Log started: 5/6/02 8:22:25 PM $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/35 Posted Author GNN Weekly Update 1 of 4 Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GNN WEEKLY UPDATE Hi! This is Plum, and Welcome to the GNN Weekly update, bringing you all the news that is news across the United Nations and beyond. We're live from the GNN studios in San Angeles, broadcasting free, clear, and neutral since 2201. Let's get straight to the news tonight, with a breaking report from the American heartland. BENELUX, KENTUCKY Violence was the tone of the night in the small town of Benelux, Kentucky, as members of an organization calling themselves the Human Liberation Front stormed a bank tonight, robbing it and taking hostages. Response from Repliforce was swift, and the hostages were rescued safely, however, 500,000 zenny-worth of money and valuables were taken by the attackers. Repliforce and Kentucky State Police took three of the HLF members into custody, the suspects identified as reported runaways from Reagan, Missouri. The Benelux city bank is undergoing massive reconstruction because of the battle, damage being inflicted by a exploding drone tentatively identified with the serial killer who goes by the name of supposedly deceased mass-murderer Dr. Landon DeVry. The HLF members were reportedly interested in the downfall of the UN, whom they cited as being responsible for the decay of human culture, and the incompetance that led to the creation of the Reploid Coalition for Freedom. After cursory interrogation, the captured members indicated that they were offered cybernetic enhancements by their boss, they also universally all want to just go back home, according to Kentucky State Police. The three suspects are being held in Ashland, Kentucky, pending arraignment and trial. $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/36 Posted Author GNN Weekly Update 2 of 4 Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORLD NEWS MEXICO CITY, MEXICO Violence in the city of Mexico has begun to abate, sources inside the besieged megalopolis state. Though little is known at this time, things are slowly beginning to quiet down in the riot-ravaged city, though no word has yet been issued on the possibility of a UN peacekeeping force being dispatched to the city, or relief work beyond the few teams already in the city. SAN ANGELES, CALIFORNIA May Day and Cinco de Mayo Celebrations have wrapped GNN's home city in a swath of partygoing this week, with nonstop activity planned and organized by Mayor Edgar Friendly, GNN Public Service, and the San Angeles PD lasting from last Monday until Sunday. Thousands of people from across the globe arrived to participate in the primary celebration on May 1st, including reports of members of the Mavericks, Robot Masters, Maverick Hunters, and Repliforce. SAN ANGELES, CALIFORNIA The Battle and Chase Committee announced the 2215 Battle and Chase Games Saturday, the third annual event of its kind, originally held in 2213 to celebrate the defeat of the Stardroid menace. Members of each of the major players in the Robot Wars have again promised to participate, and the event roster has been again expanded to include more games. The games are set to begin in two weeks. SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Police are baffled this weekend as to the theft of a single passenger aircraft from an airfield in Sydney. No evidence of tresspassing or forced entry have been found, and the whereabouts of the missing plane have turned up no clues. $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/37 Posted Author GNN Weekly Update 3 of 4 Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNET NEWS Violence has rocked both the media and cyberspace over the last two weeks following a string of violent attacks on news outlets and computer servers following slanderous postings attacking the Robot Masters and Mavericks. Media outlets the world over have expressed disgust and regret at the actions of the Mavericks and Robot Masters over these attacks, citing them as an attack on the free speech of the world. The following message, identified as coming from Robot Master Elite Ballade, claims full responsibility for the censorship efforts being performed. On the digital scene, over 10,000 web sites have pledged support for the 'Freedom From Tyranny' campaign, supporting to the cause of Internet freedom over the attacks on servers following the information blackouts. $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/38 Posted Author GNN Weekly Update 4 of 4 Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ENTERTAINMENT NEWS - Top Selling Albums - 1. Morgaine Le Fay - The Once And Future King 2. Zero Wing Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Featuring the hit single 'Make Your Time (No Chance To Survive)' by Boba Fett and the Assassin Droids 3. Ragefear - Demon's Crest (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) 4. Mjolirr's Bloody Hammer - Ragnarok 5. Ironica - As Of Yet, Untitled... - Top Grossing Movies - 1. Zero Wing (Scifi Action) 2. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter (Crime Action) 3. Demon's Crest (Fantasy Action) 4. Here And There (Romantic Comedy) 5. Bionic Commando (Action) --Weather-- North America - Mild temperatures are expected across most of the country this week, with high winds expected on the Great Plains and a chance of possible tornado activity. Central America - A possibility of rain this week could spell an end to the eight-week heatwave afflicting Mexico, but meteorologists say its no sure thing. South America - Warm weather across much of the continent, with fall rains picking up in intensity. India - Mild weather is expected throughout much of the week, with thunderstorms possible as early as Thursday. Asia - Warming weather will dominate the coastal areas this week, while a smaller cold front brings the possibility of frost to inland China. Russia - Milder temperatures are expected this week, with a possibility of frost towards the weekend. Europe - Scattered thunderstorms continue across much of the continent this week, clearing up for a potentially beautiful weekend. Australia - Rain is expected this week, breaking the country's dry spell. Africa - Rain continues this week in much of Africa, the weather systems still not yielding viable predictions thanks to the Robot Master-controlled storm generators over Mt. Kilamanjaro. Antarctica - Still cold, dark, and miserable. Warmer by the lake. Well, that's about all the time we have this week, so now you know the rest of the story. Good day. $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/39 Posted Author Official Master Response (1/3) Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ballade is seen standing behind a podium with the symbol of Wily upon it. In the background is a blue curtain that helps bring out the accents of his armor. He has his usual unflappable, neutral expression on his face; his tone is equally flat and emotionless. "Dr. Albert Wily bids his greetings to the citizens of the world who still struggle under the yoke of United Nations oppression, as well as to the free citizens of Europe and Africa. I am the Elite Master Ballade, and I have been charged with the cause of clarifying recent events. We hope that in the interest of free dialogue, the United Nations chooses to allow the Global News Network to air this transmission unaltered." "The United Nations does not respect the inalienable right of Africa to exist under a regime that will not oppress it, nor keep it mired in poverty. The rule of Dr. Albert Wily has been benevolent and fair to all sentient life, but yet we have found the United Nations laying siege to us at every turn. They have tried to pollute our lakes, kill our livestock, lay waste to our warehouses and harm the innocent people of Africa. The only possible reason for these actions is so the United Nations can return the continent to the subserviant position it has occupied for most of modern history." "They do not recognize the regime of Dr. Albert Wily as legitimate, though it is clear that the majority of African citizens support it. Who would not support a regime that has brought its people out of poverty, given them good jobs, allowed them the same opportunities the First World has enjoyed for centuries? And yet their aggression continues against us, claiming Dr. Albert Wily does them harm. Clearly, this is not the case." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/40 Posted Author Official Master Response (2/3) Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "As we can find no redress from the United Nations, we are forced to defend ourselves with the strength of our arms and the power of our greatest minds. Their laws do not protect the rights of the Robot Masters, and the Global News Network has been used as a tool by the United Nations to continue to depict our rule as cruel and unjust. This is the reason the Global News Network will not be allowed into Africa -- we value the freedom of our news agencies so highly that allowing anything less than a /free/ and /unfettered/ press into our borders would offend our moral dignity." "The transmissions made by Mr. Alex Reinfield of the Maverick Hunters and the unknown "Hacker Cat" are clearly slanderous. They offend the dignity of the leaders of the Maverick and Robot Master regimes, as their images were used without their consent. This violates a series of stipulations under the Intellectual Property Act of 2195, and the individuals and media outlets that transmitted the broadcasts should be liable for civil suits under the law of the United Nations. Yet we can find no redress, because the Robot Master and Maverick regimes are seemingly exempt from protection under these laws. Our basic dignity can be smeared at will solely because we are in opposition to the rule of the United Nations." "Then again, history has shown that the United Nations chooses to ignore its own laws whenever it wishes to. The critical Reploid research produced by Dr. Sigmund Doppler was unjustly seized by a desperate United Nations who lacked the moral uprightness to surrender to a superior military force. In doing so, they created a slave race to fight their fruitless war against Dr. Albert Wily, which has begun to turn against them in the form of the Maverick Empire. This same United Nations would have denied their slave race, Reploids, even the basic right to practice what religion they wished in order to allow themselves to continue thinking them lesser to themselves. It took the threat of Emperor Sigma himself to coerce the United Nations to allow the Reploids in their bondage that basic right." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/41 Posted Author Official Master Response (3/3) Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "We stood up for our right to be treated in a civilized fashion when we struck out at the information hubs that were relaying the illegal and hurtful broadcasts. Since we have no redress under the laws of the United Nations, the law of Wily and the law of Sigma was enforced. We would expect similar measures from the United Nations were we to misbehave in such a way, as we are struck at when we commit the terrible crimes of growing food or building roads." "Mr. Alex Reinfield is a criminal. "Hacker Cat" is a criminal. Those who would shelter them or give them any support are criminals, and any government that allows these actions to occur without punishment is an accessory to their crimes against sentient dignity. We fully expect the United Nations to continue to do nothing about this situation, as they have no respect for their laws or the laws of those who do not bend knee to their iron-fisted republic. Thus, we are forced to act to defend ourselves against an injustice, and we will do so by any means necessary." "The media can call their blatantly illegal and hurtful actions against the free nations of the world `freedom of speech'. Those who see their United Nations puppetmasters should call it what it is: offensive." "Thank you for your attention." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/42 Posted Author Mr. Ballade's Speech (1/2) Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "In response to the Robot Master Ballade's recent speech, the United Nations called a press release this morning at their headquarters in Seoul. Several members of the UN Intelligence Offices answered our questions and debated the Robot Master's arguments in a long session in their press room." (The screen changes to the UN Press Room, showing four intelligence officers sitting behind a table with the UN emblem and talking) "Seriously, we're tired of debating political and sentimental talk. Mr. Ballade's speech insists on talking about us as criminals, opressors and censors. He's talked about the benevolence of the Wily and Maverick Empires, and called Mr. Alex Reinfield and "Hacker Cat" criminals. I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been a great and impressive speech, and if I were a politician I'd give my congratulations to the one who wrote it, but us, the ones here today, are just intelligence officers, and we're going to debate Mr. Ballade's speech by analyzing it." "First of all, we've been accused of... polluting their lakes... killing their livestock and hurting their citizens. Well, to accuse someone of such things, you need evidences that show that. The UN politics are totally against using the "poison the river to conquer the castle" tactics, and we don't let our corporals to use civilians as target practice. But now that we're talking about attacks, should we remember who were the ones who robbed, kidnapped, slaughtered and destroyed before, during, and after the conquest of Africa? Not only in UN territory, but also in neutral regions." (A holographic screen above the man starts showing various pictures of the frozen Light Labs, the attack to the Rusket Mecha News Station, and various raids) $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++++ IC News $$$++++++ Message: 9/43 Posted Author Mr. Ballade's Speech (2/2) Mon May 06 News Report ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Second, Mr. Ballade justifies the carnage that was caused due to Mr. Alex Reinfield's video by saying they were offended and that they can find no redress. Did they ask us before launching their heavy weapondry into the News Station. Maybe it was that the postman lost the message somewhere, but we didn't recieve it." "Next point, Dr. Sigmund Doppler's case was fully explained in its moment, and I consider absurd calling a race like Reploids slaves. Reploids were given the freedom to feel, think, and deciede. We didn't expect them to be brainless minions. Not at all. The Coalition for Reploid Freedom started, as we know, thanks to the Maverick virus, and all of us know about the effect the virus causes. Sigma's actions have gone far beyond asking for rights." (The screen changes back to the News Station) "After this introduction, the session continued for another 2 hours of talking, discussing, and answering questions. Now, in other news..." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/70 Posted Author OOC: POST THINGS! Mon May 06 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you launch a raid, POST ABOUT IT! If we get attacked, POST ABOUT IT! We need to keep each other in the informational loop, otherwise we won't have a damn clue as to what's going on. We can't coordinate things properly, particularly the facheads, if we don't have all the facts down and available for us, and the rest of the faction, to view. It's really, really keen to keep your faction informed, so please do so. 'cause when I'm in the dark, I tend to light my path with a Megablast, if you catch my drift. :> $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/71 Posted Author Progress Report Mon May 06 Number Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *text based! Yay* From: ERWIN@wilyorder.org To: RM-Distro@wilyorder.org Re: Idiot Cat. There is good news, and there is really dumb news. The good news is I was able to trace several of "Hacker Cat"'s postings. The bad news is that they're all internet cafes and the like. But...based on some work in UN records, this gives us another advantage. You see, based on the work Synth and Gemini did, and some doublechecking by moi, there apparently -is- a UN data processor named "Hacker Cat", but he always makes his posts and work from his office, or his home. Ballade, I think this is at least enough information to accuse the false "Hacker Cat" of impersonating a UN officer. Lemme know what else you want us to do. -ERWIN *I had intended to close this post with an inspirational haiku and Spinny, but it appears you all prefer video of me getting mauled by a giant panda. So.* *Panda attack!* $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/72 Posted Author Expanding Orders (1/3) Mon May 06 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Surprise surprise, it's Bass. He's.. uh, in parts unknown, and attempting to find him through past logs of movement would show him to be.. quite in parts unknown. The only clue, of course, is the porthole behind him. Which is showing the depths of space. "To put it bluntly, I'm not simply happy with our continued progress to simply take the rest of Africa. If the old man wants to rule the world, then by all means, I think it's high-time we continue that quest and place the near entirety of our network into the next stage. Global conquest, with all the due mayhem, carnage and chaos that shall accompany the rising tides.. doesn't it just sound ever-so /wonderful/?" "To help facilitate this, Wily Rocket Town and.." Bass pauses, speaking through grinding teeth. "Cape.. Wily.. within the Savanna have begun the process of churning out satellites. They'll be launched into place across the continent to be out ever watchful eyes from the sky, while others will assist us across the globe. I'll be returning to space at some point, to deal with the remainder of the opposing satellites, but they do like to put good money to waste on such items." Again he pauses, glancing sidelong off-screen, perhaps at a porthole like the one behind him. He smirks, then he goes on. $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/73 Posted Author Expanding Orders (2/3) Mon May 06 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Our munitions factories within the eastern Sahara are working on churning out IFF mines to be scattered amongst the satellites themselves. I don't want to see anyone getting smart and trying to replicate /my/ little tricks back on us. If worse comes to worse, I'll shove Centaur Man into a nice pink spacesuit and Guts Man can Centaurapult him into high orbit to 'delay' any intruders." "To extend our reach to the high seas, as Pirate Man would no doubt fondly wish as he laments over his lack of any actual hands, docking facilities have been seized and upgraded to the west of Alexandria, in northern Egypt. There, warships and additional water-based generics will be constructed. And no, before you inquire, Aqua Man, there will be no mermen made for your gross amusement. Freak." "The resource collection mines inland from the Ivory Coast are to double their production. Guts Man, you may wish to get your whip out of retirement for this one. Likewise, the harvesting of the cyberjungle within the African Rainforest for our own personal usage is continuing, although I've taken the liberty of sending further troops across. I would suggest anyone who cares about that ungodly plant duly raise their concerns to my hand, as I slap you across the face. In other news, what the utter hell happened to that crystal jungle I demanded?" "We'll be needing those extra materials, since the Quint Blimp is approaching 75% completion. Upon its completion, we'll be putting it to good use, while the Egyptian Ruins will be put to further use. A.. docking facility, for the Quint Blimp itself, must be constructed in high-orbit, with Wily's permission. If you want, consider it a junior version of the Wilystar, and another means for us to keep some nice aerial-tabs on this wonderful crapbucket of a continent we've managed to capture. Oh, right, "persuaded" the populace into accepting us. Right. It won't be anything major, anyway, just a place up there." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/74 Posted Author Expanding Orders (3/3) Mon May 06 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "The Quint Blimp's first assignment will be to assist with Madagascar, if for some IDIOTIC REASON it's not DONE by then, otherwise our dear pilot Quint will turn the ship to the north-east, so we can expand our sway into the middle east itself. In particular, the Repliforce's outpost in Kuwait. I somehow doubt they've sat still there while we've been barricading ourselves in here, and I sure as hell want to see that cookie get cracked right open.." Bass pauses, to laugh. "We'll destroy their pitiful little base, and move the Robot Master vanguard on from there. Joe construction at ALL facilities across Africa is to be doubled in preparation for the march, as soon as the Dam is fully completed. Speaking of which, care to give us another damn update on your wonderful little sink plug, Ballade?" "That's it for now. Keep an eye on the facilities themselves, and I'd suggest that Gamma extend further into the Atlas Mountains, to assist the AA weapons that Magnet Man set up." "That's it, get lost." "Bass out." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/75 Posted Author OOC: Expanding Orders (4/3) Mon May 06 Bass ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, now go back and read the other three if you haven't already, so you've got an idea as to what we're going to aim for relatively soon. :> I've scattered objects for most of the places listed onto the grid, simply to give the good guys places to strike. Do defend them well, hmm? $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/76 Posted Author General Gamma Update Mon May 06 Gemini Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Gemini Man and Gemini Man appear on the monitor. One of them seems to have a few index cards in front of him, and he flips through all of them before he starts.-- "Couple of quick reports and updates here from and regarding Gamma squad..." Flipping past a card, then stopping on one. "Magnet Man, we checked out the lot of defences you've set up in the mountains, and they look pretty good. We'll make keeping track of them part of your current responsibilities, since you're best likely to know how they operate anyway. If you need any help with this, we offer you Top Man." The other twin grins at the camera: "Of course, in order to keep Top Man engaged, we'll also offer him a different set of orders approximately every hour. Currently, Top, the moment you get this message, your orders are to zip on out to Gammasphere and bring us a pizza. We're programming again and we're sure to get hungry at SOME point." Flipping to the next card... "Ummm... sure, we're stealing...um...building a car for Battle and Chase, why not? Yes: ERWIN, Synth, we'll do the dodgeball thing." "ERWIN, please try NOT to suck." Next card... "Another message for ERWIN, we need to know pronto when this 'impersonating a UN officer' thing hits paydirt, or if it's going to at all. If it doesn't, we say we take out the actual Hacker Cat, post a video of the whole event to the impersonator's favorite FTPs, and wait for results." Gemini sighs, then he tosses the cards away, and points at the monitor. "We'd like some WORD about whether or not that's a legal move around here, and we'd like it from Chain of Command. All of this worrying about looking 'legit' and making good public relations is really ruining our ability to strategize like we're used to. We want to hear from CoC as to WHAT civilian targets are still viable, and WHERE those targets are viable. We're tired of having our ideas shot down by people of lesser or equal rank because," making air-quotes, "'People Might Get Hurt.'" --Abrupt cut-off, with spinny.-- -- Gemini Man -- Gemini Man -- "And if you're a Gemini, like me, you can expect the unexpected!" $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/77 Posted Author Delta Update Mon May 06 Dust Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dusty shows up, in the Skull Fortress Med Bay, in his nurse scrubs. "Okay, boys, this is a major one, so listen up. Delta and Epsilon have been charged with taking Madagascar. This comes from Enker. I need all of you Delta boyz to send me your ideas on how to do this. I'll be working with Star on planning this out, and we'll, at least, I'll get specific orders out to the Deltas real soon." A Metool nerps and spits a card at him. Dust reads it, then speaks. "A correction. Delta Boyz sans Toad, get me your suggestions. Toad, report to Enker, or something." He vacuums up the card, and the camera pans back, to show what looks to be a minature Dr. Light, complete with a real hair beard. "Ditz, if you can see this right now, your BattleBot should be ready for testing in a few days. I'd like to go over the weapons systems in the training room." He chuckles. "As well, anyone who is going to participate in the Battle and Chase, and needs some checkups on key systems can come on down, and I'll give you a once over." He grins. "Okay, that's it, guys. Peace out!" $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/78 Posted Author General Updates Mon May 06 Ballade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ballade appears in the command chambers of Skull Haven, making this report from his usual console. A ray of sunshine, as always. "I apologize for the delay in progress updates from myself. Pressing matters of state have required my attention. However, my labors have already begun to bear fruit." Some video rolls of the completed Tidal Dam. "Dam construction is complete. The workers of the dam are being properly trained as to how to maintain and operate the various critical components, and final security measures are being tested and tweaked appropriately. Power generation should begin in earnest by mid-week, with the capability of generating power to points all through Maverick and Robot Master territories." Ballade appears again on the screen. "With the dam completed, the construction Joes and other support troops can be transferred to wherever they find themselves needed. I expect their contribution to the increase in Joe production will be significant." Ballade taps a few keys off-camera, then continues. "To the matter of "Hacker Cat". If the Hacker Cat who seems to be an ordinary data processor is actually our enemy, prove his guilt. Otherwise he is irrelevant, and probably going to be used as a distraction from the real goal. If Broadcast Ocelot is our hacker, I want it to be proven to the satisfaction of third parties, so we may use it for propaganda purposes. My warning about a potential cyber-attack has also not fallen on deaf ears, I hope." More tapping. "I have arranged an appointment to speak with Emperor Sigma of the Maverick Empire to begin high-level talks regarding the fate of South Africa, among other issues and ideas I have been charged with bringing to his attention. If there is anything in particular the rest of you would like me to speak to him about, please bring it to my attention as soon as possible. I do not wish to waste time." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/79 Posted Author Epsilon Report! Mon May 06 Star Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Hey dudes and dudettes! Star Man is here, and its a party! Well, at least its the Epsilon Squad Weekly Report ! Let's get started without any more delay, huh? Schway!" "Alright, the major piece of the puzzle is Gravity Dude's WilyWorld startup, which I must say is going totally awesomely. He's gotten to me the specs and preliminary blueprints and I must say it looks most judiciosuly -cool!- Attached to this report are what Gravity Dude's got so far. He's still looking for ideas and feedback, dudes, so be sure to drop him a line!" "On the Wily Youth front, I was talking to Gemini Dudes about this idea of his and I think it is totally viable. We're going to place some Wily Youthers at a concert in North America -- I dunno which one yet -- to protest the UN or something. THEN, Gemini Dudes are going to get the piggies to start hassling em... and then... BOOM! Heh Heh, we're going to make sure this protest turns ugly, but without us getting the negative attention! The cops'll look like they were beating up kids, and we get some free publicity AND credibility! What do you think, Elite Dudes? I think it'll most totally work!" "Other than that, things are going according to my most excellent plans. Crystal Dude's school is on track and working just beautifully, and Stone Dude's mining ops, since Gravity Dude is kinda busy, are yielding lotsa stuff which are regularly shipping back to the Fortress. The natives ain't so restless and everyone seems to be having a good time not starving to death! That's all for now, see ya next time, dudes! Star Man OUT!" $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/80 Posted Author Epsilon Addendum Mon May 06 Star Man ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Oh yeah, forgot to mention this part! Cape Wily is up and operational, with outputs as are, uhm, seen in the file attached to the report. THIS report, that is. Sweet deal. That's all, dudes! $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/81 Posted Author Enker's Report (1 of 2) Mon May 06 Enker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Good afternoon, brothers and sisters," the Elite intones calmly. His face is, as usual, impassive, hands clasped before him on the surface of the desk. "I felt it was time for an update on some current affairs. I expect all of you to pay close attention to this announcement, for chances are at least a part of it affects each of you." A pause. The armoured android swallows, then continues. "The ban of alcohol is still in full effect, and will remain as such for a good while longer. I will decide then if it is to be continued, set permanently, or alleviated." Enker pauses, his face darkening slightly as he inclines his head, "However, with the recent actions of certain individuals, such as our beloved Toad Man, seriously jeopardizes your chances of seeing your precious 'booze' once more. The location of one of Toad's stashes has been released to me, and I will summarily confiscate all alcohol contained within." The Elite's dark eyes narrow slightly before continuing, "It has also come to my attention that this is not the only hidden cache of alcohol that exists within our ranks. And I assure you, those who are discovered in possession of the substance will receive a punishment just as severe, or even more so, than Toad Man. You have been warned." "On another matter," continues Enker, his visage lightening slightly, "As I am sure you all know by know thanks to Dust Man's announcement; squads Epsilon and Delta are to coordinate the task of claiming the isle of Madagascar in the name of our Father Wily." He pauses, gaze flickering briefly to something off-screen, presumably something relating to Madagascar. "That is, of course, with exception of Toad, for whom I have something else in mind. In any case, anything relating to this operation should now be directing to either of the squad leaders." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ $$$+++ Robot Master $$$+++ Message: 12/82 Posted Author Enker's Report (2 of 2) Mon May 06 Enker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Speaking of new assignments," the Elite continues, gaze floating back and settling on the camera once more, "I have assigned the new position of liaison to the Mavericks to Tengu Man, of squad Theta. He will be shortly departing us to take his position amongst our neighbors to the north, and will be taking care of the majority of Robot Master-Maverick affairs." A pause to let this sink in. Then, "Before my office is swamped with complaints and concern, I would like you all to understand that he has been chosen for a very good reason, by myself, and I /firmly/ believe that our brother Tengu will do an excellent job. As such, he will be reporting to me regularly, and I demand that your utmost respect is given to him, for he will be very much alone out there." "As for Toad," the android goes on, a twitch of annoyance afflicting his upper lip momentarily, "He has been summarily punished for both his unprepared assault, and for his direct breaking of my rules. /None/ are to harm him any further, for the time being. If you have yet another problem with him, bring it up with me personally. His punishment will end once I am convinced he has learnt his lesson." "That is all. Enker out." $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Number Man transmits, "20 bucks on Enker." [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Tengu Man transmits, "I gotta second that, bro. Of course." [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Centaur Man transmits, "20 bucks that this wont end well. Stop fighting you 2." [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Bass transmits, "Here's an idea. Shut up." [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Tengu Man transmits, "I hate to say it, but duh, brother." [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Tengu Man transmits, "Yeesh." ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BB Post in Progress $$$ Group: Robot Master Title: Report -- B&C and H.C. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Clown. Without Sideshow. For once, his arms are somewhat crossed and he looks... annoyed, as well as damaged from his pit duel yesterday.* Let's get to the meat of things shall we? While it is all good that there is a "Hacker Cat" within the UN... we'll be asking for trouble. It's too nice and clean... and it smells like a trap to me. I do believe it is best that we, for now, focus a civilian search for this *Hacker Cat*. And once found... I'm sure our beloved Force Commander would just *love* to have a _CHAT_ with him. As would Vile and Sigma I would imagine. *Clown pauses briefly, before grinning. Not a Happy grin, but one of those Joker grins... except this one is even more _SCARIER_.* Now, I have an idea for Mr. Reinfield. I'm sure the Hunters are doing all that they can to protect _him_. But... what about his _family_, hmm? I like punishing people physically... but to do it _mentally_ and _emotionally_ is much more fun. That, and they will never _EVER_ forget the lesson... I doubt Michael Edalith has never forgotten the lesson Snakey and Firey taught him. So why not a similar lesson to Reinfield, hmmm? Finally, I'm going to enter in this Extreme Destruction, Combat, and in the car race. I'm sure you all remember the Clownmobile... *IMAGE -- Clownmoble.jpg. Think of Sweet Tooth's Ice Cream Truck.* But I decided to do something based off one of Magnet's games... *IMAGE from Twisted Metal BLACK -- Sweet Tooth's Ice cream Truck Mech.* I think it would make this year's car race, interesting... Wouldn't you say? *Mad Cackling! Then W Spinny. Woo.* $$$$$$++++++++++++++++++++ [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Enker transmits, "Attention: all available units. One 'Jet Stingray' is suspected of deploying in Northern Africa in a short period of time. Pay attention to all sensors, and report if he has been spotted." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Dynamo Man transmits, "*muffled by Pizza, noise. No recognizable words* (Translation: I'll keep an eye out.)" [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Gamma CO Gemini Man transmits, "We're scanning now." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Enker clears his throat, "Pardon me. He is expected to be heading toward SOUTH America." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Gamma CO Gemini Man transmits, "Africa or America?" [Radio: (A) Masters-Main] Number Man transmits, "Translation: Look everywhere and keep your eyes puckered." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Enker transmits, "OOC: South Africa. That was a typo. >_<" [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Number Man transmits, "OOC:Don't try to use logic.That's my department." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Gamma CO Gemini Man transmits, "Stingray. Damside, underwater." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Ring Man transmits, "Mines at the Dam just went off, everyone wake up." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Top Man transmits, "Poopy Replipoop! Ruining our party!" [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Number Man transmits, "Bring me his wings. I want to use them as a hammock." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Enker transmits, "Acknowledged. /Be warned/, we have reason to suspect some fierce reinforcements maybe be expected to aid him." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Gravity Man transmits, "This a call to arms?" [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Number Man transmits, "You bet. And it's not even being sung by the Foo FIghters." [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "This Diner uses too much salt! I'll show /THEM/ what I think about it! *crashing noises* *lots of crashing noises*" [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "Um. 'Allo Dynamo." [Radio: (D) Global] Guts Man transmits, "Give them hell Dynamo Man! Show them that they need sugar on the table too!" [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "All this fuss over salt? Pepper's what you gotta worry about!" [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "Inadequate usage of sugar, too much nutmeg! Take this, barstool! *crash*" [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "Although I must say the crepes were fantastic.... I mean Take this! *crash*" [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "....hoo boy." [Radio: (D) Global] Guts Man transmits, "Waffles are better than crepes." [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "And French Toasts beats them all." [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "Lies! Horrible Lies! Crepes are masterworks of cooking! *sounds of customers being shoved and complaining*" [Radio: (D) Global] Snake Man transmits, "And they sssay I have weird eating habitsss" [Radio: (D) Global] Guts Man transmits, "Got any more of those rat treats?" [Radio: (D) Global] Snake Man transmits, "I think Dynamo hasss crepesss on the brain." [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "What's this? /Memorial Table/? ....Actually I think I'll leave that one alone... what's this... /Zero's/ Table? *shove!*" [Radio: (D) Global] Ether Skunk transmits, "Whoa whoa whoa! HEY! Don't mess with Zero's table!" [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "This diner does not serve enough Rubies! I want to eat precious stones! False Advertising! *mayhem noises, mayhem I tell you*" [Radio: (D) Global] Bass transmits, "By all means, Dynamo Man, mess with Zero's table." [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "Er, D..DYnamo, for your own -safety-, I think you might wanna stop..um..and fix things." [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "Yes sir, Bass! I already knocked it over and drew mustaches on his picture!..... Wait... what?" [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "Yeah! No one likes that pretty-boy anyway! Why should he get his own blinkin' table, huh?" [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "I mean, Zero's gonna get -real- mad when he finds...out...*soft groan* ...ugh." [Radio: (D) Global] Guts Man transmits, "If he gets angry we can put him on the Centaurpult." [Radio: (D) Global] Ether Skunk transmits, "Zero will dice you up, like... like a leek!!" [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "Oh, we're scared of Zero. Can you hear me shaking from here?" [Radio: (D) Global] Dynamo Man transmits, "I'd like to see him /do/ something about it! *maniacal laughter, not very good laughter either*" [Radio: (D) Global] Dr. Landon DeVry transmits, "I am somewhat glad that I don't have to repair him when this is through." [Radio: (D) Global] Toad Man transmits, "What do you mean you're glad? You can't do **** in the first place." [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "Um. Okay then. Okay. OOC: Weakness to energy, DYnamo? Ouch ouch ouch." [Radio: (D) Global] Clown Man transmits, "Dyn? You are suppose to laugh like this... *maniacal laughter Joker Style*" [Radio: (D) Global] Dr. Landon DeVry transmits, "Amatuers." [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "That was great, Clown Man!" [Radio: (D) Global] Dr. Landon DeVry transmits, "*clears his 'throat'* heh heh heh hehehahaamwahahahahaHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!" [Radio: (D) Global] Guts Man transmits, "Yer all wrong. You're suppose to laugh like this! *Krusty laugh*" [Radio: (D) Global] Sewa transmits, "...*sigh*" [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "Clown's was still better, DeVry. And Gutsy beats all of you." [Radio: (D) Global] Dr. Landon DeVry transmits, "I fear that only works for someone possessing your level of power, Guts Man." [Radio: (D) Global] Bass transmits, "And here I was, thinking he was just a brain on a metal walker." [Radio: (D) Global] Clown Man audible blush, "...THanks." [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "What, like Krang from that old turtle comic?" [Radio: (D) Global] Clown Man transmits, "Krang was cool, Gravity. DeVry is... Devry." [Radio: (D) Global] Gravity Man transmits, "Duly noted." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Ballade transmits, "Be on alert for a secondary assault. That is all." [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Dynamo Man transmits, "Ummm, guys? Number Man ordered me to go destroy Ruby's Bar in New York, but there's this Skunk here that's telling me I should go destroy my own bar or something. What should I do?" [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Gravity Man transmits, "Anyone out there in Maverick-land?" [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Violen transmits, "What do you want?" [Radio: (B) Masters-Secure] Bass transmits, "You should contemplate running before additional troopers turn up." [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Gravity Man transmits, "Got an idea I'd like to discuss about a potential resources-tradeoff, and I'm not sure who to talk to." [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Violen transmits, "I am... slightly occupied at the moment... but I could be of assistance, I have found myself to be an ambassador as of late." [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Gravity Man transmits, "Alright. Do me a favor, then. If you get un-slightly-occupied anytime soon, let me know, hm? I've got a proposal." [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Violen transmits, "I don't do favors. You find a time when it is convenient for /me/ for /you/ to present /your/ proposal." [Radio: (F) Evil-Center] Gravity Man transmits, "... ...right. Well, then, um... I guess I'll check back in later...?"