her attention quickly caught up in the Keg-stand . She pauses lofting an eyebrow at this pecuLIar behaviour. Magic Man must be one of the only ones not getting plastered right now. He smiles in a charming manner to Kaph and nods, content to sit back, plot, scheme... and oh yes, heal. Dr. Wily for his part doesn't notice much of what is going on as Crash swings him into the air. He gigGLes and grabs at the hose as a Joe hands it to him. Shoving it in his mouth, he signals the Joe to start pumping. Beer starts to fly and Wily swallows greedily. 5 seconds. 10. 15. 20. Still he goes. 25. 30. 40. Does he ever stop..... Magic Man has disconnected. Bass watches Wily keg-stand with a growing crowd of drones and Mets, poncho billowing out in a breeze. Gemini Man has reconnected. Gemini Man has partially disconnected. Tron bLInks at Kai then, at last learning the name of the woman... and recognizing it instantly. ...The Yakuza Assassin... Tron then offers a broad smile then, actualy pleased. Tron raises her own can to drink down the last of it... walking to the side to place it in any convenient waste recepticle... eh. They may have a garbage pail or something, or just stacked cans on a table. With the RMs, you never can tell what anything might be. Tron then turns, only to stare at what is happening. BLInking, she watches her Mentor perform /QUITE/ the feat... especialy for a 50 year old. Putting her hands on her hips, she smiles with half-astonishment, half-amusement at the sight. Daryn watches Wily. Daryn watches Wily. Daryn watches Wily. "Man.", Daryn says about twenty seconds in. Daryn watches Wily. Daryn watches Wily. He must have miscounted... Crash Man just holds Wily up and considers how great it is that Ballade isn't around. That guy could stink a party LIke nobodies business. Shadow Man has left. Gulp. Gulp. 45. Gulp. 50. Wily's face is now quite red, and yet somehow he keeps going. 60. 65. 68. Wily begins to sputter. 69. A trickle of beer escapes his mouth. 70. His eyes bulge out. 71. "PFFFFFTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!" Wily finall pops, spewing beer all over the Joe. He lets the hose go and waves his arms at Crash. "Put me down!" Clown Man bLInks. Twice. "Dad, that so ROCKS!!!" The LIttle Clown exclaims. Tron /bLInks/ whistLIng and gently clapping at the rather impressive feat. "Most impressive, Doctor," Tron, with a most pleasant laugh, comments! Tron's eyes then drift to the others to witness reactions, her eyes pausing on Bass. Tron's emerald eyes lock on his features as he clapping slows... and she merely stares at him, though more... with fascination then any malevolence, memories playing back. She then bLInks, reaLIzing what she was doing, her cheeks coloring as she shakes her head. She then proceeds to clap with the others again, smiLIng at the Doctor, her cheeks still ruddy. Perhaps it was the beer. Gemini Man sets down his beer, and claps toward Dr. Wily. Crash Man reverses the method used to LIft Dr. Wily up in order to put him back down on his feet. "That was pretty cool, Dr. Wily. I bet Dr. LIght couldn't do that!" Daryn scratches his ear, pondering. "Guess one day the two'f yeh are gonna need to compete.", he keeps grinning, "But beatin' that time...well... That's one real kickin' time." The Force Commander finishes his cheesesteak as Wily finishes, just in time to give him the standard unaffected golf-clap for his efforts. "Very good, Doctor," he says. "Seventy-one. Is that the new high water mark?" All the while, he notices Tron looking at him -- but does not respond. His shadowed features remain inaccessable to Tron's vision. She is irrelevant. Just LIke everyone else. Dr. Wily wobbles a bit and grins at Crash. "Thomas? No, he never could hold his LIquor." He cackles. "And he's a whiny drunk." Wily gigGLes more, and grabs another cup. "Bass! Your turn!" He wobbles away from the keg, giving the assembled Masters, Daryn, Tron and Kaph a mock bow. "Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week." Mai Atsuki arrives from the African Rainforest. Mai Atsuki has arrived. Tron /bLInks/ then... ...looking at Wily at his comment. Then looks at Bass. This is something she'll have to see... ...LIkely Bass'll drain the Keg, of course, knowing him. With his Intoxication Emulators off, also knowing him. Tron then pauses... even as she raises a pair of fingers to her ear, pressing them to a small bud nestled there... and frowns. A sigh comes from her. Seems she'll have to skip out watching this. Turning, she sLIps back from the crowd to move towards the shadow of the entrance to the Haven, and begins to have a rather /angry/ conversation... Kaph chuckles as Wily finally blows LIke a beached whale. She grins widely as Wily takes a bow. "You're the man, Wily." she offers, returning the gesture, before she zeroes in on the keg for a refill. Once again armed with a beer, Kai now heads over to the barbecue, picking up a rack of ribs which she begins to gnaw on LIke a wild animal, cracking the bones open and sucking the marrow out. She nods to Daryn, "You're the musician aren't you? The one who LIkes bad pubLIcity?" She smirks, offering the man a quick wink, "You look a lot less LIke an idiot in person, sweetie." Tron Bonne has left. Tron Bonne makes her way into Skull Haven. Kuff arrives from the African Rainforest. Kuff has arrived. Daryn looks over to Kaph, "Ehn? -Bad- pubLIcity? Eh, no, I say what I say, either way it's gonna come out as pubLIcity after a certain point.", he sLIngs his guitar over his shoulder, "Why thanks, guess I'm only half dumb then, eh? Maybe a quarter dumb." Gemini Man returns to the food table, himself. He seems either bored or tired as he gets a second beer, and offers another second beer to his twin. The twin, however, is still watching Wily, with impressed awe. Bass has no particular desire to do a keg-stand. Not really his schtick. Instead, he finishes his beer, adjusting the hang of his poncho across his shoulders, and walks along the buffet tables to see what else is cooking. Dr. Wily shakes a fist at the stubborn Force Commander. "Someone is going to do a keg stand! Right now!" And, no sooner then Tron Bonne has quietly sLIpped back... a new figure arrives. No special announcement. No vehicles visible... ...one moment he is not there, the next he is. And no sign of BLInk energies or systems. Fortuitous, no? A tall, wolven reploid, clad in blue-ish steel armor. His face is impassive and cold... sLIghtly slanted 'asian' eyes gazing out of a cold featured face, the golden irises of a wolf marking him truly inhuman. Claws adorn the ends of his feet and fingertips, and his features are distinctly wolven, with the hint of a muzzle. Slowly spreading his arms, Kuff bows, legs together, speaking in cLIpped, sharp japanese, " --- --- --- Rogue Dragoon: Cheaply Spinning off Kain (Not the Strider!) Since 1/19/2003! --- --- --- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Tartarus $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Message: 15/11 Posted Author Re: Challenge Status Wed Feb 12 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bass appears, sitting in his official office in Tartarus. He is idly playing with a cheap dollar store paddle-ball with one hand while he languidly speaks in the general direction of the camera. "People who post challenges for all comers, then back off due to reasons of personal cowardice, will be fined 10,000 zenny per infraction for wasting the time of the citizens of Tartarus, and the loyal subscribers to our Beatings On Demand service." "This fine is retroactive effective to the city's founding. All current debtors are to pay their fines up by the Friday, the 14th ..." Bass looks at the camera. "So you all best show love to the city, before bounties are leveled for the purposes of extracting payment the old fashioned way." Bass returns his gaze to nowhere in particular, continuing to paddle-ball. "That is all." $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$